Renovation of National Baha’i Center in Suriname

by Baquia

The National Baha’i Center in Suriname requires renovation and the Universal House of Justice has assigned the task of raising the necessary funds (€13,000 or appx. $18,000 Canadian dollars) to two National Spiritual Assemblies: Netherlands and Canada.

The choice of the Netherlands is understandable considering that Suriname was claimed as a colony by the Dutch in 1667 and only gained its independence on November 25 1975. Dutch is still their official language.

The choice of Canada however is puzzling. There is no connection between the two countries other than Canada being a wealthier nation that can afford to support the renovation effort.

But if that is the only criteria that makes sense, the Universal House of Justice could have easily asked any number of countries that are wealthy to send them the funds. Why not the US? Japan? Germany?

Please read complete article here


  1. No need to this for the Baha'is of Suriname. The Baha'is is suriname are involved in crimes. Recently a Baha'i was murdered and a scam regarding illicit sexual activities in Baha'i school was exposed by a school teacher.
    Baha'is are the corrupt people and the Baha'is are the most corrupt.

  2. The UHJ knows a lot about Global Economic and history than you do. There is a larger very active Canadian Expat community in Surinam. There is serious Canadian investment in all of the Southern Carib. The Canadian dollar is not dependent on the Euro as other European Currencies and the spiritual investment of the Canadian Baha'is have not up until this time been revealed in the Southern Americas.

  3. O yes! I forgot!!! UHJ is the manifestation of God on earth. This elected body is Infallible so they know a lot about Global Economic blah blah blah....
    Awake from your sleep Baha'is. They will snatch your money and use it for promoting Israeli Tourism !!!!

  4. let us turn our hearts and souls to god and there we shall find sunshine
