19 Questions for Baha'is

1.Two alternative Baha'i organizations have been sued by the Baha'i Faith organization for using the word "Baha'i" to describe their beliefs. That's like the Catholic Church suing Protestants for calling themselves "Christians". Do you agree that this makes your faith look ridiculous and petty?

2.You believe that eventually all people and nations should come under the theocratic rule of the infallibly inspired Baha'i Universal House of Justice. How is this any different than the Caliphate, Shari'ah, Wilayat-i-faqih?

3.In the Kitáb-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book) Baha'u'llah limits the number of wives to 2, but he had 3 wives. Why believe in such a hypocrite?

4.Bahá'u'lláh was a polygamist who allowed men to have up to 2 wives, so why is polygamy forbidden by Baha'i law?

5.In the Kitáb-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book) Baha'u'llah commands that a thief should have a visible mark put on his forehead after the third offense. Why do you consider this man to be the greatest Manifestation of God?

6.Abdu'l Baha and Shoghi Effendi are both infallible, so why can't they decide if Confucius was or was not a Manifestation?

7.You believe all the greatest faiths founded by Manifestations differ only in non-essential aspects of their doctrines. Even a cursory glance at the doctrines of the major world religions will tell you this is false. So why do you believe this?

8.If Baha'u'llah is the apex of all previous Manifestations, why can't he walk on water or split the moon?

9.According to your faith, each Manifestation is more perfect than the previous one, but do you honestly believe Prophet Muhammad's teachings are superior to Christ's or Buddha's?

10.In "Baha'u'llah and the New Era" (official Baha'i text) Abdu'l Baha ("Slave of Baha", the infallible guide and eldest son of Baha'u'llah) stated that the Kingdom of God would be established on earth by 1957. Where is it, and why has this statemant been removed from the 1970 republication?

11.Bab declared Mirza Yahya (Baha'u'llah's brother) as his successor and presented Baha'u'llah as an inferior. Why do Baha'is suppress this fact?

12.If Baha'is are so peaceful, why was the faith founded on violence and assassinations between supporters of Mirza Yahya and Baha'u'llah?

13.You believe Christianity was perverted during the first century (as per Shoghi Effendi's claim). Isn't this hypocritical coming from a faith that suppresses source materials and revises the writings of deceased authors in futile attempts to make your beliefs match historical reality?

14.Abdu'l Baha "excommunicated" practically all his closest relatives and deprived them of their income from Baha'u'llah's estate after his fathers death. Do you agree that your infallible guide was a cruel and heartless individual?

15.Based on the example set by the infallible Abdu'l Baha, Covenant-breakers (heretics and apostates) are often treated unkindly and ostracized by other Baha'is. So what makes your faith any better than mainstream Islam?

16.Huququllah is the right of guardian, it is clearly stated in your holy writings. Then why Haifan UHJ is accepting it in the absence of guardian?

17.Why you state that Baha'is are united when there are two UHJs and so many guardians and so many sects?

18.When the membership of UHJ will be opened for women?

19.When the teaching of the Baha'i faith will be permitted in the Holy Land (Israel)?


  1. You could ask simular questions about any religion.

    Muhammad permitted men to only have four wives, but he himself was reported to have nine or ten at the time of his death.

    Note: Baha'u'llah married all three of his wives before the Kitab-i-Aqdas was written. Baha'i laws are not retroactive. But the contradiction of Baha'u'llah permitting two wives and Abdu'l-Baha only allowing one is noted. The son should NOT outrank his father!

    More to the point about question 6: Abdu'l Baha and Shoghi Effendi are both infallible, so why didn't Shoghi Effendi obey his grandfather and PUBLICLY APPOINT HIS SUCCESSOR BEFORE HE DIED?

    Dale Husband, the Honorable Skeptic

  2. Dear Dale,

    Thank you for the informative comment.

    The philosophy of multiple marriages of Prophet Mohammad can be found here.


    I hope it helps.

    As for the moslems. We do not believe the prophets to be manifestations of God. According to my belief the prophets are normal individuals just like us but more loving to god and more sacrificing.

  3. Polygamy by its very nature turns ordinary men into abusive cult leaders. In all, Baha'u'llah's family was disowned by Abdul'Baha and Shoggi Effendi.

    There are about 1000 descendents of Baha'u'llah in Israel. They have married into the Palestinian population.

    It is impossible to expect a woman not to feel pain and jealousy at being forced to share her husband, and inevitably, the women turn on each other as a result. Such a situation could not possibly be God's will.

    Unfortunately, there are some people around who insist that it is (Shoggi Effendi explains that Baha'u'llah married 3 wives in order to keep up with Islamic traditions).

    1. In the book of laws that Baha'ullah wrote; It states that you can have 3 wives.
      No one can change this until another prophet appears

  4. Abdul'Baha did allow a few Iranian Baha'is to take a second wife and continue with bigamy-
    even though he had explained that justice could only be done with one wife.

  5. Interestingly, Tahirih taught ***monogomy***. And the Bab many times ratified her teachings. Mriza Husayn Ali Nuri (mhan) came along and abrogated that. Then Abdu'l-baha overturned MHAN's dictum - so who do bahais listen to in the aqdas - MHAN or Abdu'l-baha - the prophet or his exponders?

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