The judgment of government of Iran spoilt the Grand Party for the UHJ

The Supreme body of Haifan Baha’is (UHJ) expected death sentence for Yaran. The judgment of government of Iran spoilt the Grand Party for the UHJ.

A Report

The Supreme Authority of the Haifan Baha’is, ‘Universal House of Justice’ (UHJ) has been identified with trying to derive mileage out of sufferings of followers. Unbelievable but true, this news has been leaked out from internal sources! The recent sentence of 20 years imprisonment to the 7 Baha’is, accused of spying in Iran, came as an unpleasant surprise to the UHJ! While the UHJ was preparing to derive global mileage, as there were all indications that the government of Iran would deliver a death sentence, the verdict has spoilt the party for the UHJ.

Inside sources say that the UHJ cannot digest this reality still. With planned publicity success on previous occasion, where a young Baha’i girl (Mona) was sentenced to death in Iran, the UHJ did not expect the events to turn so distasteful. In the death of Mona, the UHJ spotted a unique propagation opportunity. Mona Schools, Mona Teaching Projects, Mona Classes, Mona Funds etc spread in her memory all over the world! It was like celebrations at the death of a small kid.

Such spirit is unique to the teachings of the Baha’i Faith, strictly governed by the UHJ. While other religions and societies would prefer to observe mourning and try to overcome unpleasant memories, the UHJ prefers to campaign for Baha’i beliefs on such occasions.

There are reports that UHJ even steps out and maneuvers situations to worsen the crises. Directions are forwarded to believers under investigation, to challenge authorities, admit and support violations of law of land. The innocent followers, enthused by such messages, continue the course of conflict with the authorities. Little do they realize the repercussions and the fact that they are being used as pawns. Pity the innocent followers!

The UHJ has also been accused on other occasions of dumping-off follower, when it does not see a potential. The UHJ follows the policy of “USE AND THROW”. Take the example of Mr. Timur who is a respectable Baha’i who when deported from Uzbekistan for Proselytizing, was declared an Iranian Agent by the mouth pieces of Universal House of Justice, ‘Muslim Network for Baha’i Rights’.

Insiders say that the entire UHJ is run with secrecy and shrewdness that would put to shame the intelligence of the best of countries! It is not a surprise that insiders fear to speak out against the UHJ or the Faith due to fear of reprisals.

A staff Reporter

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't have put it better myself. Of course, remember this, if the Iranian regime itself was remotely serious about the charges they would have hanged the 7 individuals a long time without it dragging it out this long. In Iran they kill spies on the spot. Both the UHJ (or, rather its backers) and the IRI have been using these 7 individuals as bargaining chips, and the UHJ of course is nothing but a patsy itself to higher nefarious entities anyway.

    These individuals will be out soon, maximum maybe 2 years, since the speed at which the internal frictions of the regime are fracturing it from within is daily gaining momentum.
