Detailed story of Sepehr Taheri

Uzbekistan deports another Baha’i for organizing "illegal meetings" in private homes
16 February 2010

Sepehr Taheri, a Baha'i with British citizenship who had lived in the Uzbek capital Tashkent since 1990, is married to an Uzbek citizen and their children were all born there. In the wake of his deportation, a local news website accused Taheri of "propagandizing Baha'i religious teaching" and increasing the number of "proselytes" in the country. The website's chief editor defended to Forum 18 its publication of the article, which was written by the same author who attacked the previous Baha'i to be expelled from Uzbekistan.

According to a 5 February article by Abduvali Turaev on the Novosti Uzbekistana website, Taheri was working in Tashkent as an English language teacher. He was found guilty of violating the Code of Administrative Offences and, on 17 November 2009, was deported from Uzbekistan. The Baha'i community confirmed Taheri's deportation to Forum 18 without giving details.

The deportation of Taheri is the latest in a series of government moves against the Baha'i community, which has been able to register its groups in Tashkent, Samarkand, Jizak, Bukhara and Navoi.

More than ten officers from the police and NSS secret police, together with an official of the City Justice Department and the head of the mahalla (city district) committee raided the Baha'i centre in Tashkent's Khamza District in July 2009. Two Baha'is were found guilty of resisting the police, charges they denied, and sentenced to fifteen days' imprisonment. After that one of the two was expelled to neighboring Kazakhstan (see F18News 24 September 2009

Turaev's article, "Sower of Alien Ideas", claimed that Taheri had come to live in Uzbekistan in 1990 "for mercenary reasons" and as a missionary. It claimed he married an Uzbek citizen "to legalize his presence in the country, to conceal his mercenary aims and to avoid being unmasked". The author alleged that "by concealing his real aims" he was able to set up nine Baha'i groups across Uzbekistan.

Turaev claimed Taheri had been arrested in August 2008 while "brainwashing" a local woman "with the aim of forcing her to change her religious views". But "on that occasion he was able to evade responsibility". The author then claims that Taheri organized the participation of more than 200 people from Uzbekistan in an "unsanctioned" meeting of Baha'is from Central Asia in Almaty in Kazakhstan in December 2008. The author claimed that most of those who went from Uzbekistan did not know they were going to a religious conference.

The author accused Taheri of organizing "illegal meetings" in private homes in Tashkent in the first three months of 2009, as well as invitations to foreign Baha'is to visit communities in the country. "It is natural that his activities were recognized as contradicting the laws of Uzbekistan," Turaev declared.

In September 24, 2009 another Baha’i Mr.Timur Chekparbayev, was deported for proselytism children as young as 16 years. Mr. Timur Chekparbayev carried out missionary and proselytizing activity without having the consent of the Uzbekistani authorities and the consent of the parents, it was in clear violation of the Uzbekistani law.

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UHJ to NSA to SBC/RBC down to LSAs all are selections in the name of elections

A- UHJ Elections

1-Every member of the present UHJ is from International Teaching Centre (ITC).It is clear indication that a Baha’i is first appointed on board of counselor, then he is promoted to ITC and finally he is elevated as UHJ member.

2-Mr. Razavi and Correa when promoted to ITC, they were given a world tour (Made a part of the Orchestra) to justify their programmed predetermined election.

3-Mr. Omid Seioshanseian in India and Mr. Jabbar Eidhelkhani in Bangladesh are sending false reports to UHJ with the intention of getting appointed on ITC.

4. India has the highest population of Baha’is of more than 2.2 million, but never even a single Indian has been elected as member of the UHJ. This speaks of the STAGE MANAGED, UHJ election.

5-There are National Spiritual assemblies in almost 200 countries but four members out of nine (45%) on UHJ are Persians.

All with approval of UHJ.

B- Nexus between UHJ and NSA

1-UHJ sees that no undesired member is elected on the NSA. This is done with collaboration of the UHJ member responsible for that country and the continental counselors.

2-Members of NSA also use fraudulent means of getting himself and his group elected every year.

3-When there are so many active local Indian Baha’is and more than half the delegates are Indian then how come the members elected are Persians.

4-Some of those members of the NSA, who are being elected year after year, do not possess an impressive record of services to the Faith.

5-The circle is so vicious and so tightly bound that there doesn’t appear to be any way out of it for sincere active Indian Baha’is.

6-A Baha’i delegate purposely made his ballot invalid by writing 10 names but the report of the chief teller said there was no invalid votes.

7-Those members who get elected to the NSA by fraudulent means, also manage to manipulate the election/appointments to the State Baha’i Councils and Regional Baha’i Councils of their States, besides taking improper action on other matters.

8-There is a close nexus between these people. This has been going on.

All with approval of UHJ.

C- Counting process

The counting process of the Baha’i election is Stage managed, because, it is at this stage that the names mentioned in the votes are not read out correctly to the tellers that is why, year after year, the same men manage to get themselves on the National Assembly. Can appropriate handling of Funds be expected from such cheats!

D- Meetings of NSA

1-Whenever one or two 'prominent' members (Persian members) are not able to attend a meeting, the meeting is either cancelled or postponed.

2 Decisions are taken on phone. Although Baha'i administration do not allow for consensus decisions over the phone.

3 Decisions taken in this manner are improper and cannot be acted upon.

4-Mrs. Sorabjee after being removed as counselor tried very desperately to become NSA member despite her advanced age. She use to attend National Conventions and did thorough canvassing for her. With the approval of UHJ (Payman Mohajir) she was declared elected.

5-Certain members like Mr.Anil Sarwal, Dr. Mogbelpur and Dr. Ansari were made to resign to clear the way for Mrs. Sorabjee, Mrs. Farideh Vahedi and Ms. Nazneen Rohani. The love for women is not only the specialty of Dr. Payman but it is of entire Mohajir clan.

6-The undesired member Dr. Ansari was reelected but was again asked to resign after a month to clear the way for Dr. Sohail Mohajir.

7-Days are numbered for Dr. Telli, Mr. Ramsevak and Mr. Ali Merchant.

8. The decision by these women is taken in consultation with Mr. Mohajir and conveyed to the other respected members and they are left with no option but to accept it or else the door is open. Hats off to Mr.Ansari for maintaining his self esteem.

9. When no women member is allowed on the UHJ, then how come on the NSA we have a majority of decisions making by women and the others are made to look like show pieces just to fill in the seats.

All with approval of UHJ

Prepared By
Former Members of
National Spiritual Assembly of Baha'is of India.

Haifan Baha'is lied about Ayatollah Montazeri's 2008 fatwa

In mid-2008 the world press was abuzz with a media campaign initiated by the Haifan Baha'is claiming that then dissident (and now deceased) Grand Ayatollah Hossein-'Ali Montazeri had issued a fatwa (legal jurisprudential ruling) arguing for full recognition, and tangentially full citizenship rights, to be granted the Haifan Baha'i creed under the Islamic Republic of Iran. On the basis of the Baha'i campaign, the following text was offered by the world media as proof of the claim:

Read more here :

Why baha'is are not allowed to see the pictures of baha'u'llah?

As a Bahá'í youth, I remember not being impressed with the photographs I had seen of Bahá'u'lláh. Having grown up with charming images of `Abdu'l-Bahá, my expectations were high, and unfair to Bahá'u'lláh.

Portraits of `Abdu'l-Bahá are as common as the Virgin Mary in Bahá'í households, and they have guidelines for posting these portraits in a respectful manner. In spite of this idolatrous practice, Bahá'ís consider themselves special for not displaying portraits of Bahá'u'lláh!

I don't intend to criticize Bahá'u'lláh for his lack of physical charm. There is certainly no absolute need for a Manifestation of God to have a warm, charming appearance, but when I hear Bahá'ís wonder at the attractiveness of `Abdu'l-Bahá, I am moved to ask, why do you place significance on such matters?

I can't help but be skeptical regarding the motives behind the Bahá'í prohibition against portraits of Prophets. Given the Bahá'í affection for graven images, I'm inclined to wonder whether the prohibition would have ever been laid down had Bahá'u'lláh been better looking.

Bahá'ís are told not to keep photos of their Prophets because such photos could too easily become idols; believers would focus on the appearance of their prophet, and be distracted from his message.

Yet, the anticipation of Bahá'ís to view the one Holy Image in the International Archives Building in Israel is only heightened by that prohibition of graven images, and Bahá'ís shudder at the prospect of seeing the image of Bahá where they ought not, as though the image itself has some kind of ominous power!

Interesting correspondence with Muslim convert about Bahaism

I hope you don't mind me telling you a little bit about myself, and asking some questions.

I have read some of your articles about mysticism, and comments about the Baha'i Faith and some of it is hard to deny. Here is a little background about myself. I converted to Islam when I was nineteen years old, and within a year I discovered the Baha'i Faith. I didn't do much research at first because I was still getting used to practicing Islam and grasping the idea of being part of a worldwide Muslim community. I didn't care for all of the rules and regulations that the 'ulama declared were the only true means of practicing the faith. It seemed like they made Islam excessively hard to practice for most people. When I finally began to research the Baha'i Faith, my attraction was really towards the Bab', Ali-Muhammad Shirazi. I read Mirza Husayn Ali's "Book of Certitude" in one night, and the parts that kept me reading even though my mind was tired, were the prophecies about the Bab' as the Mahdi. I was not interested in prophecies at that time, because I didn't come from a particular background that required them. The same was true for Islam. I didn't "need" to know that Muhammad was prophesized in the Bible, as I was an agnostic. Even so, when I read the Shi'a hadith that was quoted in the book, I fell in love with this man called "The Bab'." Even when I started to hang out with the Baha'is, I would jokingly refer to myself as a "Muslim Babi" because of how attracted I was to him.

But jokes aside, I didn't see a contradiction with that phrase because I viewed the Bab' as a man who created a community that was "outside" of Islam but still "inside" at the same time, like a paradox. After a month of spending time with Baha'is, I saw my first red flag. I was talking to one of my Baha'i friends and mentioned that I wanted to learn Farsi or French so I could read the Persian Bayan in full. For some reason, still unknown to me to this day, she became instantly suspicious and implied that my "intentions" to read it were impure somehow. "Wait a minute", I thought. Why would she give me a guilt trip because I wanted to read a part of her own faith's scripture? If I were talking to a Muslim and stated that I wanted to learn Arabic so I could read the Qur'an in its original language, they would be ecstatic and probably even help me learn the language if they knew it. I took the matter to some other Baha'is because I thought maybe she just had her own issues or something, but they also became silent when I said it was because I wanted to read the Persian Bayan.

One of them kindly suggested that it would be easier for me to just read the writings of Baha'u'llah because he is the "most recent" Manifestation of God, they are more easily available, and they are translated into English so I don't need to learn a foreign language. I understood the logic, but I didn't understand why they were all trying to dissuade me from reading a piece of their own scripture. I got the impression that they had something to hide. That wasn't my initial perception at all, but when they kept trying to steer me in a certain direction and even question my "intentions" (whatever that means), what else was I to think? The only reason why I wanted to read the Persian Bayan was because of my attraction to the Bab, not despite of it. I eventually caved to their wishes and read the writings of Mirza Husayn 'Ali instead, which were inspiring to a certain degree. But I would get this intuitional feeling that somehow the Baha'i Faith wasn't telling the whole story about its origins, like it was hiding something.

Every time I would feel that way, I would crush it and punish myself for thinking such "unholy" thoughts. I also started to wonder if the Baha'i Faith actually despised Islam at its inner core. While I could never categorically prove this, I came across many passages and writings that seemed to speak ill of Islam through cleverly constructed phrases that appear to exalt the faith of Muhammad at face value, but in actuality are tearing it apart. I would notice that out of all of the interpretations given to particular Quranic verses and hadiths that exist in the tradition of Islamic scholarship, the Baha'i Faith would almost always pick the "bad" one that would make Islam appear "backward" to the "enlightened" west, and would then say "this is why Baha'u'llah came, to reform religion...etc." Perhaps that is too conspiratorial, but it was a very strong feeling I had that would inevitably creep up no matter how much I censored my thoughts. One of my most vivid memories of this kind of thing, was a "conversation" I had with a sweet elderly Persian woman. She initiated it by stating that according to a Zoroastrian scholar on satalite t.v., Muhammad (pbuh) commanded his followers to bury their new born children alive during the early years of his prophethood; but he later abrogated that law by commanding them to only bury their female new born children alive and sparing the males. I told her that that was really confusing since the Qur'an specifically mentions the practice of burying female new borns and condemns it. She just brushed that off and kept saying more things that would make Islam look bad, and ended our conversation with a hug and an "apology" for "offending" me, and stating a final after thought, "the Qur'an tells men to beat their know this?"

This leads into my questions. What is it that I could have done to make these Baha'is treat me this way? I was nothing but respectful towards them and their faith. I never said a bad word about their religion. And yet it seems like just because of the sheer fact that I was a Muslim, that somehow meant that I was less than them. Even after I became a Baha'i, while still retaining my love and appreciation for Islam and the Prophet Muhammad, some of the Baha'is would still pick at me for my association with Islam. The elderly Persian woman would sometimes ask me if I was "still a Baha'i", which is a meaningless question because the LSA would know if I had resigned from the Baha'i Faith (which I did a number of years later.) In the research you have done, is there any evidence that the Baha'i Faith has an agenda to make Islam look barbaric and evil, while appearing to praise the Prophet Muhammad and the Qur'an? In connection with that question, does the Baha'i Faith have an agenda to make the Babi Faith and Islam appear to be enemies of each other? Did Tahirih really claim that Muhammad's teachings were "nonsense"? Is there a full translation of the Persian and Arabic Bayans in English? Or for that matter, are full copies of the originals still in existence for anyone to read?

Thanks for getting back to me, I really appreciate it...About Western imperialism and the Baha'i Faith, I am also starting to think there is a connection. I still have a few Baha'i friends, and almost on a daily basis I hear about the "oppression of Baha'is in Iran", which saddens me. But what makes me question things is this: Out of all of the oppressed peoples of the world, from South America to Chechnya, from Iran to the First Nation peoples of North America, why is is that so much attention is given to seven people in Iran? I am not saying that persecution requires a high number of people for it to be persecution, but they act as if Baha'is are the only people being persecuted in that country. In the past twenty years, about two-hundred Baha'is have been executed by the State. That is a serious human rights crime, but does it really warrant a war, sanctions, and massive death for the entire Iranian population, while other countries that are allies of the United States kill groups of people in the thousands? And when non- Baha'is question Baha'is why they don't speak out against the oppression of other groups of people, they basically say that it's not their job. Which would be a "fair", albeit selfish answer if it were not for the sheer fact that the Baha'i institutions call on non- Baha'is to speak out on behalf of Baha'is. But when the tables are turned, the Baha'i institutions don't want to hear it.

This might sound really off-the-mark, but do you think it is possible that the "higher-ups" of the Baha'i Faith are practicing some form of "black" magick in an attempt to influence world affairs towards their goals? Also, are you aware of any Baha'i-Freemason connections? I came across some interesting things a Baha'i wrote on a Baha'i forum, but haven't done enough researching yet to know if it is true. Basically, he said that the name "Baha'u'llah" is a "special name" at the Baltimore Masonic Temple, like a "code word." They have a hallway of nine doors, with the ninth door being the highest as the hall moves upwards. He also said that Gleanings from the writings of Baha'u'llah is in their top ten books of scripture to read from. He said that Baha'is are not permitted to join Secret Societies, but he knows at least two Baha'is in "good standing" who are 33rd degree Masons.

Thanks to Mr. Wahid Azal for putting this on TRB

Из Узбекистана выдворен сектант - подданный Великобритании

Ташкент. 5 февраля. ИНТЕРФАКС - Подданный Великобритании, незаконно проповедавший идеи бахаизма, выдворен из Узбекистана, сообщил в пятницу "Интерфаксу" источник в правоохранительных органах республики.

"Он находился в республике с 1990 года с целью пропаганды религии Бахаи и увеличения сторонников секты. Официально он преподавал в одном из учебных центров английский язык", - сообщил собеседник агентства.

Подданный Великобритании, иранского происхождения, Тохирий Сепехер осуществлял свою миссионерскую деятельность совместно с гражданином Казахстана. Им удалось открыть девять филиалов в шести городах республики.

Деятельность Т.Сепехера признана противоречащей законодательству Узбекистана, и он был привлечен в соответствии с Кодексом об административной ответственности, а затем депортирован.

Сторонники бахаизма представляют секту исламского происхождения, которая претендует на статус мировой религии.

Cultist - British national deported from Uzbekistan

Cultist - British national deported from Uzbekistan

National of Great Britain, who illegally preached Bahaism ideas, is deported from Uzbekistan, a source in the Republic's law enforcement agencies told Interfax.

"He has stayed in the Republic since 1990 to promote Bahai religion and increase the number of the sect adherents. Officially, he was a teacher of English in an educational center," the interviewee of the agency said.

British national of Irish origin, Tohiriy Sepeher carried out his missionary work together with a citizen of Kazakhstan. They managed to open ten branches in six cities of the Republic.

Bahaism (Baha'i faith) is a sect of Islamic origin that pretends to a status of world religion.

5th Feb 2010

The funeral of Mirza Yahya Subh-i-Azal (Baha'u'llah's Brother) in Cyprus

Click in the image to enlarge.

Back in August 1868 the government of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire sentenced Baha'u'llah and His half -brother Subh-i-Azal to exile.. sending Subh-i-Azal to Farmagusta, Cyprus and sending Baha'u'llah to the prison fortress of Akka.. in order to keep an eye on both a strategy was devised to send some of the adherents of each to supposedly spy and report on the prisoners.

So four followers of Baha'u'llah were exiled to Cyprus and four Azalis were sent to Akka..

Among the four sent to Cyprus was the well known calligrapher Mishkin Qalam ".. The Baha'is on Cyprus were not happy with the situation and as soon as they could they returned to the Holy Land to gain the presence of Baha'u'llah.

The Azalis sent to Akka according to the Baha'is kept track of who went to see Baha'u'llah and tried to foment trouble and this led some "misguided Baha'is" "without the authorization of Baha'u'llah to murder the Azalis"..

23 Jan 1872 Murder of Siyyid Muhammad (the one who had constantly manipulated Mirza Yahya into his cowardly acts), Aqa Jan Big and another companion Covenant-breaker in 'Akka in retaliation for their persecutions. Bahá'u'lláh had forbidden any act of retaliation, but seven of His tormented companions succumbed. An army of men descended upon the Bahá'ís. The seven guilty men were confined for several years. The remainder were confined for six months. The distress caused to Bahá'u'lláh of this event was immeasurable: "That which can make Me ashamed is the conduct of such of My FOLLOWERS as profess to love Me".

(Same kind of story is narrated by the Baha'is regarding the execution attempt on the Shah of Iran on 28th August 1852 by some Babis / Baha'is)

As to Subh-i-Azal he was left alone by the Baha'is sent with his family and was later isolated by his own followers to a great degree..He passed on in 1912 on the island of Cyprus.

A High Resolution Image of Subh i Azal

Mirza Yahya Subh i Azal (The real successor of Bab) and his three sons.

Division among the followers of Bab and Baha'u'llah

Here is a brief presentation on the history of divisions in the Bahá'í Faith - right from its inception, the Báb, 'Subh-i-Azal, Bahá'u'lláh, Abbas Effendi, Shoghi Effendi and finally till the present day Universal House of Justice.