This is a good "comment" that I wish to publish as a post in my blog

A Baha'i Cultist (Probably Susan Maneck) wrote :

Why are Muslims so afraid of Baha’i Faith?

Because it promotes the equal rights for men and women?
Because it supports a obligatory education for every children?
Because it promotes a sense of world unity by stating that the world is but one country and mankind it’s citizens?
Because it supports the need of a world auxiliary language?
Because it wants to abolish the extremes of richness and poverty?
Because it supports the end of all kinds of prejudices?

Answer by an Indonesian Muslim :

Huh? A lot of what you described is what Islam teaches.. oh wait.. Baha'i Faith is derived from true Islamic values.

“Because it promotes the equal rights for men and women?”

In Islam, men and women are equal before God. But there is recognition that there are differences amongst the sexes and both men and women have obligations toward each other.

“Because it supports a obligatory education for every children?”

In Islam, seeking knowledge is encouraged. There’s a famous saying during the times of Prophet Muhammad SAW where a man wanted to learn more about China and the Prophet SAW replied, “Then go to China”. Another saying: “”Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave”" – Muhammad

“Because it promotes a sense of world unity by stating that the world is but one country and mankind it’s citizens?”

Two words: Muslim ummah. You won’t find solidarity or unity in another religion except in Islam. When Israel attacked a predominately Christian country of Lebanon, many of the Western countries took the side of Israel. When the US invaded Iraq, a lot of Muslims vehemently opposed US action.

“Because it supports the need of a world auxiliary language?”


“Because it wants to abolish the extremes of richness and poverty?”

One word: zakat. Let’s be realistic..there are always will be social-economic classes.

“Because it supports the end of all kinds of prejudices?”

“O people! Your God is one and your forefather (Adam) is one. An Arab is not better than a non-Arab and a non-Arab is not better than an Arab, and a red (i.e. white tinged with red) person is not better than a black person and a black person is not better than a red person, except in piety. ” – Prophet Muhammad SAW

~Tuan Indonesian-American Muslim


  1. I see you keep removing my posts pointing out that Frank Johnson was never a Baha'i, he is a Fundamentalist Christian who has a grudge against Baha'is because the Tahirih Justice Center which was established by a Baha'i lawyer to defend the rights of immigrant women helped to get a bill passed which required that anyone seeking a mail order bride be required to reveal any criminal record to their perspective bride.

  2. And this article unpacks the Tahirih (in)Justice Center and reveals its agenda and motivations:

    It is written by a leftwing anarchist who is agnostic.
