One More Book Published by Muslims in Pakistan

Qurat Ulain Tahira
Qurratu'l-`Ayn Tahirih

قرۃ العین طاہرہ
Author/Translator: Shahid Mukhtar
Price: $ 3.99
Format: Hard Cover, 160Pages, Weight: 300 gm
Product-Id: 1011161
Publisher: Shahid Book Depot
Publish date: 2006

طاہرہ اک مسلمان شیعہ گھرانہ میں پیدا ہونے کے باوجود جوانی میں جس مذہب میں رنگی گئی وہ بابی مذہب تھا- علامہ اقبال اپنے ڈاکڑیٹ کے مقالہ فلسفہ عجم میں بابیت پر بحث کرتے ہوۓ لکھتے ہیں "باب کی تعلیمات کا بنیادی ماخذ ملاصد رہ کا فلسفہ ہے جسے شیخ احسائی نے اپنایا اور اسکی تشریحات لکھیں- بابی افکار میں یہودیت،پارسیت،باطنیت اور قدیم ایرانی موبدیت کے واضع عناصر موجود ہیں یہ مذہب کے نام پر سیاسی اقدار کے حصول کی عجمی سازش تھی جو سیاسی ناکامی کے بعد مذہبی دنیا میں بہائیت کے نام سے ایک نئے روپ میں جلوہ گر ہے اور اس وقت اسلام دشمن طاقتوں کے ہاتھوں کا کھلونا ہے" ۔

شیخ احسائی سنی گھرانے میں پیدا ہونے کے باوجود شیعہ مسلک سے تعلق رکھتے تھے لیکن شیعہ مسلک اس عقیدہ سے اختلاف رکھتے تھے کہ "مہدی پیدا ہو چکے ہیں لیکن انھیں ڈھائی سال کی عمر میں ہی فرشتوں نے ایک غار میں چھپا رکھا ہے اور جب دنیا ختم ہونے کو ہو گی تو انکا ظہور ہو گا اور وہ دنیا کو عدل و انصاف سے بھر دیں گے" انکا کہنا تھا کہ امام غائب اس دنیا میں آئیں گے لیکن وہ امام غائب کے مثیل ہونگے ۔

امام مہدی کے ظہور کے بارے میں جو مختلف نظریات پاۓ جاتے ہیں انکا خلاصہ یہ ہے ۔

مہدی کے ظہور کی کوئی پیشنگوئی نہیں کی گئی صحاح ستہ میں نامعتبر راویوں کی احادیث صرف خلافت کے حصول کی حکمت عملی کے تحت شامل کی گئی تھیں ۔

طاہرہ کی ازدواجی زندگی

مرزا کاظم بیگ کے مطابق قرتہ العین کی نسبت پہلے برگن کے مجتہد آخوند محمد تقی سے ٹھہری تھی جبکہ دیگر مورخین کا کہنا ہے کہ اسکی نسبت بچپن سے ہی اسکے چچا ملا محمد تقی کے بیٹے ملا محمد سے طے پا چکی تھی اور اسی باعث 1831ء میں تیرہ سال کی عمر میں اسکی شادی ملا محمد سے کی گئی جس کا شمار اس وقت کے اچھے قابل علماء میں ہوتا تھا- یہ شادی بڑی دھوم دھام سے ہوئی تھی طاہرہ کے ایک گاؤں کے علاوہ بیش بہا قیمتی تحفے تحائف ملے جو ایک خزانہ کی حیثیت رکھتے تھے لیکن یہ شادی مذہبی نظریات کی بھینٹ چڑھ گئی طاہرہ اکژ کہا کرتی تھی کہ یہ شادی اسکی مرضی سے نہیں ہوئی تھی ورنہ اسکا شوہر سفروحضر میں اسکا ساتھ دیتا- 23 یا 26 سال کی عمر میں وہ دو بیٹوں اور ایک بیٹی کی ماں تھی- بڑے بیٹے کا نام محمد ابراہیم اور چھوٹے بیٹے کا نام محمد اسماعیل تھا- بیٹی اور بڑے بیٹے محمد ابراہیم کے حالات زندگی تاریخ کے اوراق پر محفوظ نہیں ہیں البتہ محمد اسماعیل کے نواسہ نعمت ورثا نے بہائی تحریک کی شاعری میں شہرت حاصل کی ۔

طاہرہ کی ازدواجی زندگی بابیت کی نذر رہی جسے اسکے خسر اور خاوند نے قبول نہیں کیا- یہ دونوں بابی تحریک کے زبردست مخالف تھے- اسکے خسر نے اسکے روحانی پیشوا شیخ احسانی کے ساتھ قیامت کے مسئلہ پر مناظرہ کرتے ہوۓ اسے کافر قرار دیا اور قزوین سے نکال دیا تھا جب قرتہ العین طاہرہ سید علی محمد باب کے اٹھارہ حروف حی میں شامل ہوئی تو اسکے خسر نے نہ صرف باب پر لعنت بھیجی بلکہ طاہرہ کے ساتھ بھی تلخ رویہ اختیارکرتے ہوۓ کہا ۔

بهائیت آن گونه که هست

Baha'i Software for Mobile Phones in Persian
So many Baha'i E-books

شامل :
نيمهِ‌ شعبان، عيد اميد : او مي‌آيد...‌ ، انقلاب‌ اسلامي‌ ايران؛
وامدار الطاف‌ الهي : ما منّت‌ از ولي‌عصرعج مي‌كشيم‌ ،
بهائيت و روس‌ تزاري‌ : بحثي در مناسبات حسينعلي‌ بهاء و روسيه‌ ، پيوند ديرپا با استعمار تزاري‌ ، تشكر بهاء از تزار و سفير روسيه‌ ، واكاوي مناسبات روس تزاري و بهائيت‌ ، ماه عسل در عشق‌آباد ، بها، و تحت‌ الحمايگي‌ روسيه‌ ، پرده‌اي از مناسبات بهائيت‌ و عثماني ، نامه‌اي كه به سرقت رفت! ، باقر اوف؛ بهائي‌ و «روس‌فيل» ، خوابي كه تعبير نشد! ، همكاري‌ بهائيان‌ با تشكيلات‌ (سياسي‌ و اقتصادي) روسيه‌ در ايران ، مغازله با همسايه شمالي ، چرا كتاب‌ «كشف‌ الغطاء» را جمع‌ كردند؟!‌ ،
بهائيت‌ و انگليس‌ : ارتباط‌ بهائيت‌ با استعمار تزاري ، عباس‌ افندي؛ تغيير قبله‌ از روس‌ به‌ لندن‌ ، حمايت‌ عبدالبها از بريتانيا در جنگ‌ جهاني‌ اول‌ ، چتر عنايت‌ لندن‌ بر سر پيشوا ، پاداش‌ خدمت‌ به‌ امپراتوري‌ ، راز اعطاي‌ نشان ، اعطاي نشان، ننگي‌ براي‌ عبدالبها در تاريخ‌ ، حمايتها ادامه‌ دارد! ، سابقه ارتباط‌ و طمع‌ انگليس‌ به‌ بهائيان‌ ، حمايت‌ انگليس‌ در طول‌ قرن‌ 20 از بهائيان ، مناسبات‌ مانكجي‌ هاتريا با بها‌ئيان‌ ، دوستان‌ «انگلو ـ صهيون» ، همكاري‌ با مؤ‌سسات انگليس‌ در ايران‌ ،
بهائيت‌ و امريكا : سومين دولت استعماري ، پيوند ديرين با امريكا ، بهائيت،پيشگام در ترويج فرهنگ امريكايي در ايران‌ ، دستيار جناب ويلسون‌ ، اردشيرجي‌، ميراث‌دار مانكجي در ايران‌ ، تعامل با ميسيون‌هاي تبشيري ، حمايت امريكا از بهائيه ، روابط با سيا و کاخ سفيد ،
بهاییت و اسراییل : دادگاههاي‌ اسرائيل پشتيبان‌ شوقي‌ افندي‌ ، ديدار با مسئولان‌ تراز‌ اول‌ اسرائيل ، بهائيت‌ و صهيونيسم‌ ، حضور در انجمنهاي‌ ماسوني‌ و شبه‌ ماسوني‌ ، شادي از پيروزي تل آويو ،
موج‌ بيداري‌ اسلامي، و افول‌ فرقه‌ ضاله : لوطي‌ نباخته!‌ ،
بهائيت‌ و رژيم‌ پهلوي: اظهار عبوديت و جان‌نثاري! ، امپرياليسم خبري و بهائيت‌ ، کرنش به‌ ديکتاتوري! ، کاش همه بهائي مي‌شدند! ،
آيت‌الله‌ بروجردي‌ و بهائيان‌ : نگران از نفوذ! ،
اميرکبير در مقابله باب و بهاء! : نقش‌ بي‌بديل‌ امير در سرکوب‌ بابيت ، اميرکبير، آماج‌ کينه‌‌ بهائيان‌ ، گواهي‌ تاريخ، اما نه‌ اين‌ است! ،
عجز علي‌محمد شيرازي از پاسخگويي‌ به‌ سؤ‌ال‌ علماي‌ اصفهان‌ : باب و چالش‌هاي پيش رو ، پاسخ‌ ربطي‌ به‌ سؤ‌ال‌ نداشت!‌ ،
بحثي در توبه نامه علي‌ محمد باب‌ : تلوّن‌درعقيده، تغييردرادعا ، توبه ‌نامهِ‌ باب‌ ،
خاطرات‌ يک‌ نجات‌يافته‌ : فساد اخلاقي‌ در بهائيت‌ ، بي‌بند و باران‌ تشويق‌ هم‌ مي‌شوند! ، ارتباط‌ با علما ممنوع!‌ ، بگذار مردم‌ با موشک‌ باران‌ صدام‌ بميرند! ، يک‌ بسيجي، مرا آگاه کرد‌ ،
خاطرات حسين فلا‌ح : يک نجات‌يافته ديگر ، جرات ابراز ندارم‌ ، طواف سربازان اسرائيلي دور مقام اعلي و غیره


دریافت نرم افزار بهائیت آن گونه که هست

The Status of UHJ

Here's one of the Haifan Baha'i counselors speaking about the UHJ:

"We don't want to be like those people who want to see God with their own eyes, or hear His melody with their own ears, because we have been given the gift of being able to see through the eyes of the House of Justice and listen through the ears of the House of Justice." - Baha'i Counselor Rebeque Murphy

To hear this section of her talk go to: ...


Note that this idolatrous statement has not be reputed by the UHJ, it is the level of enthrallment to themselves that they now expect: unquestioning obedience.


Larry Rowe

New book on Bahaism in Urdu Language

Bhaiat Aur Iss Kay Moatikadaat
بہائیت اور اس کے معتقدات
Author/Translator: Nazeer Ahmed Bhatti
Price: $ 5.71
Format: Hard Cover, 288Pages, Weight: 425 gm
Product-Id: 1003291
Publisher: Quranic Arabic Forum
Publish date: Mar 1999

Purchase Online :

Read it online here :

About Susan Maneck

This is a Purely "Copy - Pasted" material. I found it interesting so posting here for my readers :

By Frank Johnson (Ex-Baha'i)

Presumptive, exaggerating, defensive and lying. Susan certainly has all the Baha'i traits she shares with Bahai Layli Miller-Muro who drafted and sneaked into law IMBRA which takes away men’s freedoms and rights (many many more similar Baha'i laws to come) and receives millions of taxpayer dollars and her Father Bahai Larry Miller who, like Susan, can’t type a paragraph without several lies in it.

Do you think if this article was talking about Muslims who converted to another phony “religion”, Scientology, she would spend 2 seconds talking about it? Of course not! She is a Bahai and her mission here is to downplay the many negative aspects of Bahaism and defend the “new” Bahais who were once part of a real religion, Islam, in the hopes of propagandizing her Baha'i Cult in order to get more followers.

They always have to get new followers since they lose converts as fast as they get new ones.

Susan says “I posted here to defend the right of Indonesian villagers to decide on their own religion” but what she means is “I posted here to defend the right of Indonesian villagers to decide on their own religion as long as that religion is the Bahai Cult. Otherwise I could give a damn.”

Of course you could just shorten it to “I posted here to try to brainwash you with Bahai Cult propaganda and lies so you will be more submissive during the takeover.”

As to why I am here? Because a Bahai woman crossed me? Details please Susan.

I am here because the more I read about the Bahai Cult, the more I realize what a fraud it is and how fascist it is, not only in the way it operates now but especially the way it plans to operate in the future. The Bahais thrive on propaganda and lies. Just look at Susan as an example. This cult has dreams of grandeur unparalleled by any bonafide religion. You don’t see Muslims or Christians pushing for a “New World Order” controlled by them. Bahais resemble Communists or Nazis more than they resemble any religion.

What drives the Bahais are the lust for power and money. The typical Bahai peon believes if Bahais are in control, mankind will be frolicking in meadows while doves fly overhead. The Bahai elite know better. They see power and money for themselves while the Bahai peons, like Susan, do their bidding while non-Bahais serve them!

Bahaism is a cancer and should be treated as such before it spreads. I’m here to warn people of this scourge because I saw how Bahais could easily sneak away American men’s freedoms and know that this is just the beginning of their “New World Order” with other Draconian laws and rules to come.

There are many ex-Bahais posting the truth on the internet. Those Indonesian villagers should read what they have to say before they are brainwashed into giving up their religious beliefs in order to join a fascist cult.


This was a comment posted by an Ex-Baha'i on a discussion related to some "31 poor indonesian muslims who were converted to Bahaism."

Below is the link of the article and the discussion.

This is a good "comment" that I wish to publish as a post in my blog

A Baha'i Cultist (Probably Susan Maneck) wrote :

Why are Muslims so afraid of Baha’i Faith?

Because it promotes the equal rights for men and women?
Because it supports a obligatory education for every children?
Because it promotes a sense of world unity by stating that the world is but one country and mankind it’s citizens?
Because it supports the need of a world auxiliary language?
Because it wants to abolish the extremes of richness and poverty?
Because it supports the end of all kinds of prejudices?

Answer by an Indonesian Muslim :

Huh? A lot of what you described is what Islam teaches.. oh wait.. Baha'i Faith is derived from true Islamic values.

“Because it promotes the equal rights for men and women?”

In Islam, men and women are equal before God. But there is recognition that there are differences amongst the sexes and both men and women have obligations toward each other.

“Because it supports a obligatory education for every children?”

In Islam, seeking knowledge is encouraged. There’s a famous saying during the times of Prophet Muhammad SAW where a man wanted to learn more about China and the Prophet SAW replied, “Then go to China”. Another saying: “”Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave”" – Muhammad

“Because it promotes a sense of world unity by stating that the world is but one country and mankind it’s citizens?”

Two words: Muslim ummah. You won’t find solidarity or unity in another religion except in Islam. When Israel attacked a predominately Christian country of Lebanon, many of the Western countries took the side of Israel. When the US invaded Iraq, a lot of Muslims vehemently opposed US action.

“Because it supports the need of a world auxiliary language?”


“Because it wants to abolish the extremes of richness and poverty?”

One word: zakat. Let’s be realistic..there are always will be social-economic classes.

“Because it supports the end of all kinds of prejudices?”

“O people! Your God is one and your forefather (Adam) is one. An Arab is not better than a non-Arab and a non-Arab is not better than an Arab, and a red (i.e. white tinged with red) person is not better than a black person and a black person is not better than a red person, except in piety. ” – Prophet Muhammad SAW

~Tuan Indonesian-American Muslim

Baha'i Cartoons بهائیت در گذر زمان و تصویر

This cartoon shows the Baha'is plotting to kill the king of Iran.

There are many other cartoons on the
excellent Blog in persian :

The Babi Community of Iran

by NUR (Wahid Azal)

Whether by anecdotal rumor or in the literature, the Baha’i leadership and organization has over the years gone out of its way to deny agency as well as in numerous circumstances to deny the very existence of the Bayani community. The Bayanis, whom popular terminology has termed Azalis (a term which they take as a pejorative and thus a term of derision), are the remaining followers of the post-Islamic esoteric Twelver Shi’ite religion founded by Siyyid ‘Ali Muhammad Shirazi, the Essence of the Seven Letters, the Bab (d. 1850).

In 1849, a little under a year before his execution in Tabriz on July 8th 1850, the Bab had nominated the then nineteen year old Mirza Yahya Nuri Subh-i-Azal (d. 1912) to succeed him as his ‘mirror’ (mirat) and successor (janeshin). Among sundry other titles and epithets he had received from the Bab, Mirza Yahya Nuri has come to be known primarily as Subh-i-Azal, i.e. the Dawn or Morning of Pre-Eternity, given that the Bab held the years of his revelatory ministry to accord with the famous but cryptic Tradition of Ultimate Reality (hadith al-haqiqa), otherwise known as the hadith kumayl, i.e. the Zen-like (and possibly apocryphal) discussion said to have occurred between the first Shi’ite Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 661) and Kumayl ibn Ziyad al-Nakhai (d. 701) regarding the nature of ultimate reality. The fifth theophanic sequence of this Tradition states, “A Light Illuminating from the Morning-Dawn of Pre-Eternity and shedding its traces upon the tablets of the Talismanic-Temples of Mono-Unitarian Unicity (nurun ashraqa min subh al-azal fa-yaluha ‘ala hayakil-t-tawhid atharihi).” Subh-i-Azal had appeared amongst the Babis in the fifth year of the Bab’s revelatory ministry, thus the epithet.

The Bab further sent numerous epistles and tablets to his nominated successor making ecstatic, proclamatory locutions about him, such as, “I am you and you are I (anta ana wa ana anta),” and in his longest testamentary document he made the pronouncement, “O Name of the Pre-Eternal [referring to Azal], I verily testify upon this that there is no other god but I the Dearly Precious, the Best Beloved, then I testify upon this that there is no other god but Thee the Protector, the Peerless!” It was the Baha’i patriarch ‘Abbas Effendi ‘Abdu’l-Baha (d. 1921) who first coined the term Azali as a sectarian slur to cast the adherents of the Bayan as exclusive followers of Subh-i-Azal rather than as followers of the Bayan and Subh-i-Azal as the mirror and successor of the Bab. Unfortunately the term has since stuck in the popular consciousness, yet it is not the term its adherents have ever known themselves by.

In April 1912, almost sixty-three years after he had been nominated by the Bab, Subh-i-Azal died in exile in Larnaca, Cyprus, where he is now buried in a small, modest shrine. Although some Western language sources, including E.G. Browne (d. 1926), have stated that Hadi Dowlatabadi (1908-09?) had initially been nominated by Subh-i-Azal to succeed him - upon whose own death the succession is then held by these sources to have devolved upon his son Yahya Dawlatabadi (d. 1939) -, the fact of the matter is that there is absolutely no primary source documentation or any other evidence supporting this assertion. The unanimous position of the Bayani community today is that Subh-i-Azal left no will and testament; that therefore there was no successor; and so effectively the leadership of the Bayani community became henceforth a collective endeavor, a position foreseen by the Bab himself in the aforementioned will and testament.

The survival of the Bayani community in the face of often virulent hostility and persecution from both the majoritarian orthodox Shi’ite Islamic milieu of Iran as well as by the Baha’i organization is in itself a significant story demanding to be told. It is also an important case-study of non-traditional forms of (especially post-Islamic) Iranian esoteric spirituality to merit independent investigation on several fronts. Unfortunately the largely disorganized status of this community since the teens of the last century, coupled with its conspicuous lack of an organizational center and charismatic leadership; not to mention its consistent deployment of the discipline of the arcane (taqîya); together with the fact that the bulk of the present information and sources on the internal history of the Bayanis from 1912 to the present is in the form of anecdotal stories or unpublished memoirs and diaries in private hands; has made such an endeavour virtually impossible until pretty much now. The situation began to change in the early part of this decade with an internet list on yahoogroups and then entered a new phase in late 2004/early 2005 with the launching of the website

With the public re-emergence of the Bayani community we are now in a postion to employ both narrative as well as the methodologies of the social sciences to begin seriously examining both the wider historical as well as the wider sociological position of the Bayani community of Iran and its contribution(s) to the greater modern Iranian polity in its social and historical trajectories. The historians Mangol Bayat and Janet Afary in the ‘80s and ‘90s respectively have already done some preliminary contextualization to that end, especially in regard to those Bayanis prominently involved politically in the Constitutional Revolution; but the real meat, as it were, still remains to be written. One significant aspect which requires careful exploration is the impact Bayani intellectuals had on the modern study of Persian literature, since this area was pioneered by luminaries such as Allameh Mohammad Qazvini (d. 1949), a lifelong Bayani who co-authored the lengthy introduction to the Leiden edition of Hajji Mirza Jani Kashani's (d. 1852) kitab-i-nuqtat'ul-kaf with E.G. Browne, and Ali-Akbar Dehkhoda (d. 1959), the author of the monumental, multi-volume loghat-nameh encyclopedia, who is rumored to have been one. On other fronts we have feminists and democratic liberals such as Sadiqah Dowlatabadi, who herself and whose whole family remained dedicated, lifelong Bayanis, not to mention the prime minister Mohammad-Ali Forughi (d. 1943). In the best tradition of Tahirih Qurrat'ul-'Ayn (d. 1852), i.e. the Bab's seventeenth Letter of the Living and the famous remover of the veil, it will be recalled that the Sorbonne educated Sadiqah Dawlatabadi was the first modern Iranian woman who appeared unveiled in the streets of Tehran in 1927 dressed in European attire. In her last will and testament she declares, "I will never forgive any woman who visits my grave veiled" (quoted by Janet Afary in The Iranian Constitutional Revolution, 1905-1911, New York, 1997, p.187).

Indeed the position of the Bayani community in the movement for democratic freedoms, change and reform in Iran is a long, well-documented but tortuous one. The veritable founding fathers of the Constitutional Revolution, Shaykh Ahmad Ruhi (d. 1896) and Mirza Aqa Khan Kirmani (d. 1896), were both sons-in-law of Subh-i-Azal and the joint authors of a Bayani apologetic text entitled Hasht Behesht (8 Heavens), which was edited by E.G. Browne. Although considered a Shi’ite source of emulation (marja’ taqlid) and not a Bayani per se, nevertheless Mirza Hasan Shirazi whose fatwa trigerred the tobacco rebellion of 1890-91 against Nasiruddin Shah's (d. 1896) foreign concession was a cousin of the Bab’s and could very well have been somewhat influenced by the Bab and the ideas behind the religion he founded. It should be noted that on flimsy and rather contrived evidence, the Baha’is have actually gone to outright claim Mirza-ye Shirazi as one of their own. Be that as it may, let us here also mention the constitutionalists Va’ez Kirmani, Shaykh Ahmad Majd al-Islam Kirmani, Mirza Jahangir Khan Shirazi and Malik’u-Motakalemin who were all lifelong Bayanis.

To conclude this maiden post to my blog, I ask the unbiased reader to now consider the photograph I have posted along with this post: a photograph taken in the late 1930s/early 1940s of a group of Iranian Bayanis gathered in assembly presumably in Tehran during the very period that Western Baha’i sources, and especially the Baha’i patriarch Shoghi Effendi Rabbani (d. 1957), were claiming in the West and the East that no ‘Babis’ (meaning Bayanis/Azalis) any longer existed in the world and that all Babis had become Baha’is! This photograph demonstrates for posterity the tout court falsity of that position.

Baha'u'llah was god incarnate????

Mirza Husayn Ali (alias Baha'u'llah) was so out to lunch he actually believed, as did some of his followers, that he was god incarnate:

It was perhaps owing to this inadequacy that, at one stage during the ministry of Bahá'u'lláh, there were two major schools of thought among the believers concerning His station. Some believed Him to be the Supreme Manifestation of God, while others went further than this. When Bahá'u'lláh was asked about His station, He confirmed that as long as individuals were sincere in their beliefs, both views were right, but if they argued among themselves or tried to convert each other, both were wrong. This indicates that man because of his finite mind will never be able to understand the true station of the Manifestation of God. The criteria are sincerity and faith. Knowing man's limitations, God accepts from him what he is able to achieve.

(Adib Taherzadeh, The Revelation of Baha'u'llah v 1, p. 303)

Thankfully they have medication today to help those that begin to
believe they are god incarnate ;^).


Larry Rowe

Baha'i writings on covenant breakers

Mona Tahiri
by Mona Tahiri

Baha'u'llah Says :
"Protect yourselves with utmost vigilance, lest you be entrapped in the snare of deception and fraud." This is the advice of the Pen of Destiny."Therefore, to avoid these people will be the nearest path by which to attain the divine good pleasure; because their breath is infectious, like unto poison.""Endeavor to your utmost to protect yourselves, because Satan appears in different robes and appeals to everyone according to each person's own way, until he becomes like unto him -- then he will leave him alone."
"...If you detect in any man the least perceptible breath of violation, shun him and keep away from him." Then He says: "Verily, they are manifestations of Satan."
(Bahá'í World Faith, p. 431)

Abdol Baha Says :

Bahá'u'lláh, in all the Tablets and Epistles, forbade the true and firm friends from associating and meeting the violators of the Covenant of His Holiness, the Báb, saying that no one should go near them because their breath is like the poison of the snake that kills instantly.
(Bahá'í World Faith, p. 430)

And now, one of the greatest and most fundamental principles of the Cause of God is to shun and avoid entirely the Covenant-breakers, for they will utterly destroy the Cause of God, exterminate His Law and render of no account all efforts exerted in the past.
(Bahá'í World Faith, p. 448)

My object is to show that the Hands of the Cause of God must be ever watchful and so soon as they find anyone beginning to oppose and protest against the guardian of the Cause of God, cast him out from the congregation of the people of Bahá and in no wise accept any excuse from him. How often hath grievous error been disguised in the garb of truth, that it might sow the seeds of doubt in the hearts of men!
(Will and Testament of Abdu'l-Bahá, p. 12)