Exhibit No. 17

VERY CONFIDENTIAL Security Classification News Report

Page one of one Copy one of four

1. To: 321

2. From: H7

3. Report No.: H/9578

4. Date of report: 31.3.1350 (June 21, 1971)

5. Appendix:

6. Copy receivers:

7. Source: 1699

8. Origin:

9. Date of incidence: 25.3.1350 (June 15, 1971)

10.Date News received by source: 25.3.1350 (June 15, 1971)

11.Date news received by local operations leader: 17.3.1350 (June 7, 1971)

12.Security remarks:

Subject: Bahá’is' activities

A meeting of 12 Bahá’is in Shiraz was held at the home of Massihollah Rohani under the title of Nafhatollah Publishing Commission. After reading hymns and some pages from the book "Lowh Ahmad", Mr. Massihollah Rohani spoke about Bahá’ism and then said: "One or two of you have been seen contacting the Islamic propaganda personnel. This must not be repeated. You do not remember that, at the time of Reza Shah and Seyed Noureddin, we were plundered, but Reza Shah, very dismayed about this affair, secretly killed off some Muslims without the Ulema's knowledge. Since he was a real Bahá’i and always supported the Bahá’is, the unveiling of women was done in conformity with Bahá’u’lláh's rule and logic."

Sunday's comment: Saturday's statements are confirmed

Wednesday's comment: Sunday's comments are confirmed

H/7's comment: Wednesday's comments are confirmed

Exhibit No. 18

1. To: 341

2. From: 3H/7

3. Report No.: 3H/20299

4. Date of report: 29.8.1357 (Nov. 20, 1958)

5. Appendix:

6. Copy receivers:

7. Source: 8825

8. Origin: Heard by the source

9. Date of incidence: 21.8.1357 (Nov. 12,1978)

10.Date news received by source: 21.8.1357

11.Date news received by local operations leader: 24.8.1357 (Nov. 15,1978)

12.Security remarks

Subject: Shiraz Bahá’is

Mr. Ra'oofian, a well-known Bahá’i in Shiraz, has said:

"Mr. Amir Abbas Hoveyda, supported by the Universal House of Justice and by Kambala in Africa, governed Iran for 13 years, during which period the Bahá’i community achieved considerable progress, and influential Bahá’i persons occupied important positions in Iran and transferred the country's funds abroad."

Saturday's comment: The above statements were made due to the recent incidents and the stagnation in the Bahá’i activities

Sunday's comment: With regard to Saturday's sincerity, the above statements are true.

Wednesday's comment: Sunday's comment is confirmed.

Friday's comment: Wednesday's comment is confirmed

H/7's comment: Friday's comment is confirmed

Exhibit No. 19


Security Classification News Report

Page one of one Copy one of four

Page one of One

Copy one of four

To: 321

1. From: H7

2. Report No.: H/7651

3. Date of report: 20.2.1350 (May 10, 1971)

4. Appendix:

5. Copy receivers:

6. Source: See news report

7. Origin:

9. Date of incidence: 2.2.1350 (April 22, 1971)

10.Date news received by source: 2.2.1350

11.Date news received by local operations leader: 14.2.1350 (May 4,1971)

12.Security remarks:

Subject: Bahá’i activities in Dehbid

On the evening of 2.2.1350 (April 22,1971) the meeting of Bahá’is in Dehbid was held in the home of Amrollah Refahi. Mr. Azizollah Bampoosian, missionary and liaison bet­ween the Shiraz and Dehbid centres, spoke about the freedom, independence and recognition of Bahá’ism. He then mentioned the teachers' salary, the oil income and the shooting at Lt.Gen. Farsio. He then talked about H.E. the Prime Minister's attendance at the Bahá’i centre on the occasion of the Ridván festivities and the government's co­operation extended towards the Bahá’i faith in provincial towns.

Sunday's comment: Saturday's comment is confirmed

Wednesday's comment: Sunday's comment is confirmed

H/7's comment: Wednesday's comment is confirmed

Exhibit No. 20


Security Classification News Report

Page one of one Copy one of four

1. To: 321

2. From: H7

3. Report No.: H/6946

4. Date of report: 11.3.1347 (June 1, 1968)

5. Appendix:

6. Copy receivers:

7. Source: A colleague

8. Origin: Bahá’is' meeting

9. Date of incidence: 7.3.1347 (May 28, 1968)

10.Date news received by source: 7.3.1347

11.Date news received by local operations leader: 10.3.1347 (May 31, 1968)

12.Security remarks:

Subject: Activities of Shiraz Bahá’is

At 6.30 p.m. on 7.3.1347 (May 28,1968) the Nafhatollah Publication Commission was held at Assembly No. 4 located in Assadollah Qudsianzad's home on Tekyeh Navab. Abbas Aqdasi, who was the speaker of the Commission, said:

"H. E. Assadollah Alam, Minister of the Royal Court, has been very kind to us, particularly H.E. Amir Abbas Hoveyda (a Bahá’i and of Bahá’i parentage); may they both be junior headmen of the Bahá’is, and report to the Universal House of Justice on their activities. His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh has said 'Possession is nine-tenth of ownership'. The Israeli Government was recognized as the world champion in the 1967 war. We Bahá’is worship the activities of this dear Jewish force. We are very glad that they will lay down a law for their friends in Iran. The activities and progress of us Bahá’is is that we have a spy in every office and ministry in Iran. Once every week when the projects prepared by the government [of Mr. Hoveyda] are reported to Shahanshah Aryamehr, reports on the projects reach the Bahá’i Assemblies. For instance in the contractor group, the Iranian Bahá’i cadre submit their reports every day to the Bahá’i holy assembly on the Iranian army, how weapons are imported into Iran and how the parachutists are trained."

Exhibit No. 21

News Report

Page one of one

Copy one of five

1. To: 21

2. From: J8

3. Report No.: H8/10871

4. Date of report: 20.5.1350 (Aug. 11, 1971)

5. Appendix:

6. Copy receivers:

7. Source:

8. Origin: A member of the National Assembly

9. Date of incidence: Recently

10.Date news received by Source: Recently

11.Date news received by local operations leader: 19.5.1350 (Aug. 10, 1971)

12.Security remarks:

Source: Participation in the 2500 years monarchy celebrations

The Universal House of Justice has given instructions to the National Assembly in Iran that the Bahá’i residents in Iran should fully participate in the celebrations to mark 2500 years of monarchy and see to it that the Bahá’is celebrate the occasion with more splendour than the other religious minorities.

Saturday's comment:

With regard to the above order, the National Assembly has bought 50 commemorative schools at RIs. 15 million with funds collected from Bahá’is through local assemblies. Furthermore 50 more schools have been paid for by Nonahalan Company and other wealthy Bahá’is, including Habib Sabet. In view of public opinion, however, the names of Bahá’is and members of the local assemblies have not been published in the news­papers.

Tuesday's comment: With regard to your letter Ref. 311/980 dated 9.5.1350 (July 31, 1971), it is understood that the order of the Universal House of Justice and its implementation by the national assembly will be in compliance with the above-men­tioned letter.

Exhibit No. 22

Very Confidential

Security Classification

News Report

Page one of One

Copy one of four

1. To: 341

2. From: H/7

3. Report No.: H/19496

4. Date of report: 7.11.1351 (Jan. 27, 1973)

5. Appendix

6. Copy receivers:

7. Source: 1766

8. Origin:

9. Date of incidence: 23.10.1351 (Jan. 13, 1973)

10.Date news received by source: 23.10.1351

11.Date news received by local operations leader: 28.10.1350 (Jan. 18, 1972)

12.Security remarks:

Subject: Activities of Shiraz Bahá’is

17 Shiraz Bahá’is attended a meeting service held in the home of late Col. Shabab. At this gathering, after reading hymns, condolences were expressed to the dead man's son. In reply to a question from one of the attendants at the meeting, Mr. Ardeshir Master said: "The late Col. Shabab was an officer of the Security Organization (SAVAK). While he served with SAVAK in Shiraz, he helped the Shiraz Bahá’is very much." Later, in discussions concerning the Bahá’i retired people, it was said that the retired persons should attend the classes teaching missionaries, and instead of sitting idle, they should migrate and serve the Bahá’i faith. Army officer Rashidpour said: "If the Bahá’i faith were official we would no longer be dismayed against other religions, because when they cannot bring any argument to dismiss Bahá’ism, they say 'Then why are you not official?' Then a few days are needed for us to speak to them and convince them." Then Col. Shabab's father said: "A few years ago, Shahanshah Aryamehr decided to give orders concerning official recognition of Bahá’ism. However, Gamal Abdul-Nasser, the Egyptian President, found an excuse and said that the Shah of Iran had become a Bahá’i and had violated the Islamic ordinances." He added:" The Shah of Iran follows the same path as laid down by His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh. Since it is God's decree, it will be carried out automatically."

Sunday's comment: 1. Saturday's statements are confirmed 1. Saturday's intention: The late Col. Shabab was the former Chief of the Intelligence & Security Organization in Khorramabad, Lorestan.

Wednesday's comment: Sunday's comment is confirmed.

H/7's comment: Wednesday's comment is confirmed.

Exhibit No. 23


Security Classification News Report

Page one of one

Copy one of four

1. To: 321

2. From: H7

3. Report No.: H/15272

4. Date of report: 29.9.1350 (Dec. 20, 1971)

5. Appendix:

6. Copy receivers:

7. Source: 1699

8. Origin:

9. Date of incidence: 24.9.1350 (Dec. 15, 1971)

10.Date news received by source: 26.9.1350

11.Date news received by local operations leader: 27.9.1350 (Dec. 18, 1971)

12.Security remarks:

Subject: Activities of Shiraz Bahá’is

A meeting of 12 Shiraz Bahá’is was held at Mr. Sadiq Haghiri's home on Shamshirgarha Street, under Mr. Ali Akbar Iravani's supervision. After reading hymns, a person by the name of Ne'matollah Hackaki, a 70-year-old man, who has come to Shiraz from Esfahan, gave a few letters to Mr. Chehrenegar. During his speech, he said: "There will be one day when all the world's kings will come to Shiraz and will bow in the Holy House. In Particular, some people from the Royal Court secretly come to Shiraz to visit the Shiraz Holy house." He added: "I have converted 450 people to Bahá’ism during my life time. Do not fear any one and continue with your campaign." Then Mr. Iravani spoke for 45 minutes about Bahá’ism.

Mr. Chehrenegar said: "Five of the best Bahá’is in Abadan and Ahvaz will soon come to Shiraz. Gentlemen, look carefully at the cards and the seal thereon." The attendants at this meeting were Ali Akbar Iravani, Nassrollah Chehrenegar, Ne'matollah Hooshmand, Ezatollah Hooshmand, Ehsanollah and Kakakhan Mehdizadeh, Qasem Karimian, Aligoli Rezaee, Mohammad Hassan Afghani, Bijan Kenshan.

Sunday's comment: Saturday's statements are confirmed

Wednesday's comment. Sunday's comment is confirmed

H/7's comment: Wednesday's comment is confirmed.

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