His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh's Exile to Iraq

Exhibit No. 1

"GOD PASSES BY", volume 2, page 41


His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh's Exile to Iraq

As mentioned in the previous chapter, the assassination attempt against the Shah's life took place on 28.10.1268 A.H. lunar (August 15, 1852 A.D.), and His Holiness was immediately arrested in Niavaran, taken to the capital city prison with the utmost contempt and disgrace and imprisoned in the Tehran dungeons...

pages 42-44

... By divine fate and divine wisdom, His Holiness was released from prison, which was caused, on the one hand, by the mediation of Prince Dolgorouki, the Russian Ambassador in Iran, who made every effort to have Bahá’u’lláh released from imprisonment and to prove his innocence, and on the other hand, by confession of Mulla Sheikh Ali Tarshizi who, in the presence of the prison warden, the Russian Embassy interpreter and the Government representative, attested to His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh's innocence, and expre­ssly stated his own involvement in the incident against the Shah. The increasing efforts by Bahá’u’lláh's brothers, sisters and relatives towards his release, as well as the investigating authorities' confirmation of His Holiness's innocence helped facilitate his release and saving from the hands of his hard enemies.

pages 47-49

His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh's relative peace and serenity, following the painful imprison­ment, was short-lived by the will of God, because shortly after His Holiness's arrival amongst his family and relatives, he was served an order from the Shah to leave Iran, within one month, to whichever destination he chose.

Having learned of the Shah's order, the Russian Ambassador requested His Holiness to permit his transportation to Russian territory. His Holiness refused this request and preferred to take up residence in Baghdad, Iraq.

In later years, in writings by His Holiness in honour of Russian Emperor Nikolayevich Alexander II, he expressed his gratitude of the Ambassador's action, as quoted herein below:

"Truly did one of your emissaries assist me while I was in prison with heavy chains on my hands and feet. Such was the will of God, for no one but He has any knowledge or control and any change is made at His will."

Elsewhere he wrote:

"While I, the innocent, was in prison tied with chains, the Ambassador made his utmost effort to have me released, and repeated permits for my release from the prison were issued, but some authorities prevented execution thereof. Finally, as a result of attempts by the Ambassador, my release was affected. His Majesty the Emperor of Russia offered much assistance in the way of God.

Exhibit No. 2

page 318

... on the last Friday of his life in this world, he attended midday congregational prayers, in spite of intense fatigue and weakness.

Exhibit No. 3

pages 296-298

In this section concerning the general world war and the incidents taking place in the world, it would not be inappropriate to mention some of the actions and attempts made, during the siege of Haifa, to protect Bahá.

Having learned of the severe dangers threatening His Holiness's life, the British friends took immediate action to secure his health. Lord Curzon and other members of the British cabinet were directly informed of the dangerous situation in Haifa. Moreover, Lord Lamington immediately sent a special report to the Foreign Ministry of the country and drew the attention of the officials to "His Holiness Abdul Bahá's personality and importance".

Upon receiving this report, Lord Balfour, the then Foreign Minister, on the same day sent a cable instruction to Gen. Allenby, commander of the British forces in Palestine, emphasizing to "protect His Holiness `Abdu’l-Bahá, his family and his friends with all your power."

Subsequent to that cable, and following the conquest of Haifa, Gen. Allenby sent a cable to London and requested the officials to "announce His Holiness's health and well-being to the world." He also assigned the commander of the Haifa front to take appropriate measures to protect His Holiness's life, thus preventing the plans of Jamal Pasha, who, according to information received by British Intelligence, was determined to crucify His Holiness `Abdu’l-Bahá and his family on Mount Carmel, in the event of the Turkish forces' set-back from the city.

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