Examples of Beliefs, Claims and Orders by the Twentieth Century God

Bahá's claim to godliness and divine revelation to a friend. On page 179 of Mobin, Mirza Hossein Ali tells Alinaghi: "O, AN before Naghi (Alinaghi), hear my voice from the shores of existence in the red mausoleum which is the highest place, that there is no god but I." And in his Fatehat-ol-Ketab, he says: "I am a god the like of which is not but I, compassionate and merciful. I am a god the like of which is not but I, the great king. I am a god who created the beings."

Man's dignity as seen by Bahá’ism:

"Aghnamollah", meaning "Gods's sheep", is one of the commonest words in Bahá’i books, signifying that the Bahá’is consider all human beings, particularly Bahá’is, as Mirza Husein Ali's sheep, that is their god's sheep.

This fact is evidenced by the name of the Bahá’is' community, where they hold their prayers and meetings, which is "Hazira" meaning "stable".

The Sanctity of number 19

Since Báb and his companions numbered 19, the Bahá’is sanctify this number, so much so that each Bahá’i year has 19 months of 19 days each. They fast 19 days of the year. Their essential inheritance is 19 sheets of paper and 19 rings. The women's marriage portion, too, is 19 mesqals (19) of gold or silver.

Urban and rural women's marriage portion

According to the verses descended by the Bahá’i god, Mirza Hossein Ali, the urban women's marriage portion shall be 19 mesqals of gold and that of the rural women 19 mesqals of silver - Bahá’u’lláh's holy book.

Burn him alive

Bahá’u’lláh's Holy Book, p. 18, line 5: "Burn alive whomever burns a house intention­ally."

Nothing to women

The pertinent section on page 118 of the Holy Book reads: "We ordained that the residential house and clothes (bequeathed by the dead) shall be for male offsprings (men), and nothing (of this property) shall go to women.

Strange pronouncement on a point of religious jurisprudence

The Bahá’i holy book entitled "Bayan", chapter 16, item 6 reads:

"If someone is forced to travel, or his house is entered into without his permission, or he is evicted from his house without his consent, his wife will be forbidden to him for a period of 19 months."

According to chapter 9 of the 4th book of the Farsi version, it shall be incumbent upon all the women to stay all night with the omnipresent (the 18 special companions of Báb) in order to save God's companions from loneliness and misery.

Political pronouncements:

1. "As of the sunset on the 4th and the beginning of the eve of the 5th day of Jamadi-ul-Ula of the lunar year 1260 A.H. (26.6.1844) being the beginning of rallying of Babism, anyone who disobeys him (Báb) shall be considered a rebellious pagan, and his blood may be spilled."

2. According to Chapter 4 of the 6th book of "Ahsan-ul-Qisas", in the five regions of Mazandarn, Khorasan, Fars, Azarbaijan and Iraq, no one but the Bahá’is has the right to reside.

Economic Pronouncement:

"God (Báb) has ordained that men and women adulterers should pay a fine to the House of Justice, the fine comprising 9 mesqals of gold in the first instance (being progressively raised in the subsequent instances)" - p.15, Bayan.

Particulars of the Bahá’i ideology

The following issues generally make up the basic principles of the Bahá’i ideology:

1. Lack of belief in the home-land and the country where they live. This issue has provided the premise for any treachery, espionage and betrayal of the home-land by the Bahá’is.

2. Non-participation in political parties.

This provides a cover for operations of sabotage.

3. Collaboration with oppressive, instrumental rulers. According to the holy book "Aqdas", page 201, no one has the right to object to, or protest against, those who rule the people.

(This very belief explains their collaboration in the crimes committed by the Zionist regime as well as the sinister Pahlavi regime).

4. Obstinate enmity with Muslims and belief in annihilation of all Muslims throughout the world.

5. Formation of an anti-Islam government of parallel faith in occupied Palestine (Holy Land).

The Bahá’i Role in the 50-Year Crimes of the Annihilated Pahlavi Regime

This section demonstrates part of the documents and reports acquired from SAVAK concerning the Bahá’is' collaboration with the regime. The original documents are respectively provided at the end of this section.

A. The connection between Bahá’is and Reza Khan

During the rule of Reza Shah, there did not exist a strong intelligence organization, such that a document on the Bahá’i connection with the regime might be divulged. However, confessions by a Bahá’i leader in this respect cleared everything up: According to a SAVAK report, at a meeting of the Nafhatollah Publishing Commission in Shiraz on 31.3.1350 (June 21,1971), Mr. Massihollah Rohani said: "At the time of Reza Shah and Seyed Noureddin, we were plundered, but Reza Shah, very dismayed about this affair, secretly killed off some Muslims without the Ulema's knowledge. Since he was a real Bahá’i and always supported the Bahá’is, the unveiling of women was done in conformity with Bahá’u’lláh's rule and logic." (Exhibit No. 17)

B. The connection between Bahá’is and the deceased Shah

The major part of the organizations of the Shah's damned rule, particularly SAVAK, was managed by Bahá’is. As an example, suffice it to look at the following list of names, all of whom were Bahá’is:

  • Hoveyda, the Shah's 13-year Prime Minister as well as Minister of the Imperial Court and Minister of Finance;
  • Mehri Rasekh, Farah's boon companion;
  • Gen. Abdol-Karim Ayadi, the Shah's special physician, who held 23 high-ranking government jobs;
  • Gen. Ali Mohammad Khademi;
  • Gen. Sani'ee, Minister of War;
  • Habib Sabet and Hojabr Yazdani, two major economic supports and two financial arms of the Zionists in Iran;
  • Mansoor Rohani, the Shah's minister for 13 years;
  • Mrs Farokhrou Parsa, Minister of Education and holder of tens of other jobs;
  • Shapour Rasekh, the Shah's sincere advisor;
  • Hossein Amanat, the famous capitalist, designer and executor of the Shahyad Monu­ment;
  • Parviz Sabeti, Director of Internal Security of the Shah's security police;
  • Lili Amir-Arjomand, trainer of the Shah's children.

It is obvious that the Shah's crimes were mostly committed by such influential persons. This fact, which is not a secret to anyone, is well-supported by the Bahá’is' own admissions as well as by the documents of SAVAK which tried very hard to cover up the Bahá’is' role in the government. SAVAK's document Ref. 3H/20299 dated 29.8.1357 (Nov. 20, 1978) reads": ... Mr. Ra'oofian (a Bahá’i leader in Shiraz) has said: Mr. Amir Abbas Hoveyda, supported by the Universal House of Justice (in Israel) and by Kambala in Africa, governed Iran for 13 years, during which period the Bahá’i community achieved considerable progress, and influential Bahá’i persons occupied important positions in Iran and transferred the country's funds abroad." (Exhibit No. 18).

SAVAK'sdocument Ref. H/765dated 20.2.1350 (May 10,1971) reads:"... In a speech at the Bahá’i meeting in Dehbid, Mr. Azizollah Bampoosian, referring to the Prime Minister's attendance at the Bahá’i community on the occasion of the Ridván festivities, spoke of the Government's co-operation with Bahá’is in provincial towns." (Exhibit No. 19).

SAVAK's document dated 7.3.1347 (May 28,1968) concerning a speech by Mr. Abbas Aqdas at the Bahá’i Commission reports as follows:"... H.E. Assadollah Alam, Minister of the Royal Court, has been very kind to us, particularly H.E. Amir Abbas Hoveyda (a Bahá’i and of Bahá’i parentage); may they both be junior headmen of the Bahá’is." (Exhibit No. 20).

SAVAK's report Ref. H8/10871 dated 20.5.1350 (Aug. 11, 1971): "... Beit-ol-Adl, the House of Justice, has given instructions to the National Assembly in Iran that the Bahá’is resident in Iran should fully participate in the ceremonies of the 2500 years monarchy and see to it that the Bahá’is celebrate the occasion with more splendour than the other religious minorities." (Exhibit No. 21).

SAVAK's document Ref. H/19496 dated 7.11.1351 (Jan. 27, 1973) concerning the Bahá’is' meeting in Col. Shabab's home and the speech by Mr. Ardeshir Master: "The late Col. Shabab was an officer of the security organization (SAVAK). While he served with SAVAK in Shiraz, he helped the Bahá’is of Shiraz very much (He was the former SAVAK chief in Khorramabad). Then Col. Shabab's father said: A few years ago Shahanshah Aryamehr decided to issue instructions for formal recognition of Bahá’ism. However, Qamal Abdul-Nasser, the Egyptian President, found an excuse and said that the Shah of Iran had become a Bahá’i... The Shah of Iran follows the same path as did His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh'." (Exhibit No. 22).

SAVAK's document Ref. H/15272 dated 29.9.1350 (Dec. 20,1971) reports Mr. Hack-aki's speech at the Shiraz Assembly as follows: "... Some people from the Royal Court secretly come to Shiraz to visit the Holy House (the Bahá’i shrine)" (Exhibit No. 23).

According to a SAVAK document, Iran's Bahá’i Assembly's notice dated November 13, 1967 reads as follows:"... As it has been already notified to H.E. Sabet, the representa­tive of your Assembly, this Board agrees to present the proposed gift to His Imperial Majesty. Needless to add that you will be advised of the outcome in due course." (Exhibit No. 24).

By the order of the Shah, Alam, the Minister of the Royal Court, presented Mr. Habib Sabet (an Iranian Bahá’i leader) a Commemoration Medal on the occasion of the celebrations marking the 25th centenary of the founding of the Iranian kingdom.

Relations of Bahá’is and usurping Israel under the protection of the Shah's regime.

SAVAK's 7th Office General has made the following comments on the relations between Iranian Bahá’is and Israel: "In view of Israel's recognition in 1972 of the Bahá’i sect as a religion, it appears that the Israeli government, by demonstrating friendly signs towards the sect, is endeavouring to exploit the Bahá’i minorities in other countries, especially in Iran, for political, intelligence and economic purposes." (Exhibit No. 25).

Document Ref. 20/1465 dated 10.5.1346 (Aug. 1, 1967): "According to information received, over the past month, about RIs. 1,200 million has been collected by the Iranian Bahá’is who intend to remit this sum ostensibly to the House of Justice in Haifa, but their real intention in remitting this sum is to aid the Israeli army..." (Exhibit No. 26).

Referring to the Iranian Bahá’is' aid to Israel, SAVAK's document Ref. V/300/20995 dated 1.11.1348 (Jan. 21,1970) reads:"... and the Bahá’i manufacturers now use Israeli parts." (Exhibit No. 27).

The document Ref. H/6063 dated 9.1.1350 (March 29,1971) reports as follows on Mr. Shadmani's speech at the meeting of the Bahá’i District 16 in Shiraz:"... America, Israel and our capitalists have penetrated Iran, and their profits are transferred to the charity fund." (Exhibit No. 28).

The speech by Mr. Hossein financial member of the Ministry of Finance and former deputy director of the Gendarmerie Accounting Dept., was reported by SAVAK as under:

"Owing to the secret deal to sell Iranian oil to Israel, which was accomplished by the will of Amir-Abbas Hoveyda, Israel has given him 140 thousand square metres of land in occupied Palestine." (Exhibit No. 29).

In another commentary on the relations between Israel and the Bahá’is, SAVAK has said:"... Since only Israel has recognized the Bahá’i faith and... therefore, [the Bahá’is] try to extend huge financial assistances to that country in order to aid the Israeli economy." (Exhibit No. 30).

A message by the International Bahá’i Council concerning good relations with Israel reads: "It is of the utmost pleasure and pride that our godly friends learn of the progress in the construction of the building called "Ala" in Mount Carmel, as well as ... development of relations with the officials of the Israeli government (Exhibit No. 31).

In a cable, Moshe Dayan thanked Mr. Ali Khademi for the gift he gave him during his visit to Israel.

According to a SAVAK report, at a meeting of the Bahá’is on 7.3.1347 (May 28, 1968), Mr. Abbas Aqdas said: "... The Israeli Government was recognized as the world champion in the 1967 war. The activities and progress of us Bahá’is is that we have a spy in every office and ministry in Iran. Once every week when the projects prepared by the government [of Mr. Hoveyda] are reported to Shahanshah Aryamehr, reports on the projects reach the Bahá’i Assemblies. For instance in the contractor group, the Iranian Bahá’i cadre submit their reports every day to the Bahá’i holy assembly on the Iranian army, how weapons are imported into Iran and how the parachutists are trained." (Exhibit No. 20).

According to the SAVAK report Ref. H/9864 dated 27.7.1347 (Oct. 19, 1968) on the meeting of the Shiraz Bahá’i Assembly, Mr. Ahad, one of the attendants at the meeting, instructed the invitees: "Don't deposit your monies in Iranian banks. Transfer them to Israeli and British banks."

Examples of the Bahá’is' sabotage activities :

SAVAK's document Ref. H/7779 dated 23.4.1347 (July 14, 1968) reads: "... Col. Aqdassieh (the Bahá’i) said ... When I was in the army, I used to respect the Bahá’i soldiers, noncommissioned officers and officers. But if a Muslim person made a complaint against another, I had him whipped. We are informed that Shahanshah Aryamehr is a Bahá’i and..." (Exhibit No. 32).

SAVAK's document Ref. H/7596 dated 18.2.1350 (May 8,1971) reports as follows the statements made by Mr. Loghmani, the Bahá’i: "... We now have explicit instructions from America and London to promote dressing and building fashions as well as the women's being unveiled, so that Muslims shall take off the veil from their faces. ... In Iran and other Muslim countries, offend the Islamic nations as far as possible by applying fashion and propagation.... Weapons and ammunitions are manufactured by our youths in Israel. These Muslims will finally be annihilated by the Bahá’is, and the world of His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh will be promoted." (Exhibit No. 33)

Quoting a Bahá’i employee of the National Iranian Oil Company, SAVAK has reported: "... We Bahá’is avenged the destruction by Muslims a few years ago of the Haziral-Quds in Tehran on the Feizieh School in Qom... We not only avenged the past, but continued the Bahá’i issue as far as land reforms." (Exhibit No. 34).

The document Ref. H/14409 dated 31.2.1357 (May 21,1978) reports Mr. Massihollah Rohani's statements as follows: "... We Bahá’is are originally Iranians, but our intelli­gence and intellect are attached to the authorities in London and the Universal House of Justice (in Israel). By taking advantage of the situation and through propagation, we make the clergy apprehensive towards the government. With these riots in the country, the nature of the clergy is revealed and is not acceptable to the modern community, as they have proved to the people that the clergy is synonymous with saboteurs and communists." (Exhibit No. 35)

According to SAVAK's document Ref. H/6736 dated 30.2.1347 (May 20, 1968), Mr. Adab, Deputy-Governor of Bank Melli, speaking at the Bahá’i Assembly, said:"... As long as I am in Bank Melli, I shall endeavour to recruit our required personnel from our bretheren. Also, as far as possible, I shall torment and cause the inconvenience for the Muslim employees in respect of salaries, fringe benefits and allowances." (Exhibit No.36).

The Bahá’i Role in the Enemies' Conspiracies before the Triumph of the Islamic Revolution

The Bahá’is directly participated in all the Shah's crimes. The Shah's SAVAK, too, was directed by Bahá’is such as Parviz Sabeti. The Bahá’is did not give up their conspiracies after the triumph of the Revolution. Many of their treacherous leaders, together with the other criminals of the Shah's, went to Israel and Europe, taking with them the wealth of this oppressed nation. They are now actively conspiring abroad against the Islamic Revolution and have made large investments in this effort. The remaining few in the country have gone to the aid of affiliated political groups, and have, in particular, taken part in conspiracies such as coup d'etat, creating insecurity, bombings and especially espionage in favour of Israel and America. Most of them have been arrested by the Revolutionary courts and have been punished. Documents evidencing their connections with such groups as well as with the Palestine-occupying regime have been divulged and announced to the public through the mass media at various intervals.

Islamic Republic of Iran's position vis-a-vis Bahá’ism and the Bahá’is

All the Iranian people and the officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran, based on their having sensed at close hand the uncountable crimes committed by the followers of this sect throughout their country's undulating history, as well as on the evidence provided by history and the documents, of which a handful was referred to hereinabove, consider Bahá’ism as a politico-imperialist platform. They neither have recognized the Bahá’i followers as a religious minority nor will ever permit the propagation of their nonsense and false reports which, due to the treacherous nature of this political party, would be a prelude to the premise of renewed penetration by American and Israeli spies into Iran.

Years of treason, duplicity, crime, corruption and bloodshed by the leaders of this treacherous party have been enough for our nation. Therefore, any effort by western governments and the enemies of the Islamic Revolution to exert pressure to allow these traitors to resume activity will be in vain. Just as it has removed one by one all the imperialists' espionage bases in Iran, the Islamic Republic is firmly determined with all its power to crush the Zionist espionage dens acting under cover of Freemasonry, Baháism, etc. Just as the conspiracies by the Great Satan during the heroic action by the Muslim students following the Imam's Line and the pressures by its western allies failed to have the least effect on our people's steel will, the ridiculous spectacles by Zionists and escaped Bahá’is and the outcry by the western press will not be able to aid the Bahá’is reared by them or to prevent the complete elimination of the negligible, crumbling organization of the leaders of this treacherous party.

However, such a firm position does not mean that the rights of the few uninformed and deceived followers of this faith who, under the influence of the many intrigues and economic pressures by its leaders, have joined Bahá’ism, will be neglected. Fortunately, as a result of the atmosphere of freedom prevailing in the Islamic community, the fair approach by the Muslim people of Iran, the revelations and guidance by the promoters of Islam, many of them, having recognized the imperialist nature of this mock faith, have returned to the bosom of the people and Islam. It is hoped that the very few remaining deceived persons will gradually realize the truth and will free themselves from the claws of this treacherous party reared by Zionism.

Execution of Bahá’is

It is essential that we clarify our position vis-a-vis the rumour concerning "execution of Bahá’is in Iran for believing in Bahá’ism" which is spread by the world's imperialist newsmongers.

We do not expect anything else from the imperialist propaganda octopus. It was these same news media which explained away U.S. crimes in Vietnam, Nicaragua, El Salvador and all over the Third World, the murders and open aggressions by Britain and France against the people of India, Algeria, Morocco, Ireland and hundreds of other spots, as well as the savage bombardments by the Quds-occupying regime in Lebanon and their seizure of the homes of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. These very news media glorified 50 years of crime, thievery and plunder by the Shah's regime in the name of struggle to achieve great civilization. It is these same media that are now conducting a full-fledged campaign against the Islamic Republic of Iran, justifying Saddam's aggression against our Islamic home-land. And it is these same blatant imperialist media which have presented Massoud Rajavi, the terrorist, and Bani Sadr, the traitor, as progressive liberals, shed tears of pity for the death of terrorists, and instigate the world public opinion against us. It is therefore only natural that they should take advantage of the execution of a few spies and conspirators as a pretext for further attacks against the Islamic Revolution.

However, we address here the communities which unfortunately receive their news through this same imperialist news network, and based on this entirely false and spiteful propaganda, make protestations against the Islamic Republic as to why Bahá’is are executed merely for believing in something. We hereby clearly declare to all the free thinkers of the world that all these reports are utterly false, and there has not been a single instance in Iran where a person has been executed or even imprisoned or indicted on charges of harbouring certain beliefs. This practice is based on an explicit principle of the Constitutional Law which provides:

"Inquisition into people's opinions shall be forbidden, and no one shall be offended or brought to account merely for having a certain opinion." - Article 23 of the Constitutional Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

But it is natural that in Iran, like any country in the world, no one will be allowed to commit espionage, treason or conspiracy, regardless of his religious or political beliefs. All the Bahá’is, who have been condemned to imprisonment or death by the Revolutio­nary Courts, and who number but a handful, have been persons, who had key roles in public slaughters and were the major elements in holding the regime during the Shah's time, such as Hoveyda and..., or who were involved in plots to overthrow the Islamic Republic system after the triumph of the Islamic Revolution, or persons who mostly spied for Israel, the usurper, and strengthened the Quds-usurping regime with their material and moral assistance, transferring millions in foreign currency to the Israeli banks at the present sensitive circumstances.

Last word and final stand

The last word is that:

1. The Islamic Republic of Iran considers “Bahá’ism” as an Imperialist affiliated political party.

2. The Islamic Republic of Iran has never recognized this faith and its followers as a religion, religious minority or an official, legal party, nor will it ever do so for the following reasons:

a. The faith's being originally forged by Russian spies;

b. Sabotage activities, creating civil clashes in Iran and disunion between Muslims in Islamic countries;

c. All-out assistance to Britain in defeating an Islamic empire, creating colonial rule in Islamic countries and their separation;

d. Propagation of corruption, prostitution and sin in the Iranian community;

e. Direct participation in most of the Shah's crimes, slaughter and torture of Muslims, and management of the dead Shah's hellish SAVAK;

f. Economic exploitation of Iran during the Shah's regime;

g. Collaboration with the counter-revolutionaries through:

(i) participation in conspiracies and overthrowing plots,

(ii) weakening the economy,

(iii) transferring foreign currency abroad,

(iv) economic and moral assistance to international Zionism after the triumph of the Revolution.

3. Under the Constitutional Law, as long as the followers of the Bahá’i faith do not perpetrate espionage, offend the people's properties, propagate corruption, interfere in the fundamentals of the Islamic Republic, or have relationship with the Palestine-occupying regime, all their rights will be protected like an Iranian citizen, no one will be allowed to offend them, and they may be guided only by admonishment and words of wisdom. But those leaders and members of this-imperialist party who try to apply the old imperialist objectives and continue their relationship with Israel and the domestic and foreign enemies of the Revolution, will be dealt with severely in accordance with the Constitutional Law.

4. Let the imperialist communities and the western world's news media, which endeavour to pressure Iran in this connection, know that: Just as none of their active and propaganda conspiracies has been effective, this time, too, they will not be the least successful in all the clamour, especially that the supporters of this treacherous party in Iran are quite negligible and unmentionable, and Bahá’ism is the most hated imperialist faith in the eyes of the Iranian people, and the Islamic Republic will continue to the end its course of independence and freedom, God willing.

There is no victory but with God.

His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh's Exile to Iraq

Exhibit No. 1

"GOD PASSES BY", volume 2, page 41


His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh's Exile to Iraq

As mentioned in the previous chapter, the assassination attempt against the Shah's life took place on 28.10.1268 A.H. lunar (August 15, 1852 A.D.), and His Holiness was immediately arrested in Niavaran, taken to the capital city prison with the utmost contempt and disgrace and imprisoned in the Tehran dungeons...

pages 42-44

... By divine fate and divine wisdom, His Holiness was released from prison, which was caused, on the one hand, by the mediation of Prince Dolgorouki, the Russian Ambassador in Iran, who made every effort to have Bahá’u’lláh released from imprisonment and to prove his innocence, and on the other hand, by confession of Mulla Sheikh Ali Tarshizi who, in the presence of the prison warden, the Russian Embassy interpreter and the Government representative, attested to His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh's innocence, and expre­ssly stated his own involvement in the incident against the Shah. The increasing efforts by Bahá’u’lláh's brothers, sisters and relatives towards his release, as well as the investigating authorities' confirmation of His Holiness's innocence helped facilitate his release and saving from the hands of his hard enemies.

pages 47-49

His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh's relative peace and serenity, following the painful imprison­ment, was short-lived by the will of God, because shortly after His Holiness's arrival amongst his family and relatives, he was served an order from the Shah to leave Iran, within one month, to whichever destination he chose.

Having learned of the Shah's order, the Russian Ambassador requested His Holiness to permit his transportation to Russian territory. His Holiness refused this request and preferred to take up residence in Baghdad, Iraq.

In later years, in writings by His Holiness in honour of Russian Emperor Nikolayevich Alexander II, he expressed his gratitude of the Ambassador's action, as quoted herein below:

"Truly did one of your emissaries assist me while I was in prison with heavy chains on my hands and feet. Such was the will of God, for no one but He has any knowledge or control and any change is made at His will."

Elsewhere he wrote:

"While I, the innocent, was in prison tied with chains, the Ambassador made his utmost effort to have me released, and repeated permits for my release from the prison were issued, but some authorities prevented execution thereof. Finally, as a result of attempts by the Ambassador, my release was affected. His Majesty the Emperor of Russia offered much assistance in the way of God.

Exhibit No. 2

page 318

... on the last Friday of his life in this world, he attended midday congregational prayers, in spite of intense fatigue and weakness.

Exhibit No. 3

pages 296-298

In this section concerning the general world war and the incidents taking place in the world, it would not be inappropriate to mention some of the actions and attempts made, during the siege of Haifa, to protect Bahá.

Having learned of the severe dangers threatening His Holiness's life, the British friends took immediate action to secure his health. Lord Curzon and other members of the British cabinet were directly informed of the dangerous situation in Haifa. Moreover, Lord Lamington immediately sent a special report to the Foreign Ministry of the country and drew the attention of the officials to "His Holiness Abdul Bahá's personality and importance".

Upon receiving this report, Lord Balfour, the then Foreign Minister, on the same day sent a cable instruction to Gen. Allenby, commander of the British forces in Palestine, emphasizing to "protect His Holiness `Abdu’l-Bahá, his family and his friends with all your power."

Subsequent to that cable, and following the conquest of Haifa, Gen. Allenby sent a cable to London and requested the officials to "announce His Holiness's health and well-being to the world." He also assigned the commander of the Haifa front to take appropriate measures to protect His Holiness's life, thus preventing the plans of Jamal Pasha, who, according to information received by British Intelligence, was determined to crucify His Holiness `Abdu’l-Bahá and his family on Mount Carmel, in the event of the Turkish forces' set-back from the city.


Exhibit No. 4


During the war the Arabs were less frequent in their raids. They were afraid, if they ventured too near, that they might be seized and carried off into an unknown life—that of the soldier, the idea of which was a terror to themselves, and indirectly a cause of tranquility to the villagers.

Preparation for war conditions had been made by 'Abdu'l-Bahá even before His return to Palestine, after His world tour. The people of the villages Nughayb, Samrih, and 'Adasiyyih were instructed by the Master how to grow corn, so as to produce prolific harvests, in the period before and during the lean years of the war.

A vast quantity of this corn was stored in pits, some of which had been made by the Romans, and were now utilized for this purpose. So it came about that 'Abdu'l-Bahá was able to feed numberless poor of the people of Haifa, 'Akkaa, and the neighborhood, in the famine years of 1914-1918.

We learned that when the British marched into Haifa there was some difficulty about the commissariat. The officer in command went to consult the Master.

"I have corn," was the reply.

"But for the army?" said the astonished soldier.

"I have corn for the British Army," said 'Abdu'l-Baha.

He truly walked the Mystic way with practical feet.

Exhibit No. 5

pages 299-300

... After the end of the war, officials of the British government extended their appreciation for the valuable services rendered by His Holiness `Abdu’l-Bahá towards the residents of the holy land in reducing the pains of the people of the land. This appreciation and gratitude was expressed in the form of presenting him with the title of "Knighthood" and the special Order, which was done in ceremonies which took place at the residence of the British ruler in Haifa, attended by dignitaries from different nations and sects, including Gen. Allenby, the British commander, accompanied by his counterpart in Bahji, King Faisal, who later ascended to the Iraqi throne, and Sir Herbert Samuel, later entitled Viscount Samuel of Carmel....