A list of some censored books on the Baha'i Faith


Here's a list of some censored books on the Baha'i Faith. These books were all suppressed by the Baha'i authorities, and in some cases, the authors were killed.

It would be great to see a more organised effort to distribute and translate these Persian works. Please feel free to add to the list, or share translations if you are aware of any.

  • Nuqtatu'l-Kaf
    • Nuqtatu'l-Kaf is a book that was originally published in 1851 but was suppressed in Iran. It contains material that is hostile to the Baha'i Faith. When E.G. Browne published the book with Persian and English introductions, a number of Baha'i scholars worked on refutations of the book, including Siyyid Mahdi Gulpaygani and Mirza Abu'l-Fadl. The book was discovered by E.G. Browne in Paris and published by him. This horrified Baha'i leaders who accused him of having become an Azali and of receiving a bribe from them to publish the book.
  • The Philosophy of Niku (Filsifa-i-Niku)
    • Even after he had given up the Baha’i faith, the Baha’is of Teheran continued to claim him as one of their own, and Niku was forced to write several volumes in Persian entitled “The Philosophy of Niku,” to prove that he had left the movement. In an able and interesting manner, Niku described the things which he had seen and heard which disillusioned him, such as the worldly ambition of Abdu’l-Baha, his greed for money, and his flattering epistles to great and wealthy people whom he hoped to win as disciples.
  • Hash Bihisht (The Eight Paradises)
    • The Hasht Bihisht is a book written by two sons-in-law of Subh-i-Azal, which contains the teachings and sayings of Haji Sayyid Jawad of Karbala, who was among the first Letters of the Living in the Bayan hierarchy. The book's preface discusses the virtues and claims of the Bayan religion over all other religions, while the body of the work consists of eight chapters dealing with the practice of the Bayan religion and the events of the Day of Resurrection. The book also contains an Elucidation of the Direful Mischief, which refers to the secession between the Azalis and the Bahais, and ends with a narrative of a visit to Acre by one of the people of the Bayan, Mirza Aqa Khan of Kerman, who was also one of the co-authors of the book. The work is considered a systematic treatise in the philosophy, theory, ethics, morality, and history of the Bayan religion.
  • Kitab-i-Subhi
    • The Kitab-i-Subhi, written by Mirza Subhi, a former Persian scribe to Sir Abbas Effendi and a Bahai missionary. He wrote two books explaining why he left the Baha'i faith.
  • Kashf-al-Hiyal (Exposure of Deception)
    • The book Kashf-al-Hiyal was written by Abd-al-Husayn Avarih, who was a Bahá'í and had also written the Kavakibu'd-Durriyyih, an important history of the Bahá'í Faith. However, he later left the Bahá'í Faith and wrote the Kashf-al-Hiyal in three volumes. In the book, he related how he became a Bahá'í and why he defected. He also mentioned that while writing the history of the movement, Abdu’l-Baha forced him to misrepresent the facts. Avarih was a member of the Hands of the Cause and a prominent Bahá'í missionary who was greatly revered by the Bahá'ís. He served Shoghi Efendi for a number of years and was sent by him to Europe to make converts but later left the movement. In Kashf-al-Hiyal, Avarih confirmed the account of Hasht-Bihisht and added that the assassins of Baha's brother Mirza Musa were Ustad Muhammad Ali the Barber and his accomplices.
  • Book of Seraj
  • Book of Qahir
  • Tanbihun-Naimin
    • The Tanbihun-Naimin, also known as The Awakening of the Sleepers, is a book comprising four parts. The first part is a facsimile of a letter from Abdul Baha to his aunt known as Khanum-i-Buzurg, urging her to believe in Baha and to renounce his half-brother Subh-i-Azal. The second part is a long reply from Khanum-i-Buzurg, commonly called Risala-i Amma, containing historical and biographical information about the Bahais, particularly during the Baghdad period and the schism between the Bahais and Azalis. The reply rebuts the claims of Baha'u'llah. The third part is a homily in Arabic followed by a refutation in Persian, both by Mirza Ahmad of Kerman. The fourth part is a facsimile of the Will and Testament of Baha, with the preamble and concluding notes in Baha's handwriting and the body of the will in his secretary's handwriting.


Baha'u'llah - A Serial Murderer


It's known that Baha'u'llah's ambitions for leadership created a trail of homicides across the Middle East, several of which are acknowledged even by Baha'i sources.

Baha'u'llah was involved in upwards of 20 homicides, including prominent Babis who didn't accept his claims to be HWGSMM and Azalis who opposed him. This is not to count Baha'u'llah's involvement in organising military insurgencies where many hundreds died.

Is there a complete list of the known victims of these crimes?

Here are a few I've gathered:

Hajji Mirza Ahmad of Kashan -- murdered in Baghdad, author of the early Babi history Kitab-i Nuqtat al-Kaf, a Babi who was loyal to Subh-i-Azal

Mirza `Alī Muhammad Sarrāj -- murdered in Baghdad by stabbing, author of a book opposing the claim that Baha'u'llah was HWGSMM

Sayyid Ismail Zawareh -- murdered in Baghdad, his throat was cut and the knife placed in his hand to make it look self-inflicted

Aqa Ali Muhammad -- murdered in Baghdad, a brother-in-law of the Bab

Aqa Abul Jasim of Kashan -- murdered in Baghdad, "because he had reported to Subh-i Azal that he heard that Baha’s pretension was that he was the return of the Imam Hussein"

Mullā Rajab `Alī (Qahir) -- murdered in Karbala, brother of Sarraj and a supporter of Subh-i-Azal. He was murdered with a revolver by a Baha'i man called Nasur the Arab.

Aqa Sayyid Ali the Arab -- murdered in Tabriz

Mirza Nasrullah -- murdered in Edirne, the brother-in-law of Subh-i-Azal

Mulla Rajab Ali Qahir -- murdered in Karbala, a brother-in-law of the Bab

Haji Mirza Muhammad Rida -- murdered in Akka, maternal uncle of Haji Sayyid Muhammad of Isfahan

Sayyid Muhammad Isfahani -- murdered in Akka, a supporter of Subh-i-Azal, seven Baha'is were convicted and jailed

Aqa Jan Kaj-Kulah -- murdered in Akka, a supporter of Subh-i-Azal, seven Baha'is were convicted and jailed

Mirza Rida-Quli Tafrishi -- murdered in Akka, a supporter of Subh-i-Azal, seven Baha'is were convicted and jailed

Muhammad Khan -- murdered in Akka, murdered in the Carawansaray of corn-sellers, buried in a shallow grave and discovered by authorities

Hajji Ibrahim -- murdered in Akka, murdered in the Carawansaray of corn-sellers, buried in a shallow grave and discovered by authorities

Source : https://www.reddit.com/r/exbahai/comments/11jgnv4/bahaullah_a_serial_murderer/

Baha'i cultists remove two quotes from Ruhi Book-1 to make it more tolerant!

The Baha'i administration has been actively deceiving simple minded people to join their cult through various means, including through the Core Activities.

Ruhi Book-1 is the first book taught in a Ruhi Study Circle and introduces basic concepts and principles of the Baha'i Faith. It is designed to help "seekers" (potential Baha'is) understand the teachings of the Baha'i Faith and explore its relevance to their lives!

Recently, two quotes were removed from the latest revised edition of Ruhi Book-1. These quotes were deemed inappropriate by the Baha'i administration and were removed to make the book more tolerant and welcoming to "seekers". The quotes in question are:

"Whoso hath failed to recognize Him will have condemned himself to the misery of remoteness, a remoteness which is naught but utter nothingness and the essence of the nethermost fire."

"The souls of the infidels, however, shall—and to this I bear witness—when breathing their last be made aware of the good things that have escaped them, and shall bemoan their plight, and shall humble themselves before God. They shall continue doing so after the separation of their souls from their bodies.”

While it is understandable that the Baha'i cultists wants to present a more tolerant and welcoming image to seekers, the removal of these quotes raises questions about the authenticity of the teachings of the Baha'i Faith. It is important to note that these quotes were part of the original teachings of the Baha'i Faith and were included in previous editions of Ruhi Book-1!

This approach involves presenting a rosy picture of the Baha'i faith to attract interested individuals, while ignoring or censoring certain quotes and teachings from the original writings of the Baha'i central figures.

There is a growing concern among some Baha'is that the Baha'i administration is hiding certain aspects of the faith and only presenting a sanitized version of the teachings to the Baha'is of western countries. This concern has led to many Baha'i scholars leaving the faith, as they feel that the censorship policy goes against the principles of transparency and honesty.

It is essential that the Baha'i community and its administration recognize the importance of presenting the teachings of the Baha'i faith in an honest and transparent manner. This includes acknowledging and addressing uncomfortable or controversial aspects of the faith, not hiding or censoring them.

With over 110 years of activity there are only 300 Baha'is in Mumbai, India.

History of the Baha'i faith in Bombay, India:

The first Baha'is in Mumbai were members of the Afnan family, who had set up a business in the city. In 1872, the Afnans requested Baha’u’llah to send a teacher to Mumbai. Jamal Effendi was sent in response to this request and arrived in Mumbai in 1883.

Over time, many prominent people taught the Baha'i faith in Mumbai, including Mirza Mohammed Ali, the son of Baha'u'llah, and Mirza Hadi Shirazi, the father of Shoghi Effendi. These individuals, who later broke the so-called Covenant of Baha'u'llah, played an important role in spreading the Baha'i faith throughout the city.

Additionally, the Afnan family established a printing press in Mumbai, which was used to print Arabic and Persian Baha'i books. These books were then shipped to other regions, including Persia and Egypt, to help spread the teachings of the Baha'i faith even further. In general, the initial phase of the Baha'i faith in Mumbai was defined by the endeavors of a notable group of people who worked towards persuading the Indians to accept the Baha'i faith. Subsequently, the formation of the first Local Spiritual Assembly took place in Bombay in 1911.

Bombay Baha'i Community in 1932

Several other important figures who visited Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay) to encourage local Baha'is to teach their religion, were Hands of the Cause, including Mr. Faizi, Dr. Mohajer, Dorothy Baker, Mr. Samandari, Mr. Khazeh, and Mr. Khadem.

Ruhiyyih Khanum visited Bombay in 1973

In addition to the visits from the Hands of the Cause, Ruhiyyih Khanum, the wife of Shoghi Effendi, visited Bombay for a conference in 1973. This was an important event for the local Baha'i community, as Ruhiyyih Khanum was a highly respected and influential figure for the Baha'is, and her visit likely served to inspire and encourage them in Mumbai.

What is the current situation of the Baha'i community in Mumbai?

Bombay Baha'i Community celebrating the festival of Ridvan

We received an email from a disenchanted senior Baha'i residing in Mumbai, which stated that the number of Baha'is in the city are currently below 200 in number. According to the letter, a vast majority of individuals who were once Baha'is, just like the descendants of Baha'u'llah, have now converted to other religions. It was also mentioned that only a small group of less than 70 active Baha'is currently participate in the Ridvan Elections.

What is the cause of this downfall?

While most religions are based on faith and spirituality, there are some cults that rely on deceit and manipulation to draw in new members. Baha'i faith is one such cult that exaggerates the size of its membership and claims to be a “world religion”. Baha'i faith is a prime example of how a cult can be used to manipulate and deceive people.

At the heart of the Baha'i faith is a false claim that it has millions of members worldwide. This number is far greater than the actual number of members, which is likely in the thousands. To bolster this claim, Baha'is have used clever marketing strategies to make it seem larger than it really is. For example, it has created numerous websites and other online presences, all of which purport to represent it's worldwide membership.

In addition to exaggerating the size of its membership, Baha'is also use deceptive tactics to lure people into joining. Baha'i faith makes false promises of unity of religion and the unity of mankind. It promises that the membership will bring about the most great peace!

Lies exposed:

The truth always has a way of coming out, and in the case of the Baha'i faith, their lies have finally been exposed. In 2017, the Indian Express published a news by the Baha'is claiming that there are 2500-3000 Baha'is in Mumbai. However, in 2023, the cult has been exposed as having only 300 members. (Check the report by Free Press Journal on Ayyan-i-Ha celebrations in Mumbai). In 2019 also, there were only 300 Baha'is! (Check DNA report) This significant difference in numbers begs the question: what else has this cult been lying about?

It is not uncommon for the Baha'is to lie about the size of their communities or the success of their Institute Process to keep their members and potential new recruits hooked. In this case, the cult's lies about its membership numbers are a clear indication of its manipulative tactics.


2023 - https://www.freepressjournal.in/mumbai/mumbai-four-days-of-spirituality-charity-mark-intercalary-days-for-bahais

2019 - https://www.dnaindia.com/mumbai/report-mumbai-bahais-spend-time-in-prayers-fast-for-spiritual-nourishment-2726496

2017 - https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/mumbai/bahai-founders-200th-birth-anniversary-today-4900699/