Baha'u'llah and swearing


Anyone else pressured by Bahais that they should not swear? The irony is that Bahaullah swore himself:

قل أفّ لك يا خنزير وبما اكتسبت أيداك بحيث جرّبت سيف نفسك على وجه الله واستكبرت على الله المهيمن العزيز القدّوس.

Say: Shame on you, pig, and what your hands have done, as you tested the sword of your self on the face of God and became arrogant towards God, the bestower of faith, the powerful, the holy. (Surat an-Nus'h)

So Baha'u'llah swore himself. It doesn't surprise me, and I don't necessarily think that swearing is bad. But it is just one more example of how the current, Westernized, Bahai faith, is completely different from its historical roots.

Some of the letters of Bahaullah are really vile, and I would get angry if a person talked to me like that. This seems to be the modus operandi of Bahaullah. He sends a letter to a king or influential person, complaining and attacking them, and then complain more when they won't respond. And so the victimization cycle continues.

Another translation here :

From Suratu’l Nus’h: Provisional Translation

Say: Woe to you, O swine! For what your hands have wrought to the extent that you have drawn the sword from its sheath towards the Countenance of God, and waxed arrogantly against God, the Help in Peril, the Mighty and Most Holy.

The UHJ's genius technique !


The UHJ's genius technique is instead of having Baha'is teach non-Bahais, they have Baha'is teach non-Bahais to teach.

The great thing is about teaching to teach is that you don't have to teach the original subject matter. Instead of teaching the subject matter, you just teach the teaching strategies, and then you can throw away Baha'u'llah's writings. The Kitab I Aqdas, the Kitab I Iqan, and the Hidden Words are the old ways. Clusters, milestones, cycles, and expansion phases are the new ways. And if you don't worship Farzam Arbab's holy invention of the cluster, then you are not a real Baha'i and therefore will be denied Baha'i service opportunities. But if some recent convert studies clusters and milestones in depth, and memorizes all the cluster terminology, then he is a true Baha'i even though he has never cracked open the Kitab I Aqdas.

Among the most ridiculous statements made by the founder of Bahaism

 Verily there is no god but I, the Unique Prisoner!

أنه لا إله إلا أنا المسجون الفريد

Baha'is meet Meher Baba, Yazd, 1929

On the third day of his stay at Yazd, “his name was by now a subject of conversation all over the city” (Shepherd 2005:117). His companions had feared that local Bahais and Babis would resent him as a rival religious figure. However, the forebodings were proven wrong. Bahais were instead seen to display a marked veneration for the visitor from India.

From Mubaraka, Meher Baba moved on to his ancestral village of Khorramshah. He is reported to have been in a very good mood when he arrived. A crowd assembled, eager to see the visitor. Several Bahais appeared with their local figurehead.

They came from mere curiosity, their leader being determined not to acknowledge the visiting celebrity in any way. Yet when he [the Bahai leader] came into the presence of Meher Baba, he gradually lost his reservations. To the surprise of his retinue, the Bahai leader first bowed before Baba, then asked his group to follow suit, then asked them to kiss the visitor’s hand (a sign of esteem), and finally to prostrate themselves at the visitor’s feet. Meher Baba undoubtedly possessed a strong charisma, and the fact that he was silent and did not lecture anyone appears to have left a good impression with Iranians. (Shepherd 2005:118)

When the visitor returned to Yazd that evening, another Bahai appeared. This man is not named; he is described as being leader of the Bahai community in Shiraz. He arrived by aeroplane, his sole intention being to challenge Meher Baba with theological questions. At the moment of encounter, however, the Bahai leader fell at Baba’s feet and exclaimed: “You are God!” Afterwards, this man moved through the crowd, saying: “I have seen God!” Onlookers were surprised to see a Bahai preacher acting in this manner. Subsequently, that same preacher delivered an unusual sermon to a large gathering, commending Meher Baba.

“Bahais found that he [Meher Baba] did not fit the stereotype of religious teachers in Iran” (ibid:119). The Islamic mullas typically sought to persuade and admonish, promoting their religious perspective at every turn. The preachers might assume irate facial expressions of disapproval, and loudly invoke the name of God while threatening divine retribution. In contrast, the benign Meher Baba was not interested in conversion, and did not mention his own views during this sojourn.

He had gained more adulation at Yazd than in any other city on his travels to date. Yet Meher Baba would not stay; he insisted upon leaving on the morning of the fourth day, October 28. He did not view Yazd as being suitable for purposes of seclusion. Hundreds of people appeared at his bungalow to bid farewell. Meher Baba evaded their attention by departing quickly (Kalchuri et al 1989:1239). Some Yazdis pleaded for photographs of him to keep in fond memory. His companions gave away what photos they had. “Even orthodox Shi’i Muslims were asking for photos of a Zoroastrian” (Shepherd 2005:119). -Source: Kevin Shepherd, 'Meher Baba and Yazd' online article.