Baha'is are slowly but surely becoming the economic elite in Iran.

by Wahid Azal

Baha'i NDF in Iran
Baha'is are not only not persecuted in Iran anymore but they are slowly but surely becoming the economic elite in it. In other words, Iran is in the process of experiencing a slow motion coup d'etat from within with the Baha'is as its ultimate beneficiaries. The political class of the Islamic Republic of Iran has become so irredeemably corrupt in recent years that they don't even care about what is going on around them and many of them -- such as the factions around President Rouhani, Zarif and former president Khatami -- are part of all this and are actively doing business with these people as well as the Zionists. Even the office of the Ayatollah Khamenei and the people around him are corrupt. Possibly only Ayatollah Khamenei himself remains the only figure with any political integrity left but unfortunately he has increasingly lost more and more actual power.

Let's look at facts. Currently the entire building supply industry in the capital city of Tehran is owned and controlled by Baha'i businesses and individuals. After arms manufacturing and oil, the building industry anywhere is at the top of the chain of industries in a capitalist economy. Baha'is control the cement industry in Tehran, both manufacturing and supply. They control the manufacture and distribution of plaster. They control the heavy equipment industry, but distribution only since cranes and other heavy equipment are usually manufactured overseas. Steel: manufacture, formation/alteration and distribution. Stones. Tile. You name it and they are there. They also do all the project management for assorted developments and hire only their own people. The money changing hands here is obnoxiously high, so you work out the math, and there are also allegations that all of the major loan sharks in Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz and Tabriz are Baha'is. Beyond that, the optometry and eyeglass industry in Iran is widely known to be controlled by the Baha'is.

Additionally, the Iranian black market during most of the sanctions period until 2016 was widely rumored to have heavy Baha'i involvement, and because of a substantial number of wealthy Baha'is being in the Gulf who are also known for this sort of thing over there, this lends squeaky clean credibility to the allegations.

Several public individuals, as well as an assortment of Iranian media outlets, have for years claimed that the Baha'is run the biggest money laundering outfit throughout the region, and on it goes.

The Islamic Republic of Iran lost its revolutionary way somewhere around the presidency of Hashemi Rafsanjani. For those fans of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, they should also understand that despite the image their hero was also corrupt to the bone, plus it has long been rumored that Ahmadinejad's father was a Sangsari Baha'i who had converted to Islam which makes Ahmadi himself a first generation Muslim with a Baha'i background.

This rabbit hole goes deep and those who have either recently been to Iran or live there know that Baha'i persecution is a myth. It is actually the other way around. So ask yourself, how is it possible for a community to be persecuted when this community controls a substantial (and dare one say, central) part of the economy? It is impossible because Iran is not Nazi Germany nor are the Baha'is the Jews of 1930s Europe. The Baha'is are an intrinsic part of the economic mafia and financial ruling class of Iran so all of these bogus persecution claims are presently nothing more than a political fight against Iran's political class with the Baha'is clawing more and more power away from the state and this political class by using fake human rights violations claims as one of the weapons. This is identically the same thing that happened under the Pahlavi regime from 1953-1979 that eventually saw that regime collapse in a popular uprising and Revolution. Exactly the same thing is happening again, and this time with much higher stakes because Iran may implode into a Syria-style civil war.

Look, irrefutable evidence of what I say is in the fact that the system in Iran released all seven members of the Yaran after having found them guilty with irrefutable evidence of corruption, espionage and treason against the state. This, in itself, was an unequivocal admission of defeat by the judiciary and political class of the Islamic Republic of Iran under pressure from both within and without. Yet others continue to linger in IR prisons for far, far, far less. So ask yourselves, who has that kind of power in Iran other than an entrenched elite? And when you answer this question in the only way it can be answered, you will realize that the Baha'i persecution claims of today are 100%, unequivocal bunkum!

Baha'i delusion, fake stories. This is one such fake story!

Baha'is are delusional people, they believe it was so very easy for Abdul Baha to convert a Muslim 'enemy'!

Copy-pasting from facebook

In 'Akká also lived a man named Shaykh Mahmud. He lustily hated the Bahá'ís. While many of his fellow-townsmen had gradually come to realize how very wrong they had been and were speaking of the prisoners in terms of appreciation and praise, Shaykh Mahmud remained adamant in his hatred. One day he was present at a gathering where people were talking of 'Abdu'l-Bahá as a good man, a remarkable man. The Shaykh could bear it no longer and stormed out, saying that he would show up this 'Abbas Effendi[1] for what He was. In blazing anger he rushed to the mosque, where he knew 'Abdu'l-Bahá could be found at that hour, and laid violent hands upon Him. The Master looked at the Shaykh with that serenity and dignity which only He could command, and reminded him of what the Prophet Muhammad had said: 'Be generous to the guest, even should he be an infidel.' Shaykh Mahmud turned away. His wrath had left him. So had his hate. All that he was conscious of was a deep sense of shame and bitter compunction. He fled to his house and barred the door. Some days later he went straight into the presence of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, fell on his knees, and besought forgiveness: 'Which door but thine can I seek; whose bounty can I hope for but thine?' He became a devoted Bahá'í.[2]

[1 'Abdu'l-Bahá was known as such by the generality of the people in that region.]
[2 This story of Shaykh Mahmud was related to the present writer, nearly forty years ago, by Haji Mirza Habibu'llah Afnan, a member of the family of the Báb, who as a young man had heard it from Shaykh Mahmud himself.]

(H.M. Balyuzi, Abdu'l-Baha - The Centre of the Covenant, p. 32)