From all fake Christs Baha'u'llah is the most prominent!

It is clearly written in the Bible that Baha'u'llah can never be The Second Coming of Christ. Only two examples are sufficient:

> Matthew 24:23-28
  1. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
  2. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
  3. Behold, I have told you before.
  4. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
  5. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
> Luke 17:22-25
  • And he said unto the disciples, The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it.
  • And they shall say to you, See here; or, see there: go not after them, nor follow them.
  • For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day.
From all fake Christs Baha'u'llah is the most prominent.

Baha'u'llah said he believe in the Quran but at the same time he believed in the crucification of Christ, but the two versions of Jesus' passing, that of the Bible and that from the Quran, contradict each other. What is logic here?

Russian Prince Dolgorukov's 'love' for Baha'u'llah!

Mírza Majíd Khan Aahí the son-in-law of Baha'u'llah and secretary to the Russian Ambassador.

On Monday, 16 August 1852, Bahá'u'lláh rode out towards the headquarters of the imperial army. At the time, He had been in ‘The Abode of the Birds’ (MurghMaḥallih), a garden which had been His summer residence. He stopped at Zargandih at the home of Mírzá Majíd Khán-i-Áhí, secretary to the Russian legation. [BKG77; DB603, AY235]
  • Bahá'u'lláh was invited to remain in this home. [DB603] 
  • The Sháh was informed of Bahá'u'lláh's arrival and sent an officer to the legation to demand the delivery of Bahá'u'lláh into his hands. The Russian minister, Prince Dolgorukov, refused and suggested that Bahá'u'lláh be sent to the home of the Grand Vizier. [BKG77; DB603] 
  • Bahá'u'lláh was arrested. [BKG77; DB603]
On 28th June 1845, Prince Dolgorukov was appointed Russian ambassador to Tihrán. He was previously first secretary of the Russian legation at Istanbul. He arrived in Tihrán in January 1846.
  •  In Dec. 1852 Bahá'u'lláh was released from the Síyáh-Chál owing to the efforts of the Russian Minister Prince Dolgorukov. [GPB104–5] 
  • See CH43–4 for the role of the Russian Consul in securing His release. He invoked his full power as an envoy of Russia and called out the Sháh and his court for their 'barbaric' behaviour. 
  • The Russian minister invited Bahá'u'lláh to go to Russia but Bahá'u'lláh chose instead to go to Iraq.

The harmony of science and religion is one of the fundamental principles of the Bahá'í Faith!!!!! What?

"Cancer is contagious" - 'Abdu'l Baha

"… Thou hadst asked some questions; that why the blessed and spiritual souls, who are firm and steadfast, shun the company of degenerate persons. This is because, that just as the bodily diseases like consumption and cancer are contagious, likewise the spiritual diseases are also infectious. If a consumptive should associate with a thousand safe and healthy persons, the safety and health of these thousand persons would not affect the consumptive and would not cure him of his consumption. But when this consumptive associates with those thousand souls, in a short time the disease of consumption will infect a number of those healthy persons. This is a clear and self-evident question."

(‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Tablet to an individual believer, October 1921: Star of the West, Vol. XII, No. 14, p. 233)​

Source :

Tribute to "Nabil", one of the leading early "apostles" of Baha'u'llah.

By N. Wahid Azal

Nabil Zarandi was one of the leading early "apostles" of Baha'u'llah who had made a divine claim of his own in Baghdad and then retracted it after the murder of Dayyan and joined Baha'u'llah. He was a sufiesque poet with countless panegyric poems to his name lauding Baha'u'llah to the heavens and beyond. Apparently he authored an extensive history whose original manuscript has only ever been seen by a tiny handful of people, i.e. the history known as The Dawn Breakers which in its English translation by Shoghidelic I have dubbed Pseudo-Zarandi.

Mirza Agha Khan Kirmani and Shaykh Ahmad Ruhi (both executed in 1896), and sons in law of Subh-i-Azal, claim in the final part of their massive work hasht bihisht (The Eight Heavens) that Nabil Zarandi was actually murdered by the Baha'is in Acre in an act jointly undertaken by both the Abbas Effendi faction as well as the Muhammad Ali faction after Baha's death because he had begun making claims once again.

As I mentioned, an original history posthumously renamed The Dawn Breakers has been attributed to him. But only Shoghi Effendi, Fadil Mazandarani, very briefly Denis MacEoin, Ahang Rabbani, Vahid Rafati and recently Stephan Lambden have ever seen a manuscript of this work apparently penned by Zarandi. Shoghi Effendi's purported English translation was translated into Arabic and the Arabic translation was soon thereafter translated into Persian by 'Abdu'l-Hamid Ishraq-Khavari (even though the original work was supposedly authored in Persian). Fadil Mazandarani, a Hand of the Cause appointed by Shoghi Effendi, fell afoul of both Shoghi Effendi as well as the Iranian National Spiritual Assembly during the 1940s for his own multivolume history named The History of the Manifestation of Truth (tarikh-i-zuhur al-haqq) because it explicitly contradicts much of the narrative of Nabil Zarandi (or, rather, Pseudo-Zarandi's) history as crafted by Shoghi Effendi, especially in the Babi section of it as well as in the final chapters which covers the final years of Baha' and his family life in Acre.

I once was told by Ahang Rabbani under confidence (but now that he is dead, this can be revealed) that the later part of Zarandi's original history explicitly lauds and panegyrizes Muhammad Ali above Abbas Effendi, and this is one of the reasons why the original manuscript has been systematically suppressed from public circulation or indepedent scholarly examination by Baha'i authorities. If true, it is a supreme irony that a text whose original lauds and panegyrizes Muhammad Ali has been made the official history of the Haifan as well as the Orthodox Remeyite Baha'i groups who have established themselves on the very basis of demonizing Muhammad Ali, his family and followers. But such opportunism is a consistent and well established pattern of Bahaism throughout all of its phases.

A problem with the 'history' of the Baha'i Faith

by Dale Husband

Taherzadeh wrote in The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, Volume 4, Chapter 26:

"The signs of the violation of the Covenant appeared on the actual day of the ascension. The body of Bahá'u'lláh was awaiting interment when His sons secretly launched their treacherous schemes to rob the Centre of the Covenant of His legitimate successorship which was explicitly conferred upon Him by Bahá'u'lláh Himself. A detailed account of this breaking of the Covenant is beyond the scope of this book. It is, however, the hope of the present author to produce, God willing, one or two volumes on the Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh as a sequel to the four volumes of The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh. The study of the Kitab-i-'Ahd with all its implications will also be carried out in these forthcoming volumes."

Here's a problem with the 'history' of the Baha'i Faith: If the younger sons were indeed so unfaithful, why would Baha'u'llah, who was supposed to be a Prophet of God, proclaim in his Will and Testament (the Kitab-i-'Ahd) that the Greater Branch (Muhammad Ali) would have a rank in the Faith below that of the Most Mighty Branch (Abdu'l-Baha) and would also be Abdu'l-Baha's successor, even stating this was what God wanted? This is a clear failure on the part of Baha'u'llah. A real Prophet able to foresee the future would have avoided mentioning any of the younger sons at all.

​If something does not make sense, it cannot be true, period.

Story of an extra ordinary Baha'i child Ruhu'llah Varqa!

Mirza Ali-Muhammad (Varqa) and Ruhu'llah Varqa
After the ascension of Bahá'u'lláh, Varqa, together with his two children, went on pilgrimage to the presence of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. As in the past, 'Abdu'l-Bahá and His sister the Greatest Holy Leaf showed admiration and love for Ruhu'llah (Varqa's son), and both enjoyed talking to him.

One day the Greatest Holy Leaf noticed that Ruhu'llah and his older brother 'Azizu'llah were playing in the garden. She called them in and they sat in her presence. Also present were Mirza Badi'u'llah and Mirza Diya'u'llah, the two sons of Bahá'u'lláh who later joined hands with Mirza Muhammad-'Ali, the Archbreaker of the Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh. The Greatest Holy Leaf, often referred to as 'Khanum', asked them what they said to people when teaching the Faith.

'We tell them', Ruhu'llah answered, 'that God has manifested Himself.'

Surprised at this remark, Khanum told them that surely they could not say such a thing straight away to people!

'We don't tell this to everybody,' responded Ruhu'llah, 'we only say it to those who have the capacity to hear such a statement.'

'How would you know such people?' asked Khanum.

'We look into their eyes and then know whether we can give them the Message,' replied Ruhu'llah.

Khanum laughed heartily and then beckoned Ruhu'llah to come close and look into her eyes to find out whether she had the capacity for hearing such words. In obedience to her request Ruhu'llah sat down opposite the Greatest Holy Leaf, looked intently into her eyes and then said, 'You already believe in these words.' 

Then it was the turn of the two sons of Bahá'u'lláh. Ruhu'llah went close to them, looked searchingly into their eyes and sadly said to Khanum, 'They are not worth looking into!'

Truly, Ruhu'llah was no ordinary child.

(Revelation of Baha'u'llah volume four, by Adib Taherzadeh)

A Look at the Baha'i supported draft resolution on Iran

by madali0 (an Iranian on reddit)

Source :

So, it seems Israeli & Saudi news site are jumping on a draft resolution put forward by Canada that says that Iran is super bad.

Unfortunately, our Baha'i friend and his tribe also seem to have jumped on this resolution,

Here is the draft resolution,

What's interesting is how weak the anti-Iran group is.

First of all, people should understand that there has always been huge pressure for countries to not vote pro Iran. Notice out of 183 countries, Less than 50% actually vote for, with the majority of the countries decided to not vote at all.

But look at some the countries that are really concerned about Human Rights in Iran,
  • Djibouti
  • Dominica
  • Dominican Republic
  • El Salvador
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Israel
  • Liberia
  • Malawi
  • KSA
  • UAE
  • USA
Also, lots of tiny countries who obviously won't say no to big powers such as,
  • Kiribati with its population of 116,398, slightly bigger than Tehran's Azadi Stadium which can fill 90,000 fans.
  • Saint Lucia - 178,000, this one is big, it's almost TWO Azadi Stadiums!
  • Micronesia - 105,000
  • Seychelles - 95,000
  • Tuvalu - 11,000 (yes, really, apparently)
The resolution is, of course, basically just USA and NATO to be honest.

So, it's also interesting to see the countries that have refused to vote in Favor anyway. No In Favor from our western neighbors (Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, or Jordan!). Our eastern neighbors are also on our side, with Pakistan & India hard NO, and countries like Nepal, Sri Lanka absentees (can't figure out Afghanistan since it's cropped out in the image).

Our Southern neighbors only has KSA and UAE being the usual dicks (and probably Bahrain but it's cropped out). Kuwait & Qatar, sit this one out, and Oman is thumps up Iran bruh.

Finally, our northern CIS brothers have refused this resolution, such as Kyrgystan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Armenia is also cropped, but I bet those cool dudes are either completely on our side, or just went to the bathroom at the right time.

Isn't it cool that we live in a time where Iran has countries surrounding it that are refusing to fully bow down to USA, even though they have like 100 times more of an advantage than us, in terms of their bullying ability?

We just need to make KSA see the light, and then Iran and this region is untouchable.

Source :

Here is Iran's response to this resolution:

"Iran’s deputy U.N. ambassador, Eshagh Al Habib, dismissed the resolution as a “political charade,” saying promoting the human rights of Iranians “is not simply a legal and moral responsibility, but a paramount requirement of national security.”

“Similar to any other country, deficiencies may exist, and we are determined to address them,” he said. “However, it is not for those who traditionally, historically and practically supported colonialism, slavery, racism and apartheid to lecture Iranians on human rights.”"

And here is a Baha'i response !!! 🙄

  • We Baha'is do not participate in politics blah blah ... current resolution was the result of absolutely no political lobbying by Baha'is.
  • We Baha'i believe in the oneness of humanity and care for all humanity blah blah ... except for those 80 million Iranians whose life we will make miserable by intense lobbying and resolutions, all in the name of human rights of course.
  • Those bad bad bogeyman Iranians killed a few Baha'is after their revolution blah blah ... we will teach them a lesson by establishing great relationships with US/Israel and Co. who haven't killed a single innocent person in the last one hundred years because we absolutely detest violence and those that create it.
  • We as Baha'is have 300 thousand followers in Iran who are enduring economic hardships blah blah ... please impose economic hardships on 80 million Iranian civilians for how their government treats us.
Click here to see the proof of how UHJ is working against Iranian people.

Megalomaniac's days of imprisonment in Palestine

Baha'u'llah on 'Thunder'
Normally, during the spring, summer and part of the autumn season, the Blessed Perfection resided in the Mansion of Bahji and the remainder of the year in the city of Akka. He used to ride a white donkey. It was called Barq [lightning] because of its ability to move fast. Any time He went from the Mansion to the Garden of Ridvan, to Mazra'ih, to the Garden of Junaynih, or to Akka, He rode on that donkey, and returned in the same way to the Mansion. On these trips a servant always accompanied Him. Later when Barq died they brought another donkey from Persia... it was called Ra'd [thunder].

[Taherzadeh, The Revelation of Baha'u'llah Vol 4. page 105]

Bootlicker Abdul Baha was awarded KBE for his loyal service to the British cause since the occupation [of Palestine].

About a decade ago Adib Masumian (Baha'i Scholar) commissioned an independent researcher in the UK to sift through various archives and see what documentation on ʻAbduʼl-Bahá's knighthood turned up. Here is what she found:

Download all documents

One of the telegrams mentions ʻAbduʼl-Bahá's "services to British administration in Palestine," and another states that:

"[ʻAbduʼl-Bahá] has given consistently loyal service to the British cause since the occupation [of Palestine]. His advice has been most valuable to the Military Governor and Officers of the Administration in Haifa, where all his influence has been for good."

(Above documents were uploaded by Adib Masumian on Baha'i Studies Facebook Group.)

Under this Facebook post, Baha'i Scholar Brent Poirier commented thus :

Absolutely fascinating. The basis for the knighthood was His services, all for the good, to the British administration there after the War. It is specified that it was an honorary knighthood, because He was not a British subject. It was Class II higher than most of the other OBEs received by others in the Holy Land. It was approved by the king. Wow. this clarifies a great deal.

One other point. During this same year, 1919, Shoghi Effendi approached Oxford and applied for admission. According to Riaz Khadem's Shoghi Effendi at Oxford, a faculty member went to bat for him and approached influential people, as did various believers. One man said he would do anything for a family member of Abdu'l-Baha. The title "Knight Commander" given to Abdu'l-Baha opened doors in the minds of class-conscious British officials and had to be a factor in Shoghi Effendi's admission. The services of the Master to the people, the advice He gave which is mentioned in these documents; and also the Baha'is He recommended for government service, mentioned in the autobiography one of the British governors of Jerusalem mentioned in his book - Storrs, I think - all played a role in this important chapter in the Faith's history - the year or so Shoghi Effendi studied at Oxford which honed his knowledge of English, his translation abilities, his scholarship in study and in writing.
Another Baha'i scholar Susan Maneck wrote:

We know He was able to feed the British troops when they arrived.
One guy Ingólfur Guðnason wrote :

And he feed the British Army so they were able to fight the Ottoman Army.

Jeanne Foust wrote:

Did everyone notice Churchill’s note? In 1919 he was in the War Office and knew Percy Cox. Of course Percy Cox knew Gertrude Bell well as did Churchill, which may account for his comment. Gertrude Bell was acquainted with members of the Blessed Beauty’s family and met Abdu’l-Baha on several occasions. This she writes about in her letters and diaries. Matches Churchill’s signature.

Below are some documents that falsifies the claims of Baha'is who claim that Abdul Baha was awarded because of his selfless service to the Palestinian people. The scoundrel was actually serving the occupiers.

Hope these proofs are sufficient to prove that Abdul Baha was a bootlicker of the imperialist country and served the British Occupying Forces with his valuable services and advises, for which he was awarded the K.B.E.

Update :
Screenshot of the Facebook page

Why Hammad Syed returned back to Islam?

Baha'is converting Hindus in India

Although I never outwardly practiced the Bahai faith (there are no houses of worship near me [in Canada]), I believed in its doctrine for a significant portion of my life, until my return to Islam.

Islam and the Bahai faith are extremely similar, from their doctrines to their obligatory prayers, and being partially Bahai from a Muslim background wasn't as theologically conflicting as one would think, vs. Maybe a Muslim convering to Christianity. Furthermore, the Bahai holy book, the Kitab I Iqan, is a commentary or Tafseer of the Quran.

So here are my reasons, I don't mean to offend anyone, and they are only personal reasons, I'm in no way trying to be preachy. :)
  1. The primary reason for my return to Islam was the fact that everything in the Bahai faith is controlled by the International house of Justice, a council of 9 members who regulate the practice of the Bahai faith. This contrasts with the lack of a system of universal clergy in Islam, with religious authority resting in the Quran. The whole concept of the universal house of justice wasn't something I appreciated, and although it was primarily a personal reason, it was the main reason for my return to Islam.
  2. What I believed made the Bahai faith so interesting, was it's acceptance of various religious figures and texts as divine in origin. This was something I, for the longest time, did not know existed in Islam. However, after doing surprisingly very minimum research, the Bahai concept of a universal religion not revealed only in the Middle East was also made apparent to me in Islam. In fact, the Quran says in numerous verses that God revealed his/her message to various prophets in every nation and time. So what I thought made the Bahai faith different from Islam, was really just my lack of knowledge on Islam.
  3. Information on practicing the Bahai faith is difficult to access. Unlike in Islam, where you can literally just search up how to pray, fast, give charity, and you'll get the how tos and everything; accessing that same information for the Bahai faith is a lot harder, in fact, I didn't realize the obligatory prayers in the Bahai faith had movements (I thought they were only words) until I read an article on Wikipedia. My bad :)
  4. Prayer in congregation is forbidden. Now I do like praying by myself, but I also feel a lot more connected when praying with a large congregation in a mosque. However in the Bahai faith, praying in congregation is strictly forbidden, I'm not so sure why, but it is, and I did not see any reason for it. I also believe congregational prayer helps in fostering bonding in the community.
  5. Manifestations of God worship God??? This reason would technically be 2nd, and is a very theological reason for me not believing in the Bahai faith anymore. I never really understood why the manifestations of God themselves told us to worship God, and why the manifestations strictly prohibited the association of partners to God. For example, prophet Muhammad in the Quran is refered to as merely a human, yet in the Bahai faith, he is the final manifestation of God from the Adamic cycle. I never really understood how that made any sense, and I thought prophet hood was more reasonable.
And those were just a few but major reasons for me going from Bahai to Muslim.

Hope this helps!

November 4th, 1957 - Shoghi Effendi dies in loneliness

November 4. On this date in 1957, Shoghi Effendi passed away suddenly at the age of 60 from the Asian flu in London where he was shopping for furniture and ornaments for the International Archives building. He died having violated Bahá'u'lláh's command in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas that "Unto everyone hath been enjoined the writing of a will." Having no children of his own and having declared every living male descendant of Bahá'u'lláh a Covenant-breaker, Shoghi Effendi left no eligible candidates for the office of Guardian, posing a serious problem given his assertion that "In this Dispensation, divine guidance flows on to us in this world after the Prophet’s ascension, through first the Master, and then the Guardians." He had furthermore stated in The World Order of Bahá’u’lláh that
Divorced from the institution of the Guardianship the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh would be mutilated and permanently deprived of that hereditary principle which, as ‘Abdu’l-Bahá has written, has been invariably upheld by the Law of God. “In all the Divine Dispensations,” He states, in a Tablet addressed to a follower of the Faith in Persia, “the eldest son hath been given extraordinary distinctions. Even the station of prophethood hath been his birthright.” Without such an institution the integrity of the Faith would be imperiled, and the stability of the entire fabric would be gravely endangered. Its prestige would suffer, the means required to enable it to take a long, an uninterrupted view over a series of generations would be completely lacking, and the necessary guidance to define the sphere of the legislative action of its elected representatives would be totally withdrawn.
It is worth reading and reflecting on how Shoghi Effendi describes in God Passes By the misfortunes, illnesses, and deaths of those individuals he had declared Covenant-breakers...
Mohammad Ali Bahai's brother, Mírzá Ḍíya’u’lláh, died prematurely; Mírzá Áqá Ján, his dupe, followed that same brother, three years later, to the grave; and Mírzá Badí’u’lláh, his chief accomplice, betrayed his cause, published a signed denunciation of his evil acts, but rejoined him again, only to be alienated from him in consequence of the scandalous behavior of his own daughter. Mírzá Muḥammad-‘Alí’s half-sister, Furúghíyyih, died of cancer, whilst her husband, Siyyid ‘Alí, passed away from a heart attack before his sons could reach him, the eldest being subsequently stricken in the prime of life, by the same malady. Muḥammad-Javád-i-Qazvíní, a notorious Covenant-breaker, perished miserably. Shu‘á’u’lláh who, as witnessed by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in His Will, had counted on the murder of the Center of the Covenant, and who had been despatched to the United States by his father to join forces with Ibráhím Khayru’lláh, returned crestfallen and empty-handed from his inglorious mission. Jamál-i-Burújirdí, Mírzá Muḥammad-‘Alí’s ablest lieutenant in Persia, fell a prey to a fatal and loathsome disease; Siyyid Mihdíy-i-Dahájí, who, betraying ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, joined the Covenant-breakers, died in obscurity and poverty, followed by his wife and his two sons; Mírzá Ḥusayn-‘Alíy-i-Jahrúmí, Mírzá Ḥusayn-i-Shírázíy-i-Khurṭúmí and Ḥájí Muḥammad-Ḥusayn-i-Káshání, who represented the arch-breaker of the Covenant in Persia, India and Egypt, failed utterly in their missions; whilst the greedy and conceited Ibráhím-i-Khayru’lláh, who had chosen to uphold the banner of his rebellion in America for no less than twenty years, and who had the temerity to denounce, in writing, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, His “false teachings, His misrepresentations of Bahaism, His dissimulation,” and to stigmatize His visit to America as “a death-blow” to the “Cause of God,” met his death soon after he had uttered these denunciations, utterly abandoned and despised by the entire body of the members of a community, whose founders he himself had converted to the Faith, and in the very land that bore witness to the multiplying evidences of the established ascendancy of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Whose authority he had, in his later years, vowed to uproot.
As to those who had openly espoused the cause of this arch-breaker of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant Mohammad Ali Bahai, or who had secretly sympathized with him, whilst outwardly supporting ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, some eventually repented and were forgiven; others became disillusioned and lost their faith entirely; a few apostatized, whilst the rest dwindled away, leaving him in the end, except for a handful of his relatives, alone and unsupported. Surviving ‘Abdu’l-Bahá by almost twenty years, he who had so audaciously affirmed to His face that he had no assurance he might outlive Him, lived long enough to witness the utter bankruptcy of his cause, leading meanwhile a wretched existence within the walls of a Mansion that had once housed a crowd of his supporters; was denied by the civil authorities, as a result of the crisis he had after ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s passing foolishly precipitated, the official custody of his Father’s Tomb; was compelled, a few years later, to vacate that same Mansion, which, through his flagrant neglect, had fallen into a dilapidated condition; was stricken with paralysis which crippled half his body; lay bedridden in pain for months before he died; and was buried according to Muslim rites, in the immediate vicinity of a local Muslim shrine, his grave remaining until the present day devoid of even a tombstone—a pitiful reminder of the hollowness of the claims he had advanced, of the depths of infamy to which he had sunk, and of the severity of the retribution his acts had so richly merited.
It should be noted, that because Bahá'í law forbids the "transport the body of the deceased a greater distance than one hour’s journey from the city", Shoghi Effendi was buried at the New Southgate Cemetery in London, far from the Bahá'í holy shrines in Israel. Not far from his grave in Southgate, however, rests Shoghi Effendi's niece Maliheh Afnan, the artist daughter of Ruhangiz Afnan, who Shoghi Effendi had declared a Covenant-breaker for marrying the son of Siyyid Ali Afnan, who 'Abdu'l-Bahá had declared a Covenant-breaker.

Some interesting points about Shoghi Effendi's funeral

  • Shoghi was found dead in the morning on Monday, 4th November. Earlier in the afternoon Ruhiyyih Khanum had cabled the following message to Haifa, "Beloved Guardian desperately ill Asiatic flu tell Leroy inform all National Assemblies inform believers supplicate prayers divine protection Faith." She lied, this lie was later justified as "She could not bear to deal the naked blow to the hearts of other Bahá'ís which she herself had received and had been forced to inflict on three of the Hands, so she sent the above message"!!
  • Ruhiyyih Khanum writes about Shoghi Effendi who died having violated Bahá'u'lláh's command in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas that "Unto everyone hath been enjoined the writing of a will" that "The friends must bear in mind that in all the arrangements made after the passing of the beloved Guardian, the Laws of the Aqdas, which he himself had so repeatedly stressed and constantly upheld, had to be obeyed."
  • On Tuesday afternoon, Ruhiyyih Khanum, Hasan Balyuzi, and Ugo Giachery were taken out to inspect possible sites for the grave in cemeteries within an hour's journey from London. It was raining, and the first cemetery visited had only one plot remotely suitable for the purpose available, which was opposite the massive, depressing vault of a family of the British nobility, and prohibitively expensive, in addition to being very near the entrance gate. Although in the eyes of the world this cemetery must have importance, to the Hands present it was unbefitting and out of the question in every way, and their hearts sank with fear lest they should not find a proper place for their so-dearly-loved Guardian. God had other plans however, for on motoring in the twilight to inspect the second cemetery, they entered a beautiful, peaceful spot on a hill, surrounded by rolling country, where birds sang in the trees and which had an entirely different atmosphere from the pomp and worldliness of the first. (I think, the plot was very expensive, she could not buy it so it was termed as such, typical Baha'i style) The Superintendent escorted them to the best piece of land he had, on the highest part, and in the centre of the cemetery. It adjoined one of the roads and was bounded by three great trees which cast their shade over it. The peaceful woods of the countryside, where birds will make their nests in spring, lay close to it on one side. It was over thirty metres square, and Ruhiyyih Khanum made arrangements to purchase it immediately, instructions being given to build a strong, deep vault. The Hands then proceeded to the undertaker's, to choose a suitable casket for the 'precious remains' of Shoghi Effendi.
  • After much deliberation it was decided that for the present, as well as the future, the wisest course would be to have a lead coffin which could be hermetically sealed, and that this should be placed in a beautiful bronze casket, the most dignified, costly and enduring that could be found. By doing this the Hands were assured that in the future, when the means of transport become so rapid that the journey from London to Haifa can be accomplished in an hour, it would be possible to convey the sacred remains of the Guardian to the Holy Land.
  • On Tuesday afternoon, Ruhiyyih Khanum, accompanied by Amelia Collins, drove out to the cemetery and made arrangements with a florist in the neighbourhood for the decoration of the Chapel, and for the sheath of flowers which was to cover the coffin.
  • On Thursday at two o'clock Ruhiyyih Khanum and Adelbert Muhlschlegel drove to the place where the body of Shoghi was to be washed. She had already purchased nine yards of the heaviest and finest white silk available and nine yards of a slightly lighter weight for the first shroud, as well as towels and cloths and soap to wash the body. 
  • The body of Shoghi was annointed with attar-of-rose which he himself gave to Ugo Giachery, who had brought it from Italy with him. 
  • The coffin was then closed, a pall of purple and gold was spread over it, and a bouquet of flowers Ruhiyyih Khanum had brought with her was placed on the top.
  • On Friday evening, Ruhiyyih Khanum and Amelia Collins drove out to the cemetery to inspect the Chapel and the grave. The florist was following his instructions very carefully and making every effort to create an atmosphere of beauty worthy of this 'sacred occasion'. 
  • The coffin was to rest on a low catafalque covered by a rich green velvet pall, the colour to which the descendants of Muhammad are entitled by their illustrious lineage, and which the Guardian, as a Siyyid himself, through his kinship to the Báb, had every right to bear with him to the grave. 
  • Arrangements had been made to have the funeral cortège assemble about ten o'clock (on Saturday) before the Hazíratu'l-Quds, at 27 Rutland Gate, opposite Hyde Park; from here, those believers who were not going direct to the cemetery would be driven by special cars which would follow the hearse. More than sixty automobiles, accommodating over three hundred and sixty people, moved off in solemn file at 10.40 and journeyed to the place where they were joined by the hearse bearing the coffin of Shoghi Effendi. This was preceded by a floral hearse and followed by the car in which rode Ruhiyyih Khanum accompanied by Amelia Collins; cars bearing the other Hands, National Spiritual Assembly members, Auxiliary Board members and believers followed behind. It was probably the largest column of vehicles seen in London for many years in attendance on a funeral of any denomination. 
  • Leroy Ioas promptly informed the Israeli authorities in a befitting manner of the sudden death of Shoghi Effendi.
  • No Government official of any country was present except Gershon Avner.
The Israeli authorities had instructed the Chargé d'Affaires at the Israeli Embassy in London, Mr Gershon Avner, to attend the funeral on behalf of the Government (the Ambassador being absent from his post).
  • His presence was considered as "The spontaneous gesture of esteem"by Ruhiyyih Khanum.

Who is Gershon Avner ?

Source :

  • All this time—a service that had lasted almost four hours—the representative of the Israeli Government, obviously deeply moved, had been in attendance, himself stepping beside the coffin and, with bowed head, paying his solemn respects.

  • Ruhiyyih Khanum then had the green pall spread over it, laid the blue-and-gold brocade from the innermost Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh on top of it and arranged the still-fragrant jasmine flowers over all its length.
Source :

Dissimulation among Babis and Baha'is

Dissimulation of the faith was widespread among Babis and Bahais until the early years of the ministry of Shoghi Effendi (1921-57), when he, in a number of messages starting in 1927, prohibited its practice.

On different occasions the Bāb had advocated the time-honored practice among his followers  (Nabil, pp.  44, 65, 373; Amanat, pp. 200-201).  Due to the persecution of his adherents, Bahāʾ-Allāh also advocated dissimulation of the faith in a number of his scriptural writings.  In a tablet produced after the execution of Badīʿ, his messenger to Nāṣer-al-Din Shah, Bahāʾ-Allāh ordained taqiya (amr-e taqiya nāzel) and advised his followers to restrain from confessing their faith (amr be ʿadam-e eqrār ṣāder), in order to protect and preserve them.  Besides taqiya, the terms setr (concealment), ḥejāb (veil) and ḥekmat (wisdom) are also used in this context as synonyms for dissimulation (Fāżel Māzandarāni, III, pp. 118-19).   The order to practice taqiya is also confirmed in a similar tablet in reply to questions raised by the Bahais of Māzandarān.  As in the aforementioned tablet, Bahāʾ-Allāh reiterates a Tradition of Imam Jaʿfar al-Ṣādeq, who reportedly had said: “taqiya is my religion and the religion of my forefathers,” and urged his followers to conceal their faith: ḥokm-e setr nāzel (Payām-e Bahāʾi 307, June 2005, pp. 43-44).

Taqiya was practiced by Bahais during this period as a matter of course.  Many traveled in disguise, prayed as Muslims, and were often not aware of the identities of their co-religionists.  This practice continued unabatedly during the ministry of  ʿAbd-al-Bahāʾ (1892-1921). Bahāʾ-Allāh and ʿAbd-al-Bahāʾ, as well as their intimate companions, were generally regarded to be Muslims, even among resident Europeans. To the German Templers, who had come at the same time as Bahāʾ-Allāh to Palestine expecting the near advent of Christ and who lived as close neighbors of the Bahais in Haifa, both ʿAbd-al-Bahāʾ and his father had “remained Muhammedans” (Lange, p. 12).  In only very rare cases were they perceived to be propounders of a new religion.  They kept to Muslim traditions and rites, prayed in the mosque, and fasted during Ramadan (Fāżel Māzandarāni, III, p. 118).  ʿAbd-al-Bahāʾ himself urged his followers on different occasions to practice ḥekmat and abide by taqiya: ʿalaykom be’t-taqiyya (ʿAbd-al-Bahāʾ, pp. 325-27).

The first notion of a prohibition in regard to dissimulation seems to be contained in a letter of Shoghi Effendi to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais in Iran, dated 9 November 1927.  In it Shoghi Effendi mentions a telegram sent by him recently to the same assembly urging all Bahais wishing to apply for identity certificates and passports not to practice dissimulation (ketmān) any longer, but start to admit their faith openly and courageously, without fear and anxiety.   In another letter dated 23 April 1934, Shoghi Effendi expounds that, whereas ḥekmat and taqiya had guaranteed security for the persecuted Bahais of the East and had been the only means for the preservation and protection of their religion, dissimulation (taqiya and ketmān) should now be regarded as a cause of disdain and debilitation and ought to be practiced no more (Eshrāq Ḵāvari, pp. 456 ff.).  Today dissimulation is regarded as contradictory to the teachings of the Bahai Faith, and its practice is strictly prohibited to Bahais.

ʿAbd-al-Bahāʾ, Makātib III, ed. Faraj-Allāh Ḏaki, Egypt, 1921.

Abbas Amanat, Resurrection and Renewal: The Making of the Babi Movement in Iran 1844-1850,  London, 1989.

Kamran Ekbal: “Taqiyya und kitmān in den Bābī und Bahāʾī Religionen,” Akten des 27. Deutschen Orientalistentages (Bonn - 28. September bis 2. Oktober 1998): Norm und Abweichung, ed. Stefan Wild and Hartmut Schild, Würzburg, 2001, pp. 363-72.

ʿAbd-al-Ḥamid Ešrāq Ḵāvari, ed., Ganjina-ye ḥodud va aḥkām: esteḵrāj az alwāḥ-e mobāraka dar bāra-ye diānat-e Bahāʾi, New Delhi, 1980.

Fāżel Māzandarāni, ed., Amr va ḵalq III, Hofheim-Langenhain, 1986.

Friedrich Lange, “Aus Palästina,” in Die Warte des Tempels 78/3, February 1922.

Susan Stiles Maneck: “Wisdom and Dissimulation: The Use and Meaning of Hikmat in the Baháʾí Writings and History,” in Baháʾí Studies Review 6, 1996.

Nabil Zarandi: The Dawn-Breakers: Nabil’s Narrative of the Early Days of the Baháʾí Revelation, tr. Shoghi Effendi, London, 1975.

(Kamran Ekbal)

Source :

Deceptive Baha'is fool Bahraini people in the name of "unity"

Baha'is of Bahrain

This news report starts with these lines:

Every Friday of each month, Bahraini Baha'is meets in their own hall in the Sanad area, near the capital of Manama, reciting prayers, which calls for coexistence, tolerance, renunciation of violence and calls for peace and love in various languages of the world.

But it is surprising that these monthly prayer sessions are attended by Muslims, Christians and all followers of other faiths, and all call for the propagation of the religion in a spirit of coexistence between the different sectors of society.

That whole article is a piece of false propaganda, every line is deceptive and misleading. Any person who has known the history and teachings of the Baha'i faith will agree to my below analysis.

1) Baha'is invite non-Baha'is for prayers, but there is always an ulterior motive, their leader Abdul Baha has clearly stated that "All the meetings must be for teaching the Cause and spreading the Message..."

All the meetings must be for teaching the Cause and spreading the Message, and suffering the souls to enter in the Kingdom of Baha’u’llah. Look at me. All my thoughts are centered around the proclamation of the Kingdom. I have a Lamp in my hand searching through the lands and seas to find souls who can become heralds of the Cause. Day and night I am engaged in this work. Any other deliberations in the meetings are futile and fruitless. Convey the Message! Attract the hearts! Sow the seeds! Teach the Cause to those who do not know.

2) Baha'is believe in establishing a NWO, a Baha'i Super-State to be ruled by the UHJ from its permanent seat in Haifa, Israel. This NWO can only be established when there are many Baha'is and Baha'i friendly people, they call them "Friends of the Faith". Baha'i Guardian Shoghi Effendi says:

The best way for a Bahá'í to serve his country and the world is to work for the establishment of Bahá'u'lláh's World Order, which will gradually unite all men and do away with divisive political systems and religious creeds.

(Shoghi Effendi, The Light of Divine Guidance, Vol. 1, p. 124)

3) Baha'is do not believe in "Unity of Religions", it is only a marketing slogan for Baha'is to attract people. Baha'is believe that all religions have expired, decayed and outdated. Everyone should be converted to Baha'ism. The supreme Baha'i administrative body, UHJ states in one of its messages:

Events of the most profound significance are taking place in the world. The river of human history is flowing at a bewildering speed. Age-old institutions are collapsing. Traditional ways are being forgotten, and newly born ideologies which were fondly expected to take their place, are withering and decaying before the eyes of their disillusioned adherents. Amidst this decay and disruption, assailed from every side by the turmoil of the age, the Order of Bahá’u’lláh, unshakably founded on the Word of God, protected by the shield of the Covenant and assisted by the hosts of the Concourse on High, is rising in every part of the world.

4) Baha'is do not believe in peace. They only talk about it to deceive people. History is a witness of Baha'i crimes. Followers of Baha'u'llah have committed many ugly acts, they have killed their ideological opponents, the Azalis. They have killed many Muslim Iranians, caused civil wars, collaborated with the the oppressors and imperialist countries. Baha'u'llah tried to kill his own brother, Abdul Baha tortured his half brothers, made their lives hell, usurped their inheritance and their rights. Shoghi Effendi declared all his cousins as heretics and covenant-breakers and shunned them. The people who claim themselves as the standard-bearer of peace and unity tortured their own families and shunned them. Baha'is also removed the remains of one of the so called Covenant-breaker (Diya'u'llah), who was buried beside his father (Baha'u'llah), by desecrating his grave. The process was termed as "Purification of Haram-i-Aqdas from past contamination". These people persecute their own scholars whitewash their own history.

Baha'is are the most great hypocrites.

5) Baha'is are absolutely political. Read this article for more info.

Bahrain government and people should be very careful in dealing with these cultists. Don't fell prey to their rosy slogans, keep an eye on all their activities. Learn more about this evil cult and restrict their activities.

21-year-old Jose Ramirez told friends that he was “sick of his parents” and killed them Friday.

Lesbian Baha'i Susan Brill was killed by her adopted son.

I knew Susan Brill before she was Susan Brill Ramirez. She was an old friend of mine. This breaks my heart. Susan Brill lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico when I first arrived there in 1989. She befriended me and at the time was a lesbian Baha'i finishing her PhD dissertation on Ludwig Wittgenstein at the University of New Mexico where I had entered as an undergraduate.

Susan was a great person. Rough around the edges when I first knew her, but in an authentic and good way. She was a brutally honest individual and had genuine intellectual integrity as a person.

She left New Mexico in late 1991 to take her job at Bradley but we stayed in touch. She first told me about the list in early 1995 and encouraged me to join it. While Susan did not choose the direct path of confrontation with the Baha'i authorities, she did not disagree with many of the points and positions of the main contributors to that list either. One of the first people I emailed when I was about to formally withdraw my membership from Bahaism in 1996 was in fact Susan Brill. She did not discourage me especially since she had patiently listened to me for years complaining about it as I had withdrawn from it for all practical purposes around the time I had first met her in the early 1990s. Susan, on the other hand, had a more pragmatic view and approach to things. But unlike other Baha'is she understood and appreciated where people such I were coming from.

Her murderer, obviously her adopted son, needs to be put away for good. Although the media is not mentioning it, it is obvious this kid was possibly on a cocktail of pharmaceutical prescription drugs and had been in and out of American mental institutions. If true, this American obsession with medicating mental illness with chemicals which makes people even more mentally ill is a solid testimony to the utter bankruptcy of that entire industry and its literal malevolence.

Susan Brill will be missed. May the All-High rest her soul in eternal power and light!

Sister of prominent Iranian Baha'i teacher and writer converts to Islam

The sister of prominent Baha'i proselytizer, writer and apologist Nosrat'ullah Mohammad-Husayni, Ahdieh Mohammad-Husayni Samali, has converted to Islam. Here she can be seen in her home with Iranian Muslim scholar Hasan Ershad (Naser Nasereddin).

Apparently Hasan Ershad ran into this family via his own contacts in Mashhad. Nosrat'ullah Mohammad-Husayni, the prominent elder brother, has written several books all from a Baha'i perspective. His 800+ page book on the Bab, for instance, merely rehashes Nabil Zarandi. Hasan Ershad reached out to the older brother but instead the sister responded and Hasan Ershad proceeded to show the sister how Nosrat'ullah's entire narrative about the Bab is completely false. This has been ongoing for some time. During one point of this ongoing discussion she converted.

Btw many of the primary sources Mr Ershad has been utilizing in order to prove the Baha'i narrative of Babism to be completely false have come straight from beginning with the MS version of the qayyum'ul-asma' he has been using which is transcribed in the hand of Mirza Mustafa Katib Sidih'i.

More details on N. Wahid Azal's blog, here. 

Video here

Wikipedia – A Tool Of The Ruling Elite (Baha'i Faith and Wikipedia)

Should explain why the BAO has gotten away with literal narratival murder on that place since 2005. Also see Wikipedia: A Techno-Cult of Ignorance.

Burn your Baha'i membership card yet?

Didn't burn my card yet lol!!! I do agree though that the Baha'i Faith, in all it's various incarnations, is a cult.

I was indoctrinated into the Baha'i Faith from the age of seven. I grew up believing that I was one of the chosen. Over the years though more and more Baha'i contradictions began to pile up to the point where I could no longer ignore them.

One of the first was when I asked my mother at around the age of 15 why women were not allowed to be members of the Universal House of Justice. Her response made me think. She said that women were not allowed to be members of the Universal House of Justice because of their monthly periods where they might be too emotional to made good decisions. I laugh now when I think back on that answer.

Such contradictions continued to mount for many years. At one event sponsored by the Regional Teaching Committee on the lower mainland in BC I attended a meeting where they advised the particapants to befriend people of Chinese ancestor for the purpose of converting them to the Baha'i Faith. We were cautioned to not reveal at first that Baha'u'llah was a prophet and Baha'i a religion but to say that Baha'u'llah was a social reformer and Baha'i a social movement. I immediately developed a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I felt like I'd walked into a Scientology meeting by mistake. I left that meeting without saying goodbye and the Faith was never the same for me after that Baha'i cult experience.

I did attend meetings in other Baha'i communities after that eye opener but the evidence that Baha'i is a cult simply mounted.

I attended one meeting in Creston BC where members of the Doukabor community were invited. The Doukabor folks shared some lovely singing after which the traveling Baha'i teacher gave a short lecture about the Baha'i Faith. At the end of her lecture this Baha'i teacher broke out the conversion cards she had with her and invited the lovely Doukabor folks to sign them. I had to speak out. Proselytization isn't allowed in the Baha'i Faith and this was a clear case of proselytization.

The host was taken off guard when I mentioned the Baha'i prohibition on proselytization, especially after the fine Doulabor folks agreed that a clear attempt to convert them had been made. They had shared lovely singing the Baha'is has shared nothing but a shallow attempt to convert.

The traveling Baha'i teacher shot daggers at me when I apologized for raining on her parade.

Eventually such clear evidence of the Baha'i Faith's cult status mounted until I could no longer in good conscience remain a Baha'i. I resigned from the Baha'i Faith after 45 years of being Baha'i.


Larry Rowe

'Abdu'l Baha's meeting with an Ahmadi (Qadiyani) Missionary!

The story is being copy-pasted from here

I have forgotten to write that as I was standing delivering the khutba Abdul Baha arrived with a few friends in a motor car and stood at the gate of the mosque, some fifty yards from me. He saw us, stood there for a few minutes and then went towards the guest house. He is after all the son of a Muslim, and used to be a Muslim and knows what the Jumu‘a prayer is. After finishing the prayer, when we went to the guest house, we found Abdul Baha seated at a table with his food. Our eating arrangements were in the same room. When they finished and emerged from the room, Abdul Baha extended his hand towards me and greeted me. After a formal exchange of words, I said to him: You came here in connection with the opening of the mosque and today was Friday. Why didn’t you join the prayer? Being familiar with worldly expediency, he replied: The prayer time came when we were still at home, so we performed this duty there. I said: Yes, but now the time for asr is approaching.[note 2] He would have to join in it. He had no choice but to answer in the affirmative.

Anyhow, we entered the dining room, and as I emerged after the meal Abdul Baha approached me and began to walk with me, taking me to the mosque while talking to me. Finding the mosque empty he immediately entered it, called out the takbir and pointed me to lead the prayer. If he had said his prayer at that time no one else would have known what happened in the mosque. I said to him that there were many Muslims who had yet to pray and he should wait till the congregation was ready. He was about to say something when I went outside and called everyone to come inside. Immediately I had the adhan called loudly for the asr prayers. People started to gather. Meanwhile Abdul Baha had started praying and performed the prayer in the manner of Sunni Muslims. While the adhan was being called out he finished his prayer. However, when the adhan came to an end he said loudly La ilaha illallah Muhammad-ur Rasulullah like Muslims. Then we stood for prayers, which I led. Abdul Baha joined us in the congregation and two Europeans who were with him, probably Bahais, also joined. Others just watched. His Persian companions, including Hakim Mahmud, also joined the prayer.

After the prayer Abdul Baha stood outside at the threshold of the mosque and some forty people were present in the courtyard to listen to him, including ourselves and some other Muslim students who had not been able to come in time for the Jumu‘a prayer. The gist of Abdul Baha’s speech was that the basis of religion is harmony and love, and it was the mission of every prophet to spread harmony and love in mankind. This was also the real mission of Moses, Jesus and the Holy Prophet Muhammad. In past times there was much discord and ignorance. Now Bahaullah had brought light and his mission was to teach love, harmony and brotherhood. The reason for man’s existence is to show humanity and love, so we must adhere to love and brotherhood.

There was a Persian interpreter with him who translated each sentence into English. No doubt the speech was well constructed but it was certainly not impromptu.

Baha'u'llah is not the promised one of Bayan. He is a cheater!

By N. Wahid Azal

So called Baha'u'llah
1 The Persian Bayan is unequivocal that:

a No universal manifestation occurs unless a previous dispensation reaches its maturity. At the time of Baha'ullah's claim, the Bayan as a dispensation was only between 13-18 years old and its first Mirror was only in the 13th-18th year of his ministry.
b The anticipated timespan of the Bayan was to be similar to other dispensations, which means a duration of 1000 years and above.
c The Bab provides the numbers 1511 and 2001 as the years of this timespan until the Promised One of the Bayan appears.
d The Bab anticipated the erection of 18 shrines to the Letters of the Living and one for himself as the 19th before the appearance of the next manifestation.

2 The Bab anticipated a system of continuing hujjiya where 19 consecutive mirrors would appear every 66 years.

3 The Promised One of the Bayan is supposed to be the archetypal "return" of the Prophet Muhammad (ص).

4 A Babi or Bayani state is anticipated before the appearance of the Promised One of the Bayan.

5 The Babi/Bayani laws and ordinances would be implimented before the coming of any next manifestation.

6 All the writings of the Bab (and his successors) would be collected and printed before the coming of the next manifestation.

7 The Promised One of the Bayan would be born to human parents at an unspecified date in the future, would have a childhood and attend school and grow to adulthood. Baha'ullah was already the Bab's senior by 2-3 years (the Bayanis celebrate the date of 1820 rather than 1819 as the year of the Bab's birth).

8 The Bab addressed Baha'ullah as an inferior and only as 238 (the numerical value of 'Husayn-Ali). He never bestowed on him any titles, and the title baha' itself was given to him by Qurra'tu'l-Ayn at the gathering of Badasht in 1848.

9 The Bab claimed his ontological identity with Subh-i-Azal in several key tablets, in one particular one addressing him as "You are I and I am You."

10 Baha'ullah paid public obeisance and reverence to Subh-i-Azal for 11 years per the Bab's instructions.

11 Baha'ullah whitewashed while plagiarizing much of the Bayan with his kitab-i-aqdas being a totally distorted version of the Bayan with the addition of a few nonsensical ordinances by himself (such as the laws pertaining to marriage, inheritance, arson, etc). This raises legitmate questions as to what the need would've been to abrogate the Bayan if one was merely going to rehash and plagiarize it. Note that even the concept of the house of justice was not uniquely Baha'ullah's. This was first enunciated by Subh-i-Azal in his 1852 Book of the Testament (kitab al-wasiya), which I wrote about here

12 Baha'ullah's writings and his overall teachings are not particularly profound. They are rehashes of Persian Sufism but popularized with a vague Babi afterthought and all put under the rubric of a very authoritarian form of modernism.

13 Per Arabic Bayan 9:11, the Bab unequivocally leaned in the direction of an eco-socialist order where the buying and selling of the 4 Elements are prohibited (something the world desperately needs presently) whereas Baha'ullah fully sided with Western Anglo-Saxon capitalism. In other words, Baha'ullah sidestepped the real solution and instead plunged headlong into the problem.

14 The Bab repeatedly stressed the sanctity and veracity of the four gates to the Hidden Imam, and in his sahifa 'adliya unequivocally states that whosoever dismisses them is a heretic. These four gates are believed by the Bayan to have "returned" as four of the Letters of the Living. The Bab also believed in the physical existence of Muhammad ibn Hasan al-'Askari (ع). Baha'ullah instead called the four gates to the Hidden Imam (ع) liars and did not believe Muhammad ibn Hasan al-'Askari (ع) physically existed. In fact he sided with al-Shalmaghani, whom the Hidden Imam (ع) cursed as a heretic during the minor occultation, as well as Ja'far the Liar whom he called "Ja'far the Truthful." This makes Baha'ullah fundamentally a heretic from the point of view of the Bab and thus automatically negates any other claims he made.

All in all, Baha'ullah's enitire claim rests on quicksand. There was literally no anticipation of an imminent universal manifestation to abrogate the Bayan until the elapsing of this abovementioned 1511 to 2001 year interval. The only anticipation of manifestations was that of the consecutive mirrors of the Bayan, the first of whom was Subh-i-Azal.