Sister of prominent Iranian Baha'i teacher and writer converts to Islam

The sister of prominent Baha'i proselytizer, writer and apologist Nosrat'ullah Mohammad-Husayni, Ahdieh Mohammad-Husayni Samali, has converted to Islam. Here she can be seen in her home with Iranian Muslim scholar Hasan Ershad (Naser Nasereddin).

Apparently Hasan Ershad ran into this family via his own contacts in Mashhad. Nosrat'ullah Mohammad-Husayni, the prominent elder brother, has written several books all from a Baha'i perspective. His 800+ page book on the Bab, for instance, merely rehashes Nabil Zarandi. Hasan Ershad reached out to the older brother but instead the sister responded and Hasan Ershad proceeded to show the sister how Nosrat'ullah's entire narrative about the Bab is completely false. This has been ongoing for some time. During one point of this ongoing discussion she converted.

Btw many of the primary sources Mr Ershad has been utilizing in order to prove the Baha'i narrative of Babism to be completely false have come straight from beginning with the MS version of the qayyum'ul-asma' he has been using which is transcribed in the hand of Mirza Mustafa Katib Sidih'i.

More details on N. Wahid Azal's blog, here. 

Video here

Wikipedia – A Tool Of The Ruling Elite (Baha'i Faith and Wikipedia)

Should explain why the BAO has gotten away with literal narratival murder on that place since 2005. Also see Wikipedia: A Techno-Cult of Ignorance.

Burn your Baha'i membership card yet?

Didn't burn my card yet lol!!! I do agree though that the Baha'i Faith, in all it's various incarnations, is a cult.

I was indoctrinated into the Baha'i Faith from the age of seven. I grew up believing that I was one of the chosen. Over the years though more and more Baha'i contradictions began to pile up to the point where I could no longer ignore them.

One of the first was when I asked my mother at around the age of 15 why women were not allowed to be members of the Universal House of Justice. Her response made me think. She said that women were not allowed to be members of the Universal House of Justice because of their monthly periods where they might be too emotional to made good decisions. I laugh now when I think back on that answer.

Such contradictions continued to mount for many years. At one event sponsored by the Regional Teaching Committee on the lower mainland in BC I attended a meeting where they advised the particapants to befriend people of Chinese ancestor for the purpose of converting them to the Baha'i Faith. We were cautioned to not reveal at first that Baha'u'llah was a prophet and Baha'i a religion but to say that Baha'u'llah was a social reformer and Baha'i a social movement. I immediately developed a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I felt like I'd walked into a Scientology meeting by mistake. I left that meeting without saying goodbye and the Faith was never the same for me after that Baha'i cult experience.

I did attend meetings in other Baha'i communities after that eye opener but the evidence that Baha'i is a cult simply mounted.

I attended one meeting in Creston BC where members of the Doukabor community were invited. The Doukabor folks shared some lovely singing after which the traveling Baha'i teacher gave a short lecture about the Baha'i Faith. At the end of her lecture this Baha'i teacher broke out the conversion cards she had with her and invited the lovely Doukabor folks to sign them. I had to speak out. Proselytization isn't allowed in the Baha'i Faith and this was a clear case of proselytization.

The host was taken off guard when I mentioned the Baha'i prohibition on proselytization, especially after the fine Doulabor folks agreed that a clear attempt to convert them had been made. They had shared lovely singing the Baha'is has shared nothing but a shallow attempt to convert.

The traveling Baha'i teacher shot daggers at me when I apologized for raining on her parade.

Eventually such clear evidence of the Baha'i Faith's cult status mounted until I could no longer in good conscience remain a Baha'i. I resigned from the Baha'i Faith after 45 years of being Baha'i.


Larry Rowe

'Abdu'l Baha's meeting with an Ahmadi (Qadiyani) Missionary!

The story is being copy-pasted from here

I have forgotten to write that as I was standing delivering the khutba Abdul Baha arrived with a few friends in a motor car and stood at the gate of the mosque, some fifty yards from me. He saw us, stood there for a few minutes and then went towards the guest house. He is after all the son of a Muslim, and used to be a Muslim and knows what the Jumu‘a prayer is. After finishing the prayer, when we went to the guest house, we found Abdul Baha seated at a table with his food. Our eating arrangements were in the same room. When they finished and emerged from the room, Abdul Baha extended his hand towards me and greeted me. After a formal exchange of words, I said to him: You came here in connection with the opening of the mosque and today was Friday. Why didn’t you join the prayer? Being familiar with worldly expediency, he replied: The prayer time came when we were still at home, so we performed this duty there. I said: Yes, but now the time for asr is approaching.[note 2] He would have to join in it. He had no choice but to answer in the affirmative.

Anyhow, we entered the dining room, and as I emerged after the meal Abdul Baha approached me and began to walk with me, taking me to the mosque while talking to me. Finding the mosque empty he immediately entered it, called out the takbir and pointed me to lead the prayer. If he had said his prayer at that time no one else would have known what happened in the mosque. I said to him that there were many Muslims who had yet to pray and he should wait till the congregation was ready. He was about to say something when I went outside and called everyone to come inside. Immediately I had the adhan called loudly for the asr prayers. People started to gather. Meanwhile Abdul Baha had started praying and performed the prayer in the manner of Sunni Muslims. While the adhan was being called out he finished his prayer. However, when the adhan came to an end he said loudly La ilaha illallah Muhammad-ur Rasulullah like Muslims. Then we stood for prayers, which I led. Abdul Baha joined us in the congregation and two Europeans who were with him, probably Bahais, also joined. Others just watched. His Persian companions, including Hakim Mahmud, also joined the prayer.

After the prayer Abdul Baha stood outside at the threshold of the mosque and some forty people were present in the courtyard to listen to him, including ourselves and some other Muslim students who had not been able to come in time for the Jumu‘a prayer. The gist of Abdul Baha’s speech was that the basis of religion is harmony and love, and it was the mission of every prophet to spread harmony and love in mankind. This was also the real mission of Moses, Jesus and the Holy Prophet Muhammad. In past times there was much discord and ignorance. Now Bahaullah had brought light and his mission was to teach love, harmony and brotherhood. The reason for man’s existence is to show humanity and love, so we must adhere to love and brotherhood.

There was a Persian interpreter with him who translated each sentence into English. No doubt the speech was well constructed but it was certainly not impromptu.

Baha'u'llah is not the promised one of Bayan. He is a cheater!

By N. Wahid Azal

So called Baha'u'llah
1 The Persian Bayan is unequivocal that:

a No universal manifestation occurs unless a previous dispensation reaches its maturity. At the time of Baha'ullah's claim, the Bayan as a dispensation was only between 13-18 years old and its first Mirror was only in the 13th-18th year of his ministry.
b The anticipated timespan of the Bayan was to be similar to other dispensations, which means a duration of 1000 years and above.
c The Bab provides the numbers 1511 and 2001 as the years of this timespan until the Promised One of the Bayan appears.
d The Bab anticipated the erection of 18 shrines to the Letters of the Living and one for himself as the 19th before the appearance of the next manifestation.

2 The Bab anticipated a system of continuing hujjiya where 19 consecutive mirrors would appear every 66 years.

3 The Promised One of the Bayan is supposed to be the archetypal "return" of the Prophet Muhammad (ص).

4 A Babi or Bayani state is anticipated before the appearance of the Promised One of the Bayan.

5 The Babi/Bayani laws and ordinances would be implimented before the coming of any next manifestation.

6 All the writings of the Bab (and his successors) would be collected and printed before the coming of the next manifestation.

7 The Promised One of the Bayan would be born to human parents at an unspecified date in the future, would have a childhood and attend school and grow to adulthood. Baha'ullah was already the Bab's senior by 2-3 years (the Bayanis celebrate the date of 1820 rather than 1819 as the year of the Bab's birth).

8 The Bab addressed Baha'ullah as an inferior and only as 238 (the numerical value of 'Husayn-Ali). He never bestowed on him any titles, and the title baha' itself was given to him by Qurra'tu'l-Ayn at the gathering of Badasht in 1848.

9 The Bab claimed his ontological identity with Subh-i-Azal in several key tablets, in one particular one addressing him as "You are I and I am You."

10 Baha'ullah paid public obeisance and reverence to Subh-i-Azal for 11 years per the Bab's instructions.

11 Baha'ullah whitewashed while plagiarizing much of the Bayan with his kitab-i-aqdas being a totally distorted version of the Bayan with the addition of a few nonsensical ordinances by himself (such as the laws pertaining to marriage, inheritance, arson, etc). This raises legitmate questions as to what the need would've been to abrogate the Bayan if one was merely going to rehash and plagiarize it. Note that even the concept of the house of justice was not uniquely Baha'ullah's. This was first enunciated by Subh-i-Azal in his 1852 Book of the Testament (kitab al-wasiya), which I wrote about here

12 Baha'ullah's writings and his overall teachings are not particularly profound. They are rehashes of Persian Sufism but popularized with a vague Babi afterthought and all put under the rubric of a very authoritarian form of modernism.

13 Per Arabic Bayan 9:11, the Bab unequivocally leaned in the direction of an eco-socialist order where the buying and selling of the 4 Elements are prohibited (something the world desperately needs presently) whereas Baha'ullah fully sided with Western Anglo-Saxon capitalism. In other words, Baha'ullah sidestepped the real solution and instead plunged headlong into the problem.

14 The Bab repeatedly stressed the sanctity and veracity of the four gates to the Hidden Imam, and in his sahifa 'adliya unequivocally states that whosoever dismisses them is a heretic. These four gates are believed by the Bayan to have "returned" as four of the Letters of the Living. The Bab also believed in the physical existence of Muhammad ibn Hasan al-'Askari (ع). Baha'ullah instead called the four gates to the Hidden Imam (ع) liars and did not believe Muhammad ibn Hasan al-'Askari (ع) physically existed. In fact he sided with al-Shalmaghani, whom the Hidden Imam (ع) cursed as a heretic during the minor occultation, as well as Ja'far the Liar whom he called "Ja'far the Truthful." This makes Baha'ullah fundamentally a heretic from the point of view of the Bab and thus automatically negates any other claims he made.

All in all, Baha'ullah's enitire claim rests on quicksand. There was literally no anticipation of an imminent universal manifestation to abrogate the Bayan until the elapsing of this abovementioned 1511 to 2001 year interval. The only anticipation of manifestations was that of the consecutive mirrors of the Bayan, the first of whom was Subh-i-Azal.

The dangerous confusion of Faezeh Hashemi-Rafsanjani vis-a-vis the Baha'is

By N. Wahid Azal

Watched this interview with Faezeh Hashemi-Rafsanjani last night to the end, and I must say this woman is all over the place. She may have a few good points but overall if she is representative of the thinking of the reformists in the Islamic Republic then they are in trouble. Let me underscore one sticking point for me.

At 5:20 (and later) she examples Bahaism explicitly (among others) as a legitimate creed that should be allowed to operate in Iran unimpeded. Her argument rests on Western human rights and liberal democratic arguments where laws and constitutions do not discriminate based on people's chosen creeds or ideologies such that an "Us & Them mentality/reality" (as she calls it) is avoided (as opposed to Iran where, she argues, this exists). This is all very well and good. But there is a fundamental problem in this approach by Hashemi-Rafsanjani where Bahaism itself specifically is concerned.

Contrary to the principles she articulates, Baha'ism does indeed quite sharply discriminate people(s), groups and individuals precisely on the very same bases that Faezeh is complaining about the Islamic Republic. Bahaism discriminates Muslims (and Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians etc) on the basis that in Baha'ism's estimation 1. Islam is (as well as the other traditions mentioned are) abrogated; 2. it discriminates its own schismatics and/or dissidents as "covenant breakers" who should be shunned, ostracized and socially disenfranchised/disempowered; 3. and per the words of its founder, it consigns to hell anyone who criticizes it One of Baha'ism's own enshrined beliefs is that Baha'is should eventually take over governments (and per the kitab-i-aqdas ultimately the world itself). Under its own ideology, the above three categories of people are effectively considered socially disposal (to use Henry Giroux's term) under a Baha'i state in the exact same manner as Jews were seen under the Nuremberg laws of the Third Reich.

So, the question is this: how do you frame a social contract of non-discrimination and human rights that includes organizations, individuals and groups in it whose own enshrined scriptural ideology is to discriminate against anyone who does not agree with its ideology and political authority? Groups such as the Baha'is are also seeking outright political power in their own right with the creation of a Baha'i theocratic state that will automatically seek to disenfranchise the very people that today are advocating for their rights such as Faezeh Hashemi-Rafsanjani. This is the dangerous paradox that many of these Iranian HR advocates like Faezeh Hashemi-Rafsanjani are caught in when they champion Baha'is and Bahaism under the umbrella of HR discourses.

In the post-WWII era, the German state under its basic law and constitution made any/all forms of national socialist ideology and activities illegal. None of these liberal democrats and HR champions will ever say that this constitutes an HR violation by the post-WWII German state. In principle, the same issue applies here where Bahaism is concerned vis-a-vis Iran. Yet Faezeh Hashemi-Rafsanjani does not see it.

Bottom line, whatever they say and pretend the Haifan Baha'is especially do not believe in any concept of human rights that is remotely recognizable to any liberal democratic pluralist. Their own history is drenched in the blood of their own schismatics and critics, such as the Azali Babis (Bayanis). They seek outright political power and the creation of a totalitarian Baha'i theocratic order that far surpasses in its potential anything Faezeh Hashemi-Rafsanjani complains about the Islamic Republic of Iran: a totalitarian Baha'i theocratic order that upon taking power would seek to shun, ostracize, disempower and disenfranchise all dissidents, schismatics, critics and eventually those of other faiths as well.

Source :

A warning to the Haifan Baha'i organization

By N. Wahid Azal


So certain Haifan Baha'is on Facebook known to be serving on the Baha'i Internet Agency are apparently on record in recent times openly claiming that the Baha'i "institutions" (i.e. the cult's bureaucracy) will be soon initiating a widespread "final solution" to their Bayani (Azali Babi) problem. I hope these people realize that the bloody nose they recieved from Mr Francesco Ficicchia and the German Council of Protestant churches during the early 1980s when the West German government withdrew their status as a recognized religion (forcing them instead for nearly 30 years into the wilderness of NGO status until by a legal quirk they regained that status from an administrative court only recently) can be replicated x1000 if they are not careful and do not back off immediately. The Haifan Baha'i organization is already on the radar of assorted law enforcement and government agencies in Germany for their documented collusion with the far-right in social media and the criminal activities of US based far-right trolls they are connected to. Further harassment will be taken as pursuance of a corporate institutional policy by the Haifan Baha'i organization itself*, and will be dealt with in exactly the same manner as they were dealt with in the 1980s since the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Germany would be answerable in law for such wanton criminality (as such an open enunciation of 'final solutions' is a direct violation of the German constitution and its basic law, not to mention the European conventions on HR to which they can simultaneously be held accountable).

The recent wave of fascism in Europe and North America seems to have emboldened the opportunism of Haifan Baha'is against their own longstanding political enemies: the Bayanis (Azali Babis). However, whatever the passing trends and fads, there exist red lines that once crossed will open a legal pandoras box for the Haifan Baha'i organization that will put them right back into the same situation they found themselves in during the 1980s-2000s -- and even far worse.

For German readers, a PDF copy of Francesco Ficicchia's Baha’i: Einheitsreligion und globale Theokratie. Ein kritischer Einblick in die Universalreligion der Zukunft (2009) can be found above.

Peace be upon those who follow the guidance!
A Document Prepared by the Universal House of Justice
January 29 2001


Protection of the Cause (pp. 15-16)

Although deepening the friends' understanding of the Covenant and increasing their love and loyalty to it are of paramount importance, the duties of the Auxiliary Board members for Protection do not end here. The Board members must remain ever vigilant, monitoring the actions of those who, driven by the promptings of ego, seek to sow the seeds of doubt in the minds of the friends and undermine the Faith. In general, whenever believers become aware of such problems, they should immediately contact whatever institution they feel moved to turn to, whether it be a Counsellor, an Auxiliary Board member, the National Spiritual Assembly or their own Local Assembly. It then becomes the duty of that institution to ensure that the report is fed into the correct channels and that all the other institutions affected are promptly informed. Not infrequently, the responsibility will fall on an Auxiliary Board member, in coordination with the Assembly concerned, to take some form of action in response to the situation. This involvement will include counselling the believer in question; warning him, if necessary, of the consequences of his actions; and bringing to the attention of the Counsellors the gravity of the situation, which may call for their intervention. Naturally, the Board member has to exert every effort to counteract the schemes and arrest the spread of the influence of those few who, despite attempts to guide them, eventually break the Covenant.

The need to protect the Faith from the attacks of its enemies may not be generally appreciated by the friends, particularly in places where attacks have been infrequent. However, it is certain that such opposition will increase, become concerted, and eventually universal. The writings clearly foreshadow not only an intensification of the machinations of internal enemies, but a rise in the hostility and opposition of its external enemies, whether religious or secular, as the Cause pursues its onward march towards ultimate victory. Therefore, in the light of the warnings of the Guardian, the Auxiliary Boards for Protection should keep "constantly" a "watchful eye" on those "who are known to be enemies, or to have been put out of the Faith", discreetly investigate their activities, alert intelligently the friends to the opposition inevitably to come, explain how each crisis in God's Faith has always proved to be a blessing in disguise, and prepare them for the "dire contest which is destined to range the Army of Light against the forces of darkness".


See also Baha'i CULT FAQ