Who was Bahauallah to you? A man inspired by God? False prophet? - Some answers by former Baha'is

One person wrote :

He was the manifestation of satan, the devil and antichrist, the trickster and evil whisperer, the Golden Calf, Beelzebub, Lucifer, ahriman, Mephistophles and Iblis in the flesh (ل), hence why long ago I dubbed him Baha'u-Shaytan. His objective was to carve a legacy for his ego with fluffy platitudes and half digested ideas he had literally stolen from other sources which he claimed to be his own unique revelations, i.e. a pure Nietzschean will to power; this, while he held a knife behind his back which he plunged into his own brother's back. Mirza Husayn Ali Nuri is one of the ultimate case studies in radical evil, sociopathic nihilism and the dangers of such people. If he was the return of anyone, this man was the return of Cain. If a time machine could be built and one could go back into the past, I for one would not hesitate to go to 1850s Baghdad, find him and put him out of his misery right then and there for the good of all posterity at the very moment when he first began his mischief making against the Babis and Subh-i-Azal. The dark legacy of this malevolent scheister and his fraud has negatively touched a myriad of innocent people across generations and destroyed countless lives. As such Mirza Husayn Ali Nuri Baha'u-Shaytan was one of histories finest criminals, hucksters and con-artists, and who other than the dark one can possibly inspire and possess such individuals as he? And all of his true believers -- particularly those of them who have marticulated in his doctrine and climbed to the highest ranks of his cult -- are just like he is: dogged sociopathic nihilists engaged in radical evil.

Another ex-Baha'i wrote:

He was a cult leader. Plain and simple.

Baha'ullah was the farce to the Bab's tragedy. He was an opportunist who, like many others, made an attempt at capitalizing upon the popularity of the nascent Babi movement. He was clever in that he transformed the esoteric Shi'ism of the Bab into a religion which could have a more widespread appeal and an influence which could last long after the death of its founder, but this was perhaps his sole virtue. The means by which he further secured the success of his religion consisted of deceit, propaganda, murder, and collusion with sympathetic foreign officials.

He stopped at nothing, not even conspiracy against his own brother, in order to benefit himself. He stole ideas from other writers and supplemented them with his own "revelations" in order to make himself appear knowledgeable, when the reality was that he knew little of the intricacies of Islamic theology.

Whenever he was guilty, he passed himself off as a "Wronged One," and whenever he was innocent, it was not long before he would commit some other heinous act against someone who had done no wrong against him.

Subh-i-Azal appointed him as one of the leaders of the Babis and decreed that they should obey him, but Baha'u'llah was not content with this station, and so he began preparing "verses" and thereafter claimed "divine revelation." He gathered around himself a group of followers prepared to murder on his behalf and turned them against Azal and his partisans.

Qahir, Seraj, Dayyan, Aka Jan, Sayyid Muhammad Isfahani, Mirza Riza...the list goes on and on. Babi after Babi fell in succession by the decree of Baha'u'llah and/or with his good-pleasure. It did not matter how innocent he was, or even if he was a companion of the Bab himself (as was the case with Isfahani), if someone stood in the way of Baha'u'llah, he was summarily dealt with.

As Avarih cleverly remarked, "Baha is not [Imam] Husayn but Hasan[-i-Sabbah] returned."

Source : https://www.reddit.com/r/exbahai/comments/93ek0m/prophet/

Former Baha'i exposes Baha'i Hypocrisy

The Baha’i Faith as an organization does the complete opposite of what they teach ‘seekers’. They tell interested souls that it is a universal religion that accepts the validity of all religions, then goes around telling its own membership that the world is suffering because all of humanity hasn’t become Baha’is. It tells interested minds that the Baha’i Faith doesn’t demand or accept blind faith, unlike those ‘old religions’, but then tells skeptical believers that ‘there are some things you’re just going to have to accept, even if you can’t understand the wisdom of it at the moment’.

It tells open hearts that there is no clergy in the Baha’i Faith, that the consciences of human beings are sacred and should be protected, that every one has the right and obligation to independently investigate the truth, that every one has the right to express their concerns and opinions without fear; yet its top leadership dis-enrolls, excommunicates, and shuns those who ‘cross the line’.

If the Universal House of Justice would just once answer these legitimate objections that thousands have about the current administration of the Baha’i Faith, including many members (some of whom are quiet and some not so quiet), that would be a good start. But it appears that the people in the ‘higher up’ positions are just interested in short term goals and securing their status for as long as they can milk it. It’s sad, really, because the Baha’i Faith could have been a tremendous spiritual force in this world. But its vitality has been sapped by extreme over organization, meetings about nothing, meetings about having meetings, misplaced loyalties, politics when it suits their cause, abstention from politics when it is non-Baha’is who are suffering, etc.

It still makes me angry that this institution dares to say that it is because of Baha’u’llah’s ‘blessings’ that all of this ‘great’ stuff is being done by the rank and file Baha’i membership obeying their instructions. It offends me that they drag his name through the mud to promote their agenda, and I’m not even a Baha’i anymore. But I still have respect and appreciation for Baha’u’llah, enough to get mad when an institution will exploit his name and life’s work to further meaningless ‘plans’ that never do anything but entrap a few new members every year.

Since the Baha’i Faith is not going to take over the world, people know that how many people in the world call themselves “Baha’i” is pretty much meaningless. What matters is what values, principles and causes people are working for, giving their time and energy and money to make a constructive difference in the world. If Baha’is would take at least 50% of the time, energy, and money they’re currently devoting to the “global Plan” for “intensive programmes of growth” promoted by their beloved, supposedly infallible UHJ, and transfer those human and financial resources into doing actual work to promote ideals Baha’is have always believed in — things such as overcoming racism and gender discrimination, reducing the gap between rich and poor, and striving for peace between nations and religions — they might find that more people would want to get involved in their religious community!

What do you find most deceptive in the Bahai Faith?

Euphemisms. "Teaching" is nice way of saying, proselytizing. "Teachers" are proselytizers. "Oneness of humanity" is when most, if not everyone, converts to the Baha'i Faith. "Service" or "service to humanity" is almost always some sort of religious work and most religious work is "teaching work". "Pioneers" are long-term missionaries. "Unity" has the same meaning as "oneness of humanity", which I briefly mentioned. "Oneness of religion" doesn't mean that all religions are one; it has the same meaning as in Islam, in that, most of the predominant religions were revealed from God, but are now outdated and distorted. When I left the Baha'i Faith, it took me a long time to rewire my brain as to the real meanings of these terms. It was frustrating.

Source : https://www.reddit.com/r/exbahai/comments/8zr2zb/deception/

Ridvan 2009: Baha’is missing the point of their own religion - by Eric Stetson

Former Baha'i, Eric Stetson

Today is the first day of Ridvan, a major holiday season for adherents of the Baha’i Faith. As a former Baha’i who still agrees with many of the basic principles of that religion, I keep up with what’s going on in the Baha’i world. This year’s Ridvan message from the highest leaders of the Baha’i Faith confirms my view that Baha’i has become an inward-looking religion that refuses to engage the world at large except for the purpose of trying to convert people.

Why am I bothering to comment on this? Baha’i, with only a few million adherents, isn’t exactly an important religion in worldly terms and most people haven’t even heard of it. But I think it’s a profound illustration of how beneficial, potentially transformative spiritual messages can be twisted and obscured by leaders and members of a religion for their own misguided ends — a problem that is all too common in every significant religion.

The Baha’i Faith was founded by Baha’u’llah (1817-1892), a Persian aristocrat in exile who in 1863 declared himself to be a new messenger of God. Baha’u’llah was raised a Shi’ite Muslim, and in his young adulthood followed the radical millennarian movement of another contemporaneous Persian claimant to prophethood known as the Bab. The Baha’i religion is above all an attempt to build a more universal spiritual paradigm out of the foundation of Islam. Much in the way Christianity emerged as a Jewish reform movement and a project to spread the core principles of Judaism into the Greco-Roman world, Baha’i was born from an Islamic matrix as a project to modernize, universalize and spread the central ideas and practices of Islam to the whole world.

Baha’u’llah’s main teaching was that humanity is moving into an age when barriers of race, language, nation, and religion should come tumbling down, replaced by global unity and the transcendent consciousness that all religions come from the same God. So what do the Baha’is do? As one might guess from the rich history of religious followers doing the opposite of what the founder of their faith taught, Baha’is today focus all their energies on trying to build their own new sect and convert as many people as possible to it!

The latest confirmation of this attitude comes from the 2009 Ridvan message issued by the Universal House of Justice, the international leadership body of the Baha’i Faith:

To the Baha’is of the World

Dearly loved Friends,

A mere three years ago we set before the Baha’i world the challenge of exploiting the framework for action that had emerged with such clarity at the conclusion of the last global Plan. The response, as we had hoped, was immediate. With great vigour the friends everywhere began to pursue the goal of establishing intensive programmes of growth in no less than 1,500 clusters worldwide, and the number of such programmes soon started to climb. But no one could have imagined then how profoundly the Lord of Hosts, in His inscrutable wisdom, intended to transform His community in so short a span of time. What a purposeful and confident community it was that celebrated its accomplishments at the midway point of the current Plan in forty-one regional conferences across the globe! What an extraordinary contrast did its coherence and energy provide to the bewilderment and confusion of a world caught in a spiral of crisis! …

The Baha’i leaders open their message to the Baha’is during a major holiday season of their faith by talking about how wonderful it is that Baha’is are following the UHJ’s “global Plan” for “intensive programmes of growth” — i.e. that they are focusing, in a systematic way, on trying to convert as many people as possible. And then they go on to mention how Baha’is held a lot of big conferences where they gathered among themselves. This is supposed to be an “extraordinary contrast” to the world that is currently suffering from a severe economic crisis and so many other problems.

Baha’is think that they will get more members because they are trying hard to get more members — especially because they feel confident in their religion while the world outside the Baha’i bubble is “caught in a spiral of crisis.” The irony is that if Baha’is shifted their focus away from proselytizing and organizing events for their own members, toward doing tangible things to help solve problems in the real world — economic development, human rights, peace movements, environmental protection, etc. — they would find that more people would naturally be attracted to their religion, because people would see that they care about helping the world, not the size of their membership rolls.

And therein lies the problem for Baha’is. They, or at least their leaders, seem to believe that the only way to truly help the world is to convert people to Baha’i. So that’s where they invest their time, energy, and money, leaving little or nothing for promoting the world-changing values and causes that really make a difference.

Sound familiar? Yup, it’s the same tired old attitude of fundamentalists of all religions. All of them essentially say some variation of the following: “Our religion is the only way of true salvation, so the whole world needs to join us. Doing other things is unnecessary or even counterproductive, because this world is destined to go through an apocalypse anyway, which will show people the glorious and absolute truth of our faith.” Actually trying to solve the problems of the world so that we won’t have an apocalypse — while accepting people’s religious preference as it is and working constructively on real issues with people of all faiths — is not on their agenda. Or if it is, it’s far down the list of priorities.

Baha’is, with their progressive belief that all religions are inspired by One God, should at least in theory be particularly able to avoid the trap of fundamentalism. In reality, sadly, they are not. I know a few liberal Baha’is who believe that the future of human spirituality lies not in one religious sect converting everyone else and taking over the world, but rather in “meta-spirituality” and interfaith respect and reconciliation. But the Baha’is who follow the party-line of their religious organization, which seems to be most of them, are blinded to this reality and instead chase the quixotic, ever elusive dream of one world, one religious identity/practice for everyone. Just as the fundamentalist Christians and Muslims do.

I think what this proves is that organized religion operating in a capitalist-style competitive environment of soul-winning is inherently going to focus on the bottom line — growing its rolls — even if it’s a religion that is based on the idea that all religions are worthy paths to the divine (and therefore that nobody needs to convert to escape hell). The relative lack of growth of the Baha’i Faith compared to some of its competitors in the spiritual marketplace also proves that when a religion offers little else but an incessant membership drive as the basis of its community life, it won’t actually grow as much as it would like. People don’t usually join groups unless they can see that the group is serving some noble or useful purpose other than to perpetuate and expand its own existence.

As I wrote in an article on Bahai-Faith.com recently:

Baha’u’llah said that “The Great Being, wishing to reveal the prerequisites of the peace and tranquility of the world and the advancement of its peoples, hath written: The time must come when the imperative necessity for the holding of a vast, an all-embracing assemblage of men will be universally recognized.” Perhaps the main reason the Baha’i Faith has not lived up to its potential is that, in its desire to make more Baha’is, it has neglected the bigger and broader teachings such as this — teachings which could be spread and implemented regardless of how many people are adherents of any particular religion. …

To be a true Baha’i, in my opinion, is to devote oneself to serving the cause of the oneness of human spirituality and the oneness of civilization. Simply promoting the Baha’i religion is not getting the job done. For various reasons, most people are not converting to the Baha’i Faith — and perhaps never will. That shouldn’t stop Baha’is from living and sharing the deeper meaning of their faith.

Since the Baha’i Faith is not going to take over the world, people know that how many people in the world call themselves “Baha’i” is pretty much meaningless. What matters is what values, principles and causes people are working for, giving their time and energy and money to make a constructive difference in the world. If Baha’is would take at least 50% of the time, energy, and money they’re currently devoting to the “global Plan” for “intensive programmes of growth” promoted by their beloved, supposedly infallible UHJ, and transfer those human and financial resources into doing actual work to promote ideals Baha’is have always believed in — things such as overcoming racism and gender discrimination, reducing the gap between rich and poor, and striving for peace between nations and religions — they might find that more people would want to get involved in their religious community!

This is a lesson that all religions should learn, not just the Baha’is. The bottom line is that humanity needs to grow up. The time for fruitless sectarianism is over. The time for transcending religious differences to build a better world is at hand. When a religion focuses primarily on proselytizing and conversion, it misses the point and excludes itself from being a meaningful part of the interfaith discussion today. Spiritual maturity is when we are willing to devote ourselves to helping other human beings and helping the world, even if everyone else in the world belongs to a different religion than our own.

Abdu’l-Baha, the son and successor of the Baha’i prophet said:

Religion should unite all hearts and cause wars and disputes to vanish from the face of the earth; it should give birth to spirituality, and bring light and life to every soul. If religion becomes a cause of dislike, hatred and division, it would be better to be without it. … Any religion which is not a cause of love and unity is no religion.

Wise words we would all do well to heed.

Source : https://stetsonius.wordpress.com/2009/04/21/ridvan-2009-bahais-missing-the-point-of-their-own-religion/

Baha'i Faith is an "information control" cult, says a former Baha'i from christian background

Baha'i Faith is definitely an "information control" cult because they are paranoid about attacks and think they need an organized class of people assigned to protect the religion as if God couldn't do it Himself if it was His religion. They are paranoid about reputation and what gets published... they don't even list most of their books on Amazon - possibly they're afraid of the public review system there.

Baha'is are controlled and have their lives hyper-regimented and micromanaged with laws and rules and procedures that are very strict. Easily seen - with their books, Kitab-i-Aqdas and Lights of Guidance.

Anyone who doesn't go along with the pack is in danger of being humiliated before the Local Spiritual Assembly watchdogs, and they risk being discarded or even entirely shunned by the "friends" and even family members.

Baha'i has a lot of guilt trips for people who don't perfectly obey the institutions and laws. These guilt trips are written into the books.

They also bend the realities of other religions to try to fit them into the Baha'i paradigm. Anything that doesn't fit the mold is discarded or bent to fit the Baha'i point of view. Members have to endure an unconscious or subconscious sort of denial of the truth in order to make everything fit their idea of what Baha'i is. This is cognitive dissonance. Baha'is do this all the time and seem completely unaware of it. (Example: equality of men and women vs. the reality of UHJ men-only policy and unequal inheritance laws.) The Baha'is must use many justifications to try to make everything fit together in their minds.

Source : https://www.reddit.com/r/exbahai/comments/8yuonj/bahai_cult/

Baha'i 'community' of St Petersburg (FL) exposed.

This 'vibrant' community also had a website http://www.stpetebahai.org/ that was shut down because of lack of volunteers.

They also have a facebook page that has 3 public ratings (3.7★)

There is one interesting comment on their facebook page:
Unfriendly nasty neighbors! My husband and I were just finishing unloading a truck when an angry older woman pulled up and told me that we needed to move our vehicle immediately from her spot (mind you the parking spot is not assigned it was actually in the alley way and we were just finished). There were plenty of parking spots available. I told her that we were moving the vehicle as soon as my husband returned from our place (he was walking up as I spoke). She started yelling at me and threatening to call the cops if I didn’t move the truck now. I told her that there was no need to call cops on me as I had already told her we were leaving. She yelled that she had a meeting at the Baha’i center and we had no right to park there. I have always thought that the Baha’i faith was about peacefulness and patience, I told her that too. She continued to yell and parked her car behind ours so that we couldn’t leave. We were finally able to maneuver the truck out of her way and leave as soon as she realized that she was keeping us from leaving. I believe she works at the center as I’ve seen her car many times. I can’t believe that this is how they treat people. I do not recommend keeping company with people like that.

There are functioning 'communities' such as this one in every city throughout the world! Baha'is have shamelessly claimed this on their wikipedia page:

The Bahá'í Faith is recognized as the second-most geographically widespread religion after Christianity, and the only religion to have grown faster than the population of the world in all major areas over the last century.

Source : https://www.reddit.com/r/exbahai/comments/8xpprm/st_petersburg_fl_bahai_community_celebrates_200th/

True Story of an Iranian-Australian Baha'i real estate developer

During the 1990s a young Iranian Baha'i gentleman who had only recently come to Australia fell in love with a young Iranian Baha'i lady who had come to Australia only some time before him. He was actively courting her for the purpose of marriage. A prominent Iranian Baha'i developer in Queensland, Australia and who had come to Australia during the 1980s from Europe had his own eye on this woman -- even though this developer was only recently separated from his Iranian Baha'i wife of 30 years, was then dating an Australian woman (who he was also simultaneously living with out of wedlock) during his so-called year of patience, not to mention he was twice this woman's age.

To cut to the chase, because this Iranian Baha'i developer had the hots for the above mentioned Iranian woman who was being courted by the recent arrival, one evening in the dead of night this Iranian Baha'i developer hired goons to break into the home of this recently arrived Iranian Baha'i gentleman and had him beaten to a bloody pulp within an inch of his life in front of his two terrified parents. During the beating, he was explicitly warned by the goons to cut off all ties with this Iranian Baha'i woman he was courting (and wished to marry), or the next time he would be killed (yes, killed!) by these goons hired by the Iranian-Australian Baha'i developer -- while also warned, as he was being beaten, that they would publicly humiliate him and have him sanctioned by the Australian Baha'i institutions if he went to them.

All complaints to the Australian National Spiritual Assembly fell on deaf ears with the NSA of Australia warning this gentleman and his family that if he publicized his case, his voting rights would be removed and "he would be thrown out of the Faith." Two members of the Australian NSA (one of whom is now a member of the UHJ), a Counsellor and one member of the UHJ at the time (who has subsequently gone to hell) were shareholders and had business interests in the development company of this mafioso Iranian Baha'i developer, the full extent of whose story would make Mario Puzzo and his Godfather trilogy look positively amateurish. This is here one of only several dozen stories about this Iranian Australian Baha'i developer in question. This developer also at one point was a shareholder in a series of local brothels; has been rumored to have been a profiteer at one stage in illegal methamphetamine drug distribution in local night clubs; and all of his resort hotels sold alcohol in whose various bars this developer himself was usually seen hanging around drinking himself into a stupor night after night. No Baha'i institution has ever sanctioned this individual. Instead they have always turned around and blamed and sanctioned the victims of this individual.

This is a True story, any Persian Baha'i from Australia can reveal their names.

Bicentenary Celeberation reveals some shocking info

The Bahais worldwide celebrated the 200th anniversary of Baha'u'llah's birth on the 21st and 22nd of October 2017. A notable feature of the last bicentenary was the number of tributes to Baha'u'llah and messages of congratulation issued by dignitaries and prominent members of society, such responses are customarily by any head of states in response to invitations they had received .

The Bahais as usual having lost any acceptance in the society are elated by such responses, as if the whole purpose of bicentenary celebrations was to receive the responses. The UHJ was quick to commission both a film and a dedicated website for the occasion!

A very notable outcome of this bicentenary celebration was the News media that revealed the relationship of Abbas Effendi with the then British empire. Many news channels broadcasted that Abdul Baha was saved by the British army, another media reported that he was saved by British secret service. The unprejudiced and sincere Bahais were shocked to hear from non Bahai News channel and they started questioning what a 'Faith' has to do with the secret service of Imperialistic Nation.This was the first time that non Iranian news channel and news broadcaster have thrown light on Bahai-Britain relationships. These Bahais were fearful to put their question to the Bahai Administration as they feared sanction.


1- British forces ensured the safety of Abdul Baha

On 23 September 1918, in what is believed to be one of the last cavalry charges in modern military history, Indian soldiers carried out an attack that allowed British forces to capture Haifa from the Ottoman Empire.As they did so, they also ensured the safety of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá who was the son of Bahá’u’lláh, the founder of the Baha’i faith.

At the ​time, Major Wellesley Tudor Pole, one of the officers serving with General Allenby and an early British Baha’i, feared for the safety of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and his family and made a case to General Allenby that they should be protected.”

2-After the Victory British forces Sought interview with Abdul Baha

"It was under these circumstances that the dramatic Battle of Haifa unfolded, during which two regiments of Indian cavalry soldiers played a critical role in capturing the city from the well-entrenched Turkish and German soldiers."

"After the victory, large numbers of soldiers and government officials of all ranks sought interviews with ‘Abdu’l-Bahá"

3-Bahaullah and Abdul Baha purchase lands in villages which was depopulated by Israelis ana later Shoghi effendi sold to Jewish National fund.

On May 14, 1948, the Arab village of al-Nuqayb, where ‘Abdu’l-Bahá had owned land and grown grain, was depopulated in the fighting which broke out after the U.N. General Assembly's adoption on November 29, 1947 of the Partition Plan for Palestine.

Al-Nuqayb (transliterated as Nughayb in the Bahá'í orthography) is mentioned in Lady Blomfield's The Chosen Highway, in the sectioned titled Bahá'í Villages.

Abdul Baha bought from time to time some land in various villages. Asfiya and Daliya, near Haifa--these two properties He bestowed upon Diya'u'llah and Badi'u'llah, the two younger half-brothers, at the request of Bahá'u'lláh.

Land was also acquired in the villages of Samrih, Nughayb, and 'Adasiyyih, situated near the Jordan.

In his book All That Remains: The Palestinian Villages Occupied and Depopulated by Israel in 1948, the historian Walid Khalidi details the history of many of these Palestinian villages and how they were depopulated. For example, he notes that in the 1880s most of the village land of al-Nuqayb was purchased by Bahá'u'lláh, with the villagers continuing to farm as tenant farmers. In the 1920s, this land was sold by Shoghi Effendi to the Jewish National Fund.

4- Abdul Baha supplied The corn produced by in these farms to British army.

Bahá'í Villages in The Chosen Highway chronicles in some detail how 'Abdu'l-Bahá used the grain he had grown in these villages to supply the British Army during World War I.

We learned that when the British marched into Haifa there was some difficulty about the commissariat. The officer in command went to consult the Master.

"I have corn," was the reply.

"But for the army?" said the astonished soldier.

"I have corn for the British Army," said 'Abdu'l-Bahá.

5- Abdul Baha was Knighted by British Government for his valuable services

He truly walked the Mystic way with practical feet. [footnote: Lady Blomfield often recounted how the corn pits proved a safe hiding-place for the corn, during the occupation of the Turkish army. -Ed.]

According to Harry Charles Luke, an official in the British Colonial Office who served as assistant Governor of Jerusalem,

Sir 'Abbas Effendi 'Abdu'l Baha had travelled extensively in Europe and America to expound his doctrines, and on the 4th December, 1919, was created by King George V a K.B.E. for valuable services rendered to the British Government in the early days of the Occupation.

On April 27, 1920, 'Abdu’l-Bahá was ceremonially knighted, an event which was prominently reported in the Bahá'í periodical Star of the West.

6- King George sent a Medal to Abdul Baha with the title “SIR”

THE following beautiful description of this event was written by Dr. Zia M. Bagdadi who was at that time in Haifa: "Among the kings and governments of the world who have become convinced that Abdul Bahá was the well-wisher and the lover of mankind are King George and his government. The King sent a medal to Abdul Bahá with the title, "Sir", thus making him a member of his household. On the 27th of April, 1920, the Governor and high officials of Haifa, Palestine presented in a beautiful garden a most wonderful celebration for the knighting of Abdul Baha. Bahai pilgrims from Persia, America and all parts of the world were present. Mohammedan, Christian, Jewish leaders, clergymen, notables and local officials from Haifa, Acca and other towns attended. A tent was pitched in the center of the garden. English troops stood on both sides, from the gate of the garden to the center where Abdul Bahá was seated. The military music added wonderful melody to the rustling leaves of the beautiful trees. The breezes of the spring on that sunny afternoon imparted a remarkable vigor to the physical body just as the presence of Abdul Baha strengthened the souls. The Governor stood behind Abdul Bahá and, after a short speech, interpreted by Mr. Wadie Bistani, presented the medal. Then Abdul Baha, rising from his seat, gave a brief talk and a prayer for the British government.

7-Abdul Baha hosted a member of Rothschilds who were leading financier of Zionist movement in occupation of Palestine.

On February 23, 1914, at the eve of World War I, 'Abdu'l-Bahá had hosted Baron Edmond James de Rothschild, a member of the Rothschild banking family who was a leading advocate and financier of the Zionist movement, during one of his early trips to Palestine.

8-Abdul Baha praised the Zionist movement and welcomed Zionist occupation of Palestine

On September 8, 1919, subsequent to the British occupation of Palestine, at a time when tens of thousands of Jewish settlers were arriving under the auspices of the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association, an article in the "Star of the West" quoted 'Abdu'l-Bahá praising the Zionist movement, proclaiming that "There is too much talk today of what the Zionists are going to do here. There is no need of it. Let them come and do more and say less" and that "A Jewish government might come later."

9-Shoghi Effendi also had close relation with Zionist leaders

At the time of 'Abdu'l-Bahá 's death, Shoghi Effendi was matriculated at Balliol College. In a letter to Marzieh Gail, Shoghi Effendi outlined his educational ambitions at Balliol College, specifically to study with eminent professors and Orientalists, noting alumni who were all Imperialists.

After 'Abdu'l-Bahá 's death, Shoghi Effendi would continue to have close relations with the leading political administrators and prominent Zionist leaders. For example, on January 24, 1922, Shoghi Effendi received a letter from Herbert Samuel, the British High Commissioner for Palestine. The receipt of the letter is mentioned in Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum's The Priceless Pearl. As High Commissioner, Herbert Samuel was the first Jew to govern the historic land of Israel in 2,000 years, and his appointment was regarded by the Muslim-Christian Associations as the "first step in formation of Zionist national home in the midst of Arab people." Herbert Samuel welcomed the arrival of Jewish settlers under the auspices of the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association and recognised Hebrew as one of the three official languages of the Mandate territory.

While Shoghi Effendi was thus occupied and was gathering his powers and beginning to write letters such as these to the Bahá'ís in different countries, he received the following letter from the High Commissioner for Palestine, Sir Herbert Samuel, dated 24 January 1922:

Dear Mr. Rabbani,

I have to acknowledge receipt of your letter of Jan. 16., and to thank you for the kind expression it contains. It would be unfortunate if the ever to be lamented death of Sir 'Abdu'l-Bahá were to interfere with the completion of your Oxford career, and I hope that may not be the case. I am much interested to learn of the measures that have been taken to provide for the stable organization of the Bahá'í Movement. Should you be at any time in Jerusalem in would be a pleasure to me to see you here.

The Baha'i Administration is going to have a second centenary celebration next year and that is of Bab, we should be prepared to receive more unexplained Bahai relations with different Nations which will shake the belief of many more Baha'is all over the world.

How a Baha'i missionary converted a "significantly large number" of al-Azhar students in Egypt?

Mirza Abul Fadl and Ali Kuli Khan

Mirza Abul Fadl was called by `Abdu'l-Bahá to the Holy Land in 1894. His spirit was galvanized. He was launched on the most productive and significant labors of his life. The twenty years that were left to him until his death in 1914 were filled with teaching, traveling and writing — always at the direction of his beloved Master. His first assignment was to proceed to Egypt.

At the turn of the century, Egypt was the hub of what was left of a once dynamic Muslim civilization. Centuries-long traditions of religious scholarship, represented by the venerable institution of al-Azhar, the school of higher Islamic learning, were being animated by the winds of "reform" and "modernism." `Abdu'l-Bahá wanted to inject the relevance of the Bahá'í Faith into that atmosphere, and Mirza Abu'l-Fadl was His chosen instrument. He wisely advised him to adopt an indirect approach. For had Abu'l-Fadl attempted to talk openly about the Faith from the outset, he would never have received a respectful hearing in the intellectual circles of Cairo. In the eyes of conservative Sunni scholars, a Persian "apostate" from Shi'i Islam would have had a double mark against him. Instead, he gained his entry into those circles by the judicious demonstration of his remarkable intellect and his brilliant grasp of comparative religious history and thought. He was particularly noted for his original turn of mind in interpretation of religious scriptures. Soon he had a large and avid circle of al-Azhar students and other devotees who were gradually introduced to the Faith. A significantly large number of them ultimately became Bahá'ís.


"Oneness of Humanity!" - Baha'i Faith and the Great Persian famine of 1917 - 1919

What follows is the account of an eminent Persian Bahá’í, Mírzá Áqá Khán Qá’im-Maqámí (the ancestor of Omid Ghaemmaghami)—the great-grandson of Mírzá Abuʼl-Qásim Qáʼim-Maqám Faráhání, the prime minister under Muhammad Shah and the man lauded by Bahá’u’lláh Himself as "the Prince of the City of Statesmanship and Literary Accomplishment" (Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 65)—who used his immense wealth to keep all the Bahá’ís of Persia well-fed as a devastating famine ravaged the country. The anecdote is derived from a larger biographical sketch of Mírzá Áqá Khán Qá’im-Maqámí by the late Hasan Noushabadi, who wrote up his remembrances and published them as an article entitled Rajul-i-Rashíd ("The Man of Courage") in the Persian-language Áhang-i-Badíʻ ("New Melody") magazine.

A recently rediscovered document in the American Archives reveals that around 10 million Iranians died as a result of widespread famine between 1917-1919.

Here is the story which Baha'is feel is very "inspiring" for them!!

It was towards the beginning of autumn in 1916 when I [Hasan Noushabadi] myself left Arák for Ṭihrán. Qá’im-Maqámí said to me:

"The coming winter will bring dire scarcity and famine. The Baháʼís must be made aware of this fact, and urged to prepare, to the greatest extent possible, wintertime provisions and victuals for themselves and their families. In assemblies and gatherings, advise the Baháʼís openly and privately even to sell their furniture, and to buy and hold on to wheat, barley, sangak bread, lima beans, and maize."

He also said:

"ʻAbduʼl-Bahá appeared to me in a dream and stated, 'Scarcity and famine are in store this year. Woe betide the wealthy among the Baháʼís if even one of their impoverished brethren should starve to death!'"

Owing to Qá’im-Maqámí’s persistence and insistence—as well as this poor servant’s efforts to share the aforementioned anecdote with others and urgently exhort them to act accordingly, believing as I did in the significance of Qá’im-Maqámí’s dreams and remarks—the Baháʼís were eventually persuaded to prepare their wintertime provisions by whatever means necessary, even if it meant selling their rugs and other furnishings. In addition, those who had been charged with spiritual affairs began to gather resources that would aid the poor during the winter. To that end, these individuals solicited funds from every one of the most eminently wealthy Baháʼís, and successfully secured written commitments from them to donate large sums of money. Ultimately, a record of all these commitments was given to Qá’im-Maqámí; he calculated the total sum of these donations, and committed to match that amount from his own funds. With all this money, Qá’im-Maqámí purchased an ample supply of food in the name of the poor, and kept it in storage. Furthermore, he appointed a special committee that would visit the homes of every Baháʼí in Ṭihrán, determine the number of people in each family, and make a note of their income and expenses. Those who could not make ends meet, or did not have a cent to their name, did not escape the vigilant attention of Qá’im-Maqámí; every one of those needy souls received rations. Indeed, from the first sign of privation and paucity until the following spring, Qá’im-Maqámí saw to it that provisions were regularly given to every family that needed them. Even on the eve of the Persian New Year, he prepared rice cooked with shortening—so much so that there was plenty to go around—and he offered it to everyone so they could have a proper meal and remain in high spirits.

In brief, Qá’im-Maqámí did not allow even one Baháʼí to go hungry or live in dire straits—and this at a time when so many other people starved to death. Those poor souls would go to the slaughterhouse, drink whatever blood they could find, and ultimately die. Others would repair to the wilderness and eat grass—and there, too, would they perish. It was even heard that some of these people would kill and eat their own children, and also those of others. And yet, as far as the impoverished Baháʼís were concerned, not one of them starved to death.

It can truly be said that all these blessings allotted to the Baháʼís, poor and rich alike—inasmuch as the poor were rescued from hunger, and the rich were made the recipients of God’s grace and guidance—stemmed from the prudence, the purity of heart, the effectual measures, and the generosity of this noble man.
(Source: Hasan Noushabadi, "The Man of Courage: A Brief Account of the Bahá’í Life of Mírzá Áqá Khán Qá’im-Maqámí." Article written on February 6, 1954, and published posthumously in the Persian-language Áhang-i-Badíʻ magazine, nos. 9 and 10, 1973, pp. 18–39. This excerpt taken from p. 30.)

Omid Ghaemmaghami is a descendant of Mírzá Áqá Khán Qá’im-Maqámí, the selfish Baha'i.
Translated by : Adib Masumian

Former UHJ member Hooper Dunbar asks Baha'is to reaveal the motto behind Ruhi Books.

Former UHJ member Hooper Dunbar
Bangladesh : Baha'is sowing the seeds of Baha'ism in innocent hearts.
Teaching them Ruhi Books that are designed for Baha'is only.  

Listen Hooper's talk on youtube