Iranian Muslim youtuber exposes Baha'i electoral system and Baha'i dissmulation after the death of Shoghi Effendi.

All Baha'i properties and assets in Iran that had been registered under Shoghi Effendi's name from the late 1920s to his death in 1957. Apparently there was a sizable amount. Ershad even cites a case/court number to the alleged case.

According to documents obtained and cited by Hasan Ershad in the last episode of his weekly 1hr program which is posted here; after Shoghi Effendi died in 1957, his wife, the Hands and a few members of Shoghi Effendi's family colluded together and went to an Iranian court in Tehran and matter of factly claimed Shoghi Effendi to have been a Shi'ite Muslim in order seize Baha'i national assets in Iran that had been registered under his name. The Iranian law did not recognize the legitimacy of Bahaism as a valid religion and only a Jew, a Christian, a Zoroastrian or a Shi'ite or Sunni Muslim could legitimately inherit, transfer or pass on transference of property and assets in Iran. After his death, the legal status of these properties and assets obtained under Shoghi Effendi's name were in limbo so these people simply marched into an Iranian court and claimed Shoghi as a Shi'ite Muslim in order to resolve the legal ambiguity and seize the property and assets. A few of these people were summoned by the court to give legal testimony that Shoghi Effendi had been a Shi'ite Muslim, and that is exactly what they did!

Ficicchia's book forced Baha'i cultists to register themselves as an NGO in West Germany!

By Wahid Azal

Ficicchia's book is actually quite well written and extensive in its scope with the German Council of Protestant churches getting behind Ficicchia himself during the period. The German Council of Protestant churches is Germany's most powerful religious lobby. The Baha'is attacked Ficicchia and his book relentlessly, mobilizing their big guns here such as Udo Schaeffer and Nikola Tawfigh who wrote up an 800+ page Baha'i-style refutation that consists of pure bunkum and propaganda. This so-called refutation was later translated into English as Making the Crooked Straight. However, the damage inflicted on the reputation of these cultists in West Germany as a result of Ficicchia's book was decisive, wide-ranging and shattering. Only one or two years after its publication in 1981, the West German government of the time withdrew the Haifan Baha'i organization's "religion" status as a result of the book. The Haifan Baha'is were then forced to register themselves instead as an NGO until 2012-13 when they regained their religion status due to an administrative technicality. This book definitely deserves a translation. His most recent book on the Baha'is ( ) is also worth translating.

Former Baha'i (Qurrat361) replies to Baha'i troll Scott Hakala on Reddit

BIA Hack Scott Hakala

Click here to read Scott's post at reddit.

Below is the reply by user Qurrat361
Do you not realize that every academic you cite in this post is a Baha'i? Baha'i scholarship is hardly worthy of the name since all Baha'i "academics" are bound, as per the Baha'i Review policy, to subject their works to examination and correction by a Baha'i council, followed by punishment providing they don't retract any problematic findings, regardless of whether they're actually true. You provide no proof for any of your claims save references to these psuedo-historians, to Baha'i hagiography—which is not authentic history—and to "other historians and academics" (who?)

That the Baha'i's have, time after time, acted in service of empire and dictatorship is beyond denial. It is quite simply a matter of doctrine for the Baha'i, and it is no wonder that Idi Amin said of the Baha'i teachings concerning obedience to governments: "This is right." (Baha'i News, vol. 7, p. 873).

The extent of Baha'i boot licking is such that you find direct endorsements of the US government in Baha'i scriptures; that you have Baha'i's getting their administrative rights revoked because they lied to the Iranian government in order to leave the country (How is this not a martyr cult?); and that, time after time, the Baha'i Administration offers its tacit support to the Israeli government (absolutely indefensible in light of its recent actions) despite claiming otherwise (and before you come out with your prepared response, no, I am not claiming that the AO supports Israel simply because the BWC is in Haifa).

No doubt you'll just mark me off as being an Iranian agent and disregard everything I've said/respond with one of your cookie cutter responses. You've made that accusation about me before on Quora, though you later edited your comment, as you admit yourself here. You've called people who make connections between the Faith and imperialism "conspiracy theorists," yet you and other Baha'is are known for engaging in such behaviour. It's quite hypocritical, really, and extremely paranoid.

The Baha'i Administrative Order creates in its members a sort of pathological fear about Iran. I am no Iran apologist, but I suspect that many of their claims about Iran are overblown; same with the claims of other nations about the country. Even if your claims about Iran are true, this still doesn't resolve the fact that the Baha'i Faith creates in the Baha'i a pathological fear and suspicion concerning Iran, and this fear is used to conceal the true, imperialist motives the Baha'i Administration has for attacking Iran. These sorts of conspiracy theories and persecution narratives are necessary for the Baha'i Faith to sustain its ideological position and to gain the support of the nations of the world.

The Baha'i Administration doesn't truly care about Baha'is being persecuted in Iran. If they did, they wouldn't punish persecuted Baha'is for doing whatever they can to leave the country. The Baha'i Faith is a martyr cult—simple as that. The fact of martyrdom, however isn't of the greatest importance; what is important is why the Baha'i AO needs Iran to keep its ideological hold upon its members in place. Every controlling/destructive organization needs a scapegoat. For Scientology, that scapegoat is psychiatry; for the Baha'i's it is Iran. It does not matter if any of their claims about either of these things are true. What matters is that the people believe them, and the Baha'is certainly do believe the Faith's narrative about Iran. Other groups and nations eat it up too.

The claims about Iranian agents on the internet, however, is a very peculiar one. It's clear you're simply using it as an ad hominem to deflect focus from your poorly-evidenced claims onto the person arguing against them. One would think that the Iranian government has better things to do than to argue on the internet about a dying religion. That doesn't seems to be the case for the Baha'is, though. It is a matter of fact and is acknowledged by Baha'is that there is an arm of the AO specifically created to deal with faith-related issues on the internet (Baha'i Internet Agency). That fact makes me question why you are spending so much time here. 

Source :

Baha'is making fool of Pakistan and Pakistani people.

Baha'is sowing the seeds of Baha'ism in the innocent hearts of Pakistani Children and Pakistani government is awarding them with more money!

Grant, scholarships announced for Baha'is!!!!!!?

Islamabad : The Bahai community celebrated their festival of Eid-e-Rizvan here on the Pakistan National Council of the Arts premises, where Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Sardar Muhammad Yousaf was the chief guest.

Greeting the followers of Bahai religion on the festival, the minister expressed joy at the presence of prominent personalities of other communities, including Muslim, Hindu, Christian and Parsi.

He said minorities were enjoying equal rights in the country as Islam was a peaceful religion giving equal rights to all communities.

He announced Rs500,000 for the welfare of Bahai community, besides offering scholarships to its students.

MNA Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankvani said five per cent quota reserved for non-Muslims in government jobs should be enhanced. According to information available, Eid-e-Ridvan is a 12-day festival in the Baha'i faith, commemorating the religion's founder, Baha Ullah's, declaration that he was a divine manifestation. It begins at sunset on April 21 and continues until sunset on May 2.

The Baha'i founded US defence contractor

One seeker after reading above pages, commented :
Are the Tayebis involved with the Administrative Order or are they individual actors who have enriched themselves in the arms trade?

You can find many individuals of various religions who engage in activities contrary to the precepts of their professed religion.

On the other hand, there are Bahá’ís who have actively paved the way for conflict with the blessing of the Administrative Order. The weapons inspector David Kelly comes to mind.
Masood Tayebi
Saeid Ghafouri, Massih Tayebi
 Answer by N. Wahid Azal

No Haifan Baha'i can so much as lift a finger or let out air without the nod and blessing of the Haifan "Administrative Order." If they were acting against the interests of this cult's politburo, they would be sanctioned, publicly humiliated and thrown out. As it stands the Tayyebis have neither been sanctioned or thrown out so it would appear that the "Administrative Order" views these things with complaisance. The Tayyebis aren't the only ones either. However, this particular family also happen to be related to a Sangsari Iranian Baha'i clan whose corruption under the Pahlavi regime as a cosa nostra crime syndicate was one that the "Administrative Order" then did nothing about since it appears that the "Administrative Order" under the tutelage of Habib Sabet-Pasal (the Iranian NSA's secretary-general from 1953 after the coup against Mossadegh to 1978) was in business with these very same people.

Given this, and numerous other examples, the claim that "individuals of various religions who engage in activities contrary to the precepts of their professed religion" is a non sequitur which does not really fly in the case of Haifan Baha'ism since Haifan Baha'ism is not really a religion at all but a cult which has for over a century masqueraded itself under a belief system when it is really a shady business engaging in arms dealing, espionage, and similar. After all Baha'ullah himself is documented to have engaged in such underhanded shady business activities while operating as the don of a mafia during the Baghdad period (1853-63). This was also one of the reasons why the Ottomans decided to move them from Iraq to Turkey on the Black Sea.

That aside, why don't you write your NSA and ask them about the Tayyebis and Kratos, and post the answer here when they respond.

Also ask them about this woman who is a contractor for the US departments of Defense as well as Homeland Security.

Another point to mention is that many of these aforementioned people also have direct, established and intimate ties to the "regime change" crowd in government and the private sector. In the case of the Abedians of Australia this is also due to their close business relationship with the royal family of the United Arab Emirates (particularly Dubai's) whose underhanded attempts against the Islamic Republic of Iran is well documented. This crowd of people are also linked closely to assorted anti-Iran Israeli lobbies and think-tanks, in the United States as well as Australia and elsewhere, and they are among the same crowd of Baha'i business people reaping the most benefits by Donald Trump scrapping America's role in the Iran Deal and attempting to position the US, Israel and their regional allies for possible regime change and war against Iran.

Those with money and those without it are treated completely differently within this cult. This is because Bahaism from its inception has always been a criminal kleptocracy. So while this system keeps rank-a-file plebs in line by keeping them preoccupied with the smokescreen of Bahaism qua "religion", the actual elite of the system make business and sells arms -- as well as many other things.

Source :

Guardians of the Iranian American Scholarship Fund, extreme right Masood and Haleh Tayebi, they collect money then use it for Baha'is.

Queen of England grants the title of ‘MBE' to a Baha'i Teacher who converted Christians to the Baha'i Faith in Vanuatu.

Baha'i Teacher is awarded by the Queen for converting people to Bahaism.

Mr Pierce was recognised for four decades of education services to Vanuatu, the country he called home for more than half his life.

The 77-year-old Englishman said after travelling throughout Asia in his younger days, he discovered the Baha’i faith, and it was through this faith he began his journey of teaching abroad.

He now calls Albany home and has done so for the past five years, in-between trips to Vanuatu.

“I’m a teacher by trade, and I heard through my Baha’i faith that people were needed in the Pacific, to help develop and grow the Baha’i people in the community,” he said.

“So I lived and worked for a year in Vanuatu, married my wife in Australia a year later in 1968, then in 1971 went back to Vanuatu and stayed there for 42 years.”

Why was Praveen Mallik promoted to the UHJ?

Praveen Kumar Mallik celebrating his "election" to the Baha'i Supreme Body.

Praveen Kumar Mallik with his supporters in India.

A step towards controlling the radical Iranian Baha’is in India!

Election rigging is an act of dishonestly organizing an election to get a particular result. It is an electoral fraud and an interference with the election process. In the Baha'i Faith, the elections are NOT rigged because there are NO elections in the first place! The whole election process is an orchestra, in which the elected members are pre-decided, and the ballots are not even counted.

Like every previous International Convention, this year, it was pre-decided to induct Praveen Kumar Mallik as the new UHJ member.

To justify the result of the "selection process", desired member, Praveen Mallik was inducted into the ITC. This gave Baha'is the idea that such a person is on the waiting list.

It was expected that very soon the UHJ will elevate the Indian ITC member from Bihar a very politically sensitive state of India to the UHJ. For a common Baha'i this has come as a shocker because Praveen Mallik has no Baha'i credentials to get elected to the UHJ. It is not possible that the members of NSA of US and Europe will vote for him. It is unimaginable that any of the Indian NSA members would have voted for Praveen. There are many sincere and knowledgeable Baha'is worldwide to take up this position, but the UHJ has always been denying them for the reason known only to them.


1 - To stop the downward trend of the Baha'i Faith in India

UHJ is trying hard to uphold the ever decreasing trend of the Baha'i faith in India, where the last census data, conducted by the Government of India had just shown 4572 Baha'is in the country. The emerging of various Baha'i sects worldwide and particularly in India has shaken the beliefs of the ordinary Baha'is. These new and upcoming sects amongst the Baha'is i.e. Orthodox Baha'i Faith, Baha'is Under the Provision of Covenant, Reform Baha'is, and the Free Baha'i Faith are giving sleepless nights to the Baha'i Administration.

2 - To have a check on activities of the Persian Baha'is in India

Persian Baha'is like Mr. B. Afshin, Mr. Jabbar Eidelkhani, Dr. Ahmed Ansari and Mr. Lesan Azadi are active in teaching and spreading the faith. Brilliant reports are submitted of their work although the official statistics prove otherwise. In short, Praveen will carry out the responsibility of harassment, which earlier were used to be carried out by R. N. Shah against the Persian Baha'is.

It is a trend in India that once a counselor is relieved of his responsibility, he will be sent to serve the NSA of India. Mr. Rasheed Lateef, Mr. Bhaskaran and Mrs. Zena Sorabjee were once Counselors and now serving the NSA; except Borhanoddin Afshin who was also a counselor, but was never selected for the NSA. He was even humiliated and banned from visiting places. Even his wife was denied permission for attending many conferences despite her remarkable service in India.

Similarly, Dr. Ahmed Ansari was removed from the NSA, just for being a Persian Baha'i. Even his delegate election was manipulated and the UHJ instructed that if he gets elected as a delegate, he will be asked to resign.

Some years back, Mrs. Farida Vahedi, another sincere Persian Baha'i was asked to resign from the NSA of India. Mr. Sohail Mohajer, brother of a UHJ member Payman Mohajer, was booted out of the NSA.

One more example is Lesan Azadi who was removed from the post of ABM and was never appointed for any administrative post, even though other ABMs were given the opportunity of holding some position in the faith.

3 - Cleansing the UHJ from the Persian Baha'is

Selecting Praveen Mallik will help in cleansing the UHJ from the Persian Baha'is. After the retirement of Mr. Arbab, there was no replacement of a Persian member, and very similarly after the retirement of Firaydoun Javaheri there was no Persian member promoted to the UHJ. The Persian membership in the UHJ has fallen from 5 to 3. Next member to retire would be Payman Mohajer, followed by Shahriar Razavi, and then Ayman Rouhani.

This stroke of UHJ will have a reverse impact, because the Persian Baha'is will be further isolated from the Baha'i Faith, and we should further expect an 'exit by troops' of the Indian Baha'is in the future.

By a former NSA Member of India

Source :

"You have to believe in the Baha'i Faith in order to believe in the Baha'i Faith."

Baha'ism is a highly manipulative cult. It brainwashes its new members by convincing them that the world peace can only be established by the Baha'is and that they have to work for establishing the Baha'i New World Order for this. Below are my findings about Baha'u'llah and his cult:

Baha'u'llah took on the title "Him who God will make manifest" a title that he claimed could not be challenged and the Bab said that his (The Bab's) rule would last at least 2000 years, just like what Baha said, Baha says that god changed his mind. There is an Arabic word for "God changing his mind" that was used for the 2000 year reign of the Bab. The Bab's laws and religion never got implicated as the Bab pronounced many times. Was God's manifestation wrong? Obviously, according to his jealous, religious, Messiah freak Baha'u'llah, who changed his own name, I will not look up his original name, but you can... it certainly was not "the light of God", "The Glory of God", "The Lord of Hosts" come on people. I could say my name is "Love" and every time you see it in the Bible, it is a direct reference to me... I am God according to the Bible. Using translations and the changing of one's own name is garbage. Baha'u'llah had multiple wives at the same time... do you approve of that? It could not be covered up, search for it, it is just explained away by non-sense, brainwash material. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IN THE BAHA'I FAITH IN ORDER TO BELIEVE IN THE BAHA'I FAITH. This is not a play on words. One has to believe this non-sense to continue to accept any non-sense that YOU WILL RUN ACROSS... but it's from God and all disbelievers are fools and bereft of understanding. WAKE UP. READ, really read the Aqdas, why did it take until the 1990's before "The Most Holy Book" was translated in English when myriads of time and money were spent on other books. I will tell you. There were so many unfulfilled prophecies and contradictions within it's own texts that the UHJ put off the English translation until it could be corrected to where the brainwashed Bahai's could accept it. there are older English translations, 2 that I know of, that have entire chapters and paragraphs that were removed from what the UHJ released in the 1990's. These translations were made by very devout believers that had no reason to add or mistranslated any portion of their sacred scriptures... so my question is: Why change the words of God? Answer, they would not appeal to the general public, even though a few things fell through the Baha'i filter. There is an organization that makes sure anything in print gets an approval or not, it may sound good... nope, it's censorship, another thing that any "liberal" thinking Baha'i would be ready to fight to the death to eliminate. You Baha'is are your own worst representatives of hypocrites. There is no Unity, only if you follow like a Baha'i robot, all the rules and a very unhealthy fast... no water, are you kidding. it is hard on your kidneys and does not flush out any of the toxins that a fast would do for you... Baha didn't know this, he was not God. He was an ignorant Messiah complex lunatic that lived during a period similar to the time that the Jews were expecting a Messiah, I am not even going to address Jesus. But The Babi Faith and the 2000 year too quickly, Baha'i Faith all came at a time when another prophet was expected in the Islamic world. These people were ego maniacs, nuts, not messengers for God. Wake up, read, study and open up your eyes to the possibility that you have been deceived! It's just as possible that you were deceived as you were delivered this blessed gift from God. It's a lie, don't trust me, look at the facts my fellow human friends.

I became aware of each of the inconsistencies within my first two years of becoming a Baha'i. This is all true and much, much more. There are reputable news items of brutal murders to cover-up Baha'u'llah's claim to be the successor of the Bab. Mirza Ya Ya was clearly and plainly named by the Bab as his successor. Baha figured out that he could get no where with that title, so he switched tracks and took up the title, "Manifestation of God", and was able to get away with that one. The Baha'i faith is full of lies, changes in doctrines, rewrites of entire "infallible books"... it's sickening I have to just stop. I am embarrassed to had been deceived by this man-made cult by Islamic nut cases that had the messiah complex to the most extreme degree, to lie, kill, My God, it is sickening. Leave this garbage cult, ASAP!