Bahá'í Relations with Dictators

Pinochet assumed power in Chile following a United States-backed coup d'état on 11 September 1973 that overthrew the democratically elected socialist Unidad Popular government of President Salvador Allende and ended civilian rule.

Bahá'ís and Pinochet

The Continental Board of Counsellors for South America and members of the National Spiritual Assemly of Chile had a 15-minute interview with the country's President, Gen. Augusto Pinochet, who showed a marked interest in the Bahá'í holy places. Seen here (left to right) are National Assembly Member Elena Velasquez, Alejandro Reid of the Bahá'í public relations department (hidden), Counsellor Peter McLaren, Gen. Pinochet, National Assembly member Carlos Rivera (seated), National Assembly Member Lina Smithson de Roe, and Counsellors Mas'ud Khamsi, AthosCostas (hidden) and Donald Witzel
(Bahá'í News, Vol. 9, p. 757).
Four members of the Continental Board of Counsellors for South America and three members of the National Spiritual Assembly of Chile had a half-hour audience in December 1977 with the President of Chile, Augusto Pinochet. During the interview the President asked for and received photographs of the teaching work that is going on in Chile. News of the interview, with accompanying photographs was published in all the country's major national newspapers
(Bahá'í News, Vol. 9, p. 857).
Peace message delivered to President Augusto Pinochet Ugarte through his personal Secretary who orally confirmed that it was received by the president, December 23, 1985. A reply was sent to the NSA by the Secretary General of the Presidency on May 22, 1986
(Bahá'í News, Vol. 12, p. 228).

Amin was born in either Koboko or Kampala to a Kakwa father and Lugbara mother. In 1946 he joined the King's African Rifles (KAR) of the British Colonial Army. Initially a cook, he rose to the position of lieutenant, taking part in British actions against Somali rebels in the Shifta War and then the Mau Mau rebels in Kenya. Following Uganda's independence from the United Kingdom in 1962, Amin remained in the armed forces, rising to the position of major and being appointed Commander of the Army in 1965. Aware that Ugandan President Milton Obote was planning on arresting him for misappropriating army funds, Amin launched a 1971 military coup and declared himself President.

During his years in power, Amin shifted from being a pro-western ruler, enjoying considerable Israeli support to being backed by Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, Zaire's Mobutu Sese Seko, the Soviet Union, and East Germany.

Bahá'ís and Idi Amin

Uganda: The New President, General Idi Amin Dada, invited the heads of religions and churches to a meeting at his home a few days after the military take-over of the Government of Uganda. Among those present who were invited to attend were two members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Uganda [...] Upon the conclusion of the meeting the Vice-Chairman of the National Spiritual Assembly came forward and wanted to hand the President a copy of the Publication entitled Loyalty to Government, and the President stopped and asked him to read it to the people present. The Bahá'í representative then read the entire statement on Loyalty to Government, and when he concluded his reading the President, General Idi Amin Dada said in a very decided manner and tone "This is right." The radio and newspaper men present immediately gathered around the Bahá'í representative and took the statement from him and it was read several times on Radio Uganda in English and in the vernacular languages. The newscaster on T.V. gave a summary of it when he was reading the national news that night. Uganda has never before had such good sound and good publicity for our beloved Faith
(Bahá'í News, Vol. 7, p. 873).
On the Presidency of Idi Amin in August, the Bahá'ís were among those invited to a meeting with the President. At the meeting the Bahá'ís offered a statement outlining the basic principle of the religion of obedience to government
(Wikipedia, "Bahá'í Faith in Uganda").
On Thursday, 11th November at noon a telephone call was received advising the National Spiritual Assembly that the President of Uganda, General Idi Amin Dada had accepted our invitation to attend the one hundred and fifty-fourth anniversary of the birth of Bahá'u'lláh at the Mother Temple of Africa [...] President of the Republic of Uganda General Idi Amin Dada, (extreme right) attending the celebration of the Birthday of Bahá'u'lláh in the House of Worship at Kampala
(Bahá'í News, Vol. 8, p. 32).
President of Uganda [Idi Amin Dada] reading his speech on the commemoration of the Birthday of Bahá'u'lláh. The President of Uganda receiving The Proclamation of Bahá'u'lláh from Enos Epyeru, Chairman of the National Spiritual Assembly of Uganda. At the left is Mrs. Edith Senoga, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee [...] In the President's [Amin's] speech he referred to the followers of Bahá'u'lláh as being free from the misunderstandings and disputes which are found within other religious denominations in Uganda. "The fact that there is so much peace and tranquility among the followers of Bahá'u'lláh may mean one or more important things. They are truer in their faith, they take pains to ensure that the tenets of their religion are always upheld to the exclusion of other considerations. They are sincere and match their actions to the commandments in the holy books. They truly love one another . . . They are truly shining examples of what a believer in God should be and do." In thanking the president for his fine address, Mr. Hassan Sabri described the President as a man who had brought God back into the picture. He also assured the President of the Bahá'ís loyalty to the Government and our prayers
(Bahá'í News, Vol. 8, p. 33).

Bahá'ís really do love their dictators, unless something bad happens to them under their regimes of course.
Baha’u'llah wrote directly to rulers to reprimand them for their brutality and repression, while we today pose for pictures with Pinochet and Amin (thank God for your reference to the Pinochet photograph — I thought I was the only person who had noticed it). Yet, the moment anyone lifts a finger to harm Baha’is, in however a minor way, there is a universal outcry and we appeal for aid to the UN and suchlike. The Iranian regime has been massacring its people for decades, and thousands are dying in the present troubles, but the only thing to excite protests from the Baha’is has been the threat of violence to themselves. No mention is made of the fact that Jews or Christians have been threatened or attacked. The fact is that we seem to judge the justice of a regime according to how well it treats the Baha’is. An unjust regime treating us well is tolerated or even extolled, while a popular regime which deprives us of certain freedoms (perhaps along with other religious groups) is regarded as evil. No one has asked, for example, what the people of Iran, as a whole, want, but what would ensure the safety of the Baha’is there; so if thousands of Shi’i Muslims are killed, who cares? — they deserve it anyway for having persecuted the Baha’is
(Denis MacEoin, "Letter on Bahá'í attitudes towards politics and scholarship").

One Quote three Translations. Old & New Baha'i Translations compared to Literal Translation.

"...that all Palestine will become their home."

Iraqi Jews arriving in Israel. Operation Ezra and Nehemiah in 1950.
This operation is also known as Operation Ali Baba.
Old Baha'i Translation:

"You can see that from all the parts of the world tribes of Jews are coming to the Holy Land; they live in villages and lands which they make their own, and day by day they are increasing to such an extent, that all Palestine will become their home."
(Abdu'l-Bahá: Some Answered Questions, p. 66, 1985 ed.)

New Baha'i Translation :

Observe how from all corners of the world Jewish peoples are coming to the Holy Land, acquiring villages and lands to inhabit, and increasing day by day to such an extent that all Palestine is becoming their home. 

(Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions New Translation)

Operation :

Comment by /u/investigator919 : The original text shows all hallmarks of Persian-Baha'i scripture: Using archaic words, excessive usage of Arabic terms, very very uneloquent prose, and misplacement of verbs with present tense in a sentence where a verb with future tense is expected and vice-versa. It is a low standard even for Gothic Qajar era style of writing that Abdu'l-Baha and Baha'u'llah use.

This is a literal translation of the Farsi text.

"You are observing that from around the world the Jewish tribes will come to the Holy land and will acquire villages and lands and will settle there. They are increasing every day in number to an extent that all of Palestine will become their home."

As you can see both Baha'i translations are incorrect and have distorted portions of the text. What is disturbing is the fact that in the new translation, "will" has been changed to "is":

"Palestine will become their home"
"Palestine is becoming their home"

Regardless of /u/senmcglinn 's explanation on this last section, the Persian reads: "Palestine will become their home." in fact Abdu'l-Bahas statements elsewhere confirm this fact. For example see this:

"Moreover, materially as well (as spiritually), the Israelites will gather in the Holy Land. This is irrefutable prophecy, for the ignominy which Israel has suffered for well-nigh twenty-five hundred years will now be changed into eternal glory, and in the eyes of all, the Jewish people will become glorified to such an extent as to draw the jealousy of its enemies and the envy of its friends."

Another fact that isn't mentioned in this regard is that Baha'is believe Israel will become a completely Baha'i state and Judaism will become eradicated:

"Regarding your question concerning the future of the Jews: They certainly have, as explicitly stated by the Master, a great spiritual destiny, and will gradually enter the Faith in large groups."

Source & Debate :

Bicentennial celebrations aimed at gaining new Baha'is!

“these Holy Days should be viewed as special opportunities for the friends to reach out to the widest possible cross-section of society (non-Baha'is) and to all those with whom they share a connection—whether through a family tie or common interest, an occupation or field of study, neighbourly relations or merely chance acquaintance—so that all may rejoice in the appearance, exactly two hundred years before, of One Who was to be the Bearer of a new Message for humankind.” 

Universal House of Justice, 18 May 2016 to National Spiritual Assemblies, paragraph 1

“But the most distinguishing feature of these bicentenaries will be a tremendous flourishing of activity by Bahá’ís and their friends in local communities.”

Universal House of Justice, 18 May 2016 to National Spiritual Assemblies, paragraph 2

To learn more DOWNLOAD
a Presentation by Saloomeh Mohebbaty
Member of Australian NSA since 2016

Baha'i scholar Sen Mcglinn advices Baha'is to forget about Entry by Troops!

Imminent entry by troops belongs in the same box as Unity of Nations or the Lesser Peace by the year 2000 - both examples of reading into the texts what we want to be true. And then living on expectations for as long as possible, and becoming discouraged and quite often withdrawing from the community. All of that process could be shortcut by studying the texts closely at the beginning. It's extraordinary that something that is barely mentioned in passing in the Bahai scriptures has been a major community focus for several decades now. The little that the scriptures say suggests to me that its importance has been over-rated, and that the time-frame of entry by troops, its nature, and how the Bahais can bring it about have all been misunderstood. From my reading of the world and of the scriptures, I suggest that we should not now be greatly preoccupied with entry by troops or large scale conversion: a concern with the needs of the age we live in, and the needs of our Bahai communities today, will indicate healthier, locally-specific priorities which – ironically – will be more conducive to actual ‘growth’ in every sense.

If reports of the imminent arrival of the Lesser Peace were premature, the miscalculation in relation to entry by troops has been greater. Fifty three years have passed since entry by troops was announced, and large-scale conversion was said to be imminent (Ridvan 1964). Great victories have been reported. What has been the actual numerical outcome?

The compilation ‘promoting entry by troops‘ prepared by the Research Department at the Bahai World Centre in 1993, contains little from Shoghi Effendi. This is significant in itself, for we can suppose their search was reasonably exhaustive (although they did miss at least one quote I will share below). Evidently what has become a great preoccupation since Shoghi Effendi’s passing, was not such a prominent issue during his life.

What Shoghi Effendi does say is also surprisingly different to what the Universal House of Justice has been saying.

In 1932, in a letter written on Shoghi Effendi’s behalf, we find:

… it is only when the spirit has thoroughly permeated the world that the people will begin to enter the Faith in large numbers. … We are still in the state when only isolated souls are awakened, but soon we shall have the full swing of the season and the quickening of whole groups and nations into the spiritual life breathed by Baha’u’llah.

In 1936 Shoghi Effendi asks himself:

Must a series of profound convulsions stir and rock the human race ere Baha’u’llah can be enthroned in the hearts and consciences of the masses, ere His undisputed ascendancy is universally recognized, and the noble edifice of His World Order is reared and established? (The World Order of Baha’u’llah, pp. 201-2)

Two letters written on his behalf in 1944, and one each in 1945 and 1949, warn that people will not respond in large numbers until they see the Bahai teachings in action in the Bahai community. I will quote a fifth such letter on his behalf, from 1951, which is typical of these:

Although tremendous progress has been made in the United States during the last quarter of a century, he [the Guardian] feels that the believers must ever-increasingly become aware of the fact that only to the degree that they mirror forth in their joint lives the exalted standards of the Faith will they attract the masses to the Cause of God.

Far from encouraging a belief in the imminence of entry by troops, these letters seem to be written to people who already believed that entry by troops was imminent, to warn them that it is not going to happen until they have first built communities that embody the Bahai virtues and teachings. And as we will see, there are other prerequisites.

There is one very relevant passage from Shoghi Effendi’s own hand which has been omitted from that compilation on promoting entry by troops, yet it seems to me that it gives us the key to his thinking. It’s in The Promised Day is Come (1953):

Suffice it to say that this consummation will, by its very nature, be a gradual process, and must, as Baha’u’llah has Himself anticipated, lead at first to the establishment of that Lesser Peace … involving the reconstruction of mankind, as the result of the universal recognition of its oneness and wholeness, [This]…will bring in its wake the spiritualization of the masses, consequent to the recognition of the character, and the acknowledgment of the claims, of the Faith of Baha’u’llah — the essential condition to that ultimate fusion of all races, creeds, classes, and nations which must signalize the emergence of His New World Order.

A letter from the Guardian’s secretary that I quoted above warned that “only when the spirit has thoroughly permeated the world” will people “begin to enter the Faith in large numbers.” Here the Guardian says that that spiritualization of the masses has two pre-requisites: the universal recognition of the oneness of humanity, and the subsequent establishment of the Lesser Peace. From this it seems clear to me that he envisioned the fruitful time for the spiritualisation of the masses, and then for preparing for the process of entry by troops, will be when the flames of war and antagonism have been stilled, when “the fury of a capricious and militant nationalism will have been transmuted into an abiding consciousness of world citizenship.” (Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha’u’llah, p. 41).

In Shoghi Effendi’s vision, entry by troops, and mass conversion, comes at the end of this two-fold process leading to “the unification and spiritualization of the entire human race.” (Shoghi Effendi, Citadel of Faith, p. 149)

If the Lesser Peace and entry by troops, and mass conversion, are not imminent prospects, this has implications for the orientation of our individual lives as Bahais and for our communities.

In the first place, that our activities and choices must have intrinsic meaning now: they must be good and productive in themselves. We cannot waste our swiftly passing days on matters that will be meaningful if some momentous chain of events should happen. Nor can we live for generation after generation in the expectation that the great reversal is just about to happen.

Second, that our individual and community activities have to be shaped to meet the widely varying needs of the many countries we live in, and their readiness to engage in the reformation of the world and of religion. Growth will come from answering needs and demonstrating the viability of those answers, not from having a large pool of human resources ready to incorporate the masses when they convert.

Ridvan 1964:
Entry by troops (time to be announced)
Stark choices
Century’s end – my two cents
Century of Light

Source :

How and Why Shoghi Effendi Changed the Text of the Kitáb-i-Íqán?

The Kitáb-i-Íqán is one of the most important and most-read pieces of Baha'i scripture, the faith's major theological work. It was written when Bahá outwardly accepted the authority of His Holiness Subh-i-Azal, before Bahá began to publicly advance any divine claim of his. Shoghi Effendi had this to say about it:

"A model of Persian prose, of a style at once original, chaste and vigorous, and remarkably lucid, both cogent in argument and matchless in its irresistible eloquence, this Book [the Íqán], setting forth in outline the Grand Redemptive Scheme of God, occupies a position unequalled [sic] by any work in the entire range of Baha'i literature, except the Kitáb-i-Aqdas. . ." (God Passes By, p. 138-139)

Why then would Shoghi Effendi change this work he so highly praised, a book he believed to have been divinely inspired, and a book which was authored by the Prophet of his religion who he is a successor to?

Bahá asks in his Íqán: "Can a man who believeth in a book, and deemeth it to be inspired by God, mutilate it?" (p. 20)

The answer to that question is "yes," and I can prove it.

The most obvious case in which we see that the text has been changed by Shoghi Effendi is with this passage: "...until the hour when, from the Mystic Source, there came the summons bidding Us return whence We came. Surrendering Our will to His, We submitted to His injunction" (p. 57-58)

Here, Bahá is referring to his self-imposed exile in Suleymanieh, Iraqi Kurdistan which he undertook after being rebuked by His Holiness Subh-i-Azal for attempting to undermine his cause.

Some of Bahá's antics are documented in Atiyya Ruhi's biography of His Holiness Subh-i-Azal. She writes: "After a while, Baha thought of making his own claim. He would often write what he called verses and then would have them washed out in the sea and would say that 'they were the share of the fish!' Elders of the Babi [Bayani] community went to Baghdad and admonished Baha for his improper behavior. As a result, he took to the Suleymaniyya where he stayed for two years. There, he also made fresh claims as a result of which he received death threats and saw no option but writing to Subh-i-Azal asking for permission to return which was granted."

Even during the years preceding the Bayání-Bahá'í schism, Bahá in private created his own circle of friends, constantly trying to undermine Subh-i-Azal, and promoting himself. He was at instances caught red-handed making claims forcing him to then retreat and recant. Examine this letter of Bahá written during the Baghdad period where he says: "I swear by God," Baha places on record with firm conviction, "that if any one of the People of the Bayan were to mention that the Book [i.e. the Bayan] is abrogated, may God smash the mouth of the speaker and the calumniator, and by him who holds my soul and myself in his hands one letter from the Bayan is the most loved with me than all that are in the heavens and on the earth" (

In the original text of the Íqán quoted by Prof. E.G. Browne in his Persian introduction to the Nuqtatu'l-Kaf, Bahá explains his return in these words:

"باری تا آنکه از مصدر امر حکم رجوع صادر شد و لابد تسلیم شدم و راجع نمودم"

Here, Bahá speaks in the first person singular, and he states that he returned at the behest of the "Source of Command" who was His Holiness Subh-i-Azal, but Shoghi Effendi changes the text to read "Mystic Source," and it is translated with Bahá speaking in the first person plural! This is done to conceal Bahá's loyalties to His Holiness Subh-i-Azal.

Further, these are some of Bahá's original words:

"و این عبد در کمال رضا جان بر کف حاضرم که شاید از عنایت الهی و فضل سبحان این حرف مذکور .و مشهور در سبیل نقطه و کلمة مستور فدا شود"

In some copies, the words in bold appear as "و کلمه علیا," both denoting His Holiness Subh-i-Azal.
Shoghi Effendi's version, appearing translated in The Dawn-Breakers quotes Bahá as saying: "I stand, life in hand, ready; that perchance, through God's loving-kindness and grace, this revealed and manifest Letter may lay down his life as a sacrifice in the path of the Primal Point, the Most Exalted Word (
Here "مذکور مشهور" is turned into "revealed and magnificent" and the word "and" immediately following the "Point" is suppressed to give a different slant to "و کلمة مستور" or "و کلمه علیا".

The most hilarious (not to mention, hypocritical), aspect of this situation, I think, is that Shoghi Effendi in God Passes By accuses Mírzá Muḥammad-‘Alí of tampering with the text of holy writings when he had done the same thing himself! Shoghi Effendi writes: "And yet it was this same Mírzá Muḥammad-‘Alí...He it was who, when sent on a mission to India, had tampered with the text of the holy writings entrusted to his care for publication" (p. 248-249).

Read the debate here :

A Baha'i convert to Bayani / Azali faith exposes Baha'i cultists.

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August J. Stenstrand was likely one of, if not the first, follower of Subh-i-Azal in the United States. August J. Stenstrand was born in Sweden in May 1862. He emigrated from Sweden to the United States on 12 February 1889 and was naturalised on 21 March 1899 [Date of entry Feb. 12, 1889. District CT of 25th Judicial District McPherson Co, Kansas. Certificate of Naturalisation #3805. Sweden & Norway. Date Nat. March 21, 1899]. He is listed in the 1900 census as living in the Elfstrom household along with other individuals of Scandinavian descent and being an unemployed day labourer. He was unemployed for four months as of the time of the census. He would be exposed to the teachings of Bahai Religion through missionary Dr. Ibrahim G. Kheirullah (The Complete Call to the Heaven of the Bayan, see: p. 5).
The following are selections from his writings published by Muhammad al-Ahari in The Complete Call to the Heaven of the Bayan.

"The first open notice of this separation which took place between the Behaists, and the Babists or Azalists was at a meeting in a Masonic temple, hall 912, on May 6th, 1906, when I was by an unanimous vote, voted out of the 'First Central Church of the Manifestation' belonging to the Society of the Behaists of America" (Ibid., p. 53).

"It is very remarkable that the Babists, before Baha ever appeared on the stage, had as it stands in the book of Ighan, over twenty volumes of inspired books written by the Bab and some of his learned disciples as proof for this religion. And I know that the Behaists have tried with all their might and power to proof Baha's claim with utterances from all the existent- religions on the face of the earth; but they have not translated a single copy of all those twenty volumes of books which the Bab and his learned friends wrote as Proof for Baha's claim, which seems very suspicious to me, although the Bab is taught by the Behaists to be Baha's forerunner or road-clearer. Does it not to you?" (Ibid., p. 97)

"Now since I published "A Call of Attention to the Behaists or Babists of America" in 1907, and "An Open Letter to the Babi World" in 1911, I have received many letters from my Bahai friends, both friendly and unfriendly. Some have asked me, "What right have you to disturb a religious movement so peaceful as the Bahais?" Well, my friends! The Bahai relgion has not proven to be very peaceful in its propagation so far. The history proofs contrary. The early Babist's waged war openly against their opponents, and when Baha declared himself to be the head of the movement it became a secret warfare by assassinating their opponents with either poison, bullet or dagger; not less than twenty of the most learned and oldest of the Babists, including many of the original 'Letters of the Living,' were thus removed. It was said, that Baha did not order these assassinations. No, but he was well pleased with them, and the perpetrators, for be promoted them to higher names and ranks. One of them received the following encouragement from Baha for stealing £350 in money from one of his antagonists:
O phlebotomist of the Divine Unity! Throb like an artery in the body of the Contingent World, and drink of the blood of the 'Block of Heedlessness' for that he turned aside from the aspect of thy Lord the Merciful!...
The Behaists in this country have not been very peaceful either. But on the contrary have they outsteth, given bad names and throwing mud at each others both in their sermons and their print worst than any of the Christian denominations or heathen religions have done. I am afraid of a religion of which its highest disciple and promulgators makes utterances like this:
Surely, you cannot pretend to deny that a Prophet, who is an incarnation of the Universal Intelligence, has as much right to remove anyone whom he perceives to be an enemy to religion and a danger to the welfare of mankind as a surgeon has to amputate a gangrened limb?
What a very contrasting idea opposed to the teaching of the 'Point of the Bayan' which says:
No one is to be slain for unbelief, for the slaying of a soul is outside of the religion of God; . . . and if any one commands it, he is not and has not been of the Bayan, and no sin can be greater for him than this"
(Ibid., p. 102-103).

"Others have asked me, 'Why should an illiterate and ignorant man like you who hardly knows the English language try to dispute the well established fact, that Baha'ullah is the True Manifestation, and 'He Whom God should manifest' as foretold by the Bab?' It is true, that I am ignorant in the English language, as well as other languages. But my dear friends! My object was not to teach languages or grammar. My only purpose was this: I had received an idea concerning the Babi religion different from the ideas of the rest of the Babists' or Behaists' view of looking at things. And this idea I wished to put before the people to consider, and I thought that the most peaceful and practical way was to publish it and send it around to them, and then let them choose or reject as they please [...] Concerning the 'well established fact that Baha'ullah is the True Manifestation, and 'He whom God should manifest' as foretold by the Bab' is very doubtful. The history, and the sacred scriptures of the Babis, as well as the twenty or more assassinations of the oldest and, most learned disciples of the 'Point of the Bayan' which inaugurated Baha's claims disproof this. And it is my purpose with this little booklet to take the sacred scriptures of the Babis and try to proof that Baha is not what he, claims to be, but the contrary. And in doing so I will ask my readers to overlook my illiterateness, and my grammatical defects and only look to the ideas I am trying to put forth, and I will do my best in setting them forth in as plain language as I am able to do, to make you understand what my ideas are concerning the religion which today is called Babism or Bahaism; and if I can do this my object is attained" (Ibid., p. 104-105).

"The Most and the Strongest Evidence of the Baha'is Assassinating the Azali's at Acca are from the Baha'is themselves. In Phelps history, page 75. Behiah Khanum — a sister of Abbas Effendi — says that the Bahai assassins had no intention to kill the Azalis at Acca, but only to scare them to death. But that such fierce fight occurred that they had to kill them in order to save themselves. She says that two Azalis and one Bahai were killed" (Ibid., p.165).

"In the 'Materials for the Study of the Babi Religion,' pages 154-155. Prof. Browne has quoted a letter which he received from Dr. Kheiralla [...] concerning these events, wherein Dr. Kheiralla's life is threatened by Abbas Effendi's messengers to America. This letter is read as follows: —
'Statement of the Words of Mirza Hasan Khurdsani to me on November 30th, 1900.
'I came here to especially bring you back to your allegiance to Abbas Effendi, and am prepared to stay ten years if necessary. If you return to Abbas Effendi, I will cause the American believers to follow you as head in everything even better than heretofore. If you will not listen to me and become a follower of Abbas, your abode will be in the bowels of the earth [...] If you will not listen, your life will be short. If Abbas Effendi should give me the word to cut you to pieces, or to tear your eyes out, or to kill you, I will do so at once. I fear not the consequences' [...] He then repeated to me the fate of Mirza Yahya of Jeddah, and offered me a copy of the pamphlet published by himself entitled 'the Great Miracle of Abbas Effendi'"
(Ibid., p. 169-170).

"[W]e can plainly see that it was the order and the customs of the followers of Baha not to slay anyone before they had received the command form their spiritual head or chief. This testimony is also from the Bahai sources and not from the Azalis" (Ibid., p. 171).

Shoghi Effendi's relations with the first Jew who governed Israel.

Visiting Jewish colonies. Sir Herbert Samuel preceded by Zionist banner [Richon le Zion].
June 15. On this date in 1925, Shoghi effendi addressed a message to Sir Herbert Samuel in The Heart and Nerve Centre in her book The Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith.
When Sir Herbert Samuel's term of office was drawing to a close the Guardian sent to him, on June 15, 1925, one of those messages that so effectively forged links of good will with the government, expressing his own and the Bahá'ís abiding sense of gratitude and deep appreciation of the "kind and noble attitude which Your Excellency has taken towards the various problems that have beset them since the passing of 'Abdu'l-Bahá ... The Bahá'ís ... remembering the acts of sympathy and good will which the Palestine Administration under your guidance has shown them in the past, will confidently endeavour to contribute their full share to the material prosperity as well as the spiritual advancement of a land so sacred and precious to them all."
As High Commissioner, Herbert Samuel was the first Jew to govern the historic land of Israel in 2,000 years, and his appointment was regarded by the Muslim-Christian Associations as the "first step in formation of Zionist national home in the midst of Arab people." Herbert Samuel welcomed the arrival of Jewish settlers under the auspices of the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association and recognised Hebrew as one of the three official languages of the Mandate territory.

Shoghi Effendi had a warm and extended relationship with Herbert Samuel. For example, Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum describes a letter Shoghi Effendi received from Herbert Samuel shortly after 'Abdu'l-Bahá's death,
While Shoghi Effendi was thus occupied and was gathering his powers and beginning to write letters such as these to the Bahá'ís in different countries, he received the following letter from the High Commissioner for Palestine, Sir Herbert Samuel, dated 24 January 1922:
Dear Mr. Rabbani,
I have to acknowledge receipt of your letter of Jan. 16., and to thank you for the kind expression it contains. It would be unfortunate if the ever to be lamented death of Sir 'Abdu'l-Bahá were to interfere with the completion of your Oxford career, and I hope that may not be the case. I am much interested to learn of the measures that have been taken to provide for the stable organization of the Bahá'í Movement. Should you be at any time in Jerusalem in would be a pleasure to me to see you here.
Yours sincerely,
Herbert Samuel

Babis, Baha'is and the British Deep State

In the early 19th century, the strategic location of the Middle East, sitting directly between the British Empire and her colony India, made the deep state of the British Empire focus their attention on the Middle East. Securing and obtaining the control of the routes to her colony with the hopes of establishing new colonial areas in the process, became a veritable obsession for it.

However, it wasn't only Ottoman Empire that became a target in the process due to her key territories like Egypt, Suez, Palestine, Iraq and Basra. Iran also had a very highly strategic position in the region.

As a part of its plan to secure the control of the region, British government at the time put into action what the historians now call the ‘the Great Game’ between 1830-1895 against the Russian Empire, which it considered as one of its biggest rivals to her colonial order in India.

The game was based on the idea of turning the Ottoman Empire, Iran and the Emirate of Bukhara into buffer states to stop the southward advance of Russia. This way, it had hoped, it could stop Russia from having land access to India and preventing it from gaining ports in the Persian Gulf or Indian Ocean, which could pose a treat to the sea trade routes of the British.

During the process of great game, the British deep state surrounded Iran from the south and made it a half-colony, all the while robbing its natural resources and securing concessions in all industries.

Maneckji Limji Hataria
In the meantime, in a bid to weaken the country, it used twisted movements like Babism, and Bahaism, which were created by the British deep state in the first place, to fuel sectarian clashes, for assassinations, riots, terror and unrest. The most prominent spies of the British deep state would be chosen amongst these perverted sects. Maneckji Limji Hataria, the emissary of the British India administration in Iran, led the mentioned project of creating unrest. [i]

The famine resulted in the death of some three million people between 1870-1871, wiping off almost one third of the country’s entire population. Ibrahim Kızılbas Zencani maintains that the England of the time deliberately caused the famine by gathering the food on the market and transferring it to India:

"Forget about donkeys and horses; people begun to eat dogs and cats in the cities. In some places, people would start eating human flesh… There were countless bodies strewn on the streets eaten by dogs. On the roads between villages, bodies of women, children, elderly and young people that had starved to death, were lined up...’

The discovery of oil in Iran in 1908 became the key factor in the 20th century Iran policy of the British deep state, which was marked by military campaigns, social-economic projects, political interventions and political coups.

In 1913, the British government secured a contract that practically made the entirety of Iranian oil British property. Only six years later, it imposed an agreement, which gave it control of the Iranian army and treasury.

Although Iran had declared its neutrality during WWI, the British invaded southern Iran. Capturing the region up to Kazvin, and gaining control of areas under the rule of the Qajar Dynasty, they became the sole power in the country and once again employed the method of causing famine to weaken it, all the while blocking the aid efforts of countries like the Ottoman Empire and the USA.

After two years of famine, the Iranian population, which was 20 million in 1917, dropped to 11 million in 1920. British journalist Donohoe wrote about the painful scenes during those years in his book “With the Persian Expedition":

"There are countless humans that fell on the ground on the side of the street… they are dead… they are rotten… between their dried fingers, pieces of grass stick out… they tried to beat their starvation with grass… their eyes have sunken back, they are only skin and bones… they don't really look like humans…They crawl on all fours on the side of the street…’

As the disaster was unfolding, the Bahai's, which the British deep state was using as killing machine, unleashed a fresh wave of terror in 1916.

Although Iran declared its neutrality once again during WWII, the troops of Great Britain didn't refrain from invading a large part of Iran and left in its wake a country struggling with poverty and starvation.

Even though the country was in the grips of famine and poverty, it was actually home to one of the world’s largest oil reserves. The reason behind this surprising dilemma was the British Anglo-Persian Oil Company (AIOC), as it had been controlling the country’s oil since the beginning of the century. Known as BP today, AIOC managed to increase its annual profit in 1950 to 200 million pounds, while Iran was making only 16 million pounds in profits.

Since 1908, Britain had been considering Iranian oil its own property and was fiercely protective of it. It had been using the country’s oil to meet its energy needs for over half a century, while the Iranian people were struggling with hunger and death.

Mohammad Mosaddegh, who was elected as Prime Minister with massive popular support in May 1951, started the National Iranian Oil Company and transferred the entire oil industry, which was under British control, to its Iranian counterpart. The British immediately responded with a series of economic and political sanctions against Mosaddegh for landing a massive blow to their biggest source of income. Mohammad Reza Shah also began to pressure the Mosaddegh government. However, when these efforts failed, a military coup was planned to overthrow Mosaddegh.

Upon the request of the British, US President Eisenhower instructed the CIA to organize a coup. After having organized many anti-government rallies throughout the summer of 1953 by means of the month-long ‘Operation Ajax’, the CIA carried out the coup with General Fazlollah Zahedi as the coup's leader.

The great game that the British deep state started in early 1800 continues even today for Iran, Turkey, the Middle East not to mention the Islamic geography in general. The method is invariably the same: Inciting conflicts by means of sectarian, ethnical, racial differences so that in the end Muslims begin fighting each other. The only thing that changes are the names and faces; in the past, the Bahais were used. Today, it is MI6 Shias, MI6 Sunnis and Salafists.

However, today the British deep state is completely exposed. Soon, Muslims will put and end to their separation and disagreements and join their forces around the unifying spirit of the Qur’an. When this happens, the great game of the British deep state will come to a definitive end and not only the Middle East but the entire world - including the British people - will then find peace and security.

[i] Şahbazi. Abdullah, ‘Manekci Hateria and Bahayigeri-e Avvaliye’, 29 Bahman 1388/18 February 2010 , ‘Bahayism’ p.22.

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