Baha'i Yaran enjoying life in Iran.

Fariba Kamalabadi with Reza Khandan

Mahvash Sabet with Nasrin Sotoudeh

Mahvash Sabet with Reza Khandan and Nasrin Sotoudeh

Fariba Kamalabadi with her mother and her 'Chinese / American / Iranian' billionaire brother Farzam Kamalabadi

Baha'i way of working in Iran !

Baha'is pay Millions of Dollars to Iranian government plus a bond that they will not proselytize again. Baha'ism is considered a cult in Iran and Proselytizing 'Baha'i Faith' is punishable by law.

Sahba Farnoush, a Baha’i resident of the city of Tehran, who was detained and sent to prison some time ago, along with at least 15 other Baha’is, when security officers raided their homes in many different cities of Iran, was released by posting 200 million toumans (approx $66,280) bail.

Navid Aghdasi, a Baha’i resident who was detained and sent to Evin prison some time ago, because he followed up on the unsolved murder of his maternal cousin, Ataollah Rezvani, was released by posting 200 million toumans ($66,280) bail.

Shahram Najaf Tomara, a Baha’i from Tehran, was released at 11 pm on Monday December 28th 2015, after posting bail of 1 billion rials (approx $33,140).

According one of his close relatives, he was called in to the Intelligence and Security office of Hamedan, and was warned that if he teaches the Baha’i Faith again, he will be facing exile or an increase in his prison term.

On November 2014, Hamid Azizi was detained under charges of promotion of anti-regime groups, and after ten days of interrogation, was temporarily released on 100 million toumans (approx $33,140) bail.

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Likewise there are 10s of other Iranian Baha'i prisoners who have been released on Bail but the amount not disclosed. This amount may be more than a Million US$.

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Aziz Samandari and Jinous Sobhani, a former secretary at the Defenders of Human Rights Center, were released on 11 March 2009 on bail of 700 million Rials (approximately $73,000). Didar Raoufi, Payam Aghsani and Nima Haghar were released on the same day and ordered to pay the same amount (approximately $73,000). Shahrokh Taef was released six days later on 17 March 2009 having paid the same amount (approximately $73,000) in bail.

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HRANA, April 25, 2015.

In late March, nine Bahais were arrested in Hamadan. In recent days seven of these have been released on bail, ranging from 25 to 60 million tumans (8000 to 19,500 euros / $US 9000 to 21,000).
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Bahai News (Persian), September 28, 2016.

Yashar Rezvani (یاشار رضوانی), a Bahai from Kerman who has been living in Tehran, has been freed on bail. He was arrested in a raid on his home on August 3. After over a month of solitary confinement and interrogation in Evin Prison, he was transferred to a general wing of the same prison. He is to be charged with membership of Bahai organisations. Bail was set at 200 million tumans (56,000 euros; 64,000 $US), and was apparently approved in mid-Septmber, but for some reason his actual release on bail was then delayed for 10 days.

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Bahai News (Persian), October 10, 2016.

Five of the Bahais who have been arrested in Shiraz in recent weeks have been freed on bail, which was set at 200 million tumans (approx. $US 63,600).... On October 3, the other three were among 14 Bahais who were arrested in their homes in Shiraz on the evening of September 29. Behnam Azirpour (بهنام عزیرپور), Sa`id Hosna (سعید حسنی) and Esma`il Rusta (اسماعیل روستا) have already been released on bail.

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Rich Baha'is openly violate Baha'i laws but never gets sanctioned

This coffin belongs to Hooshmand Leghaie. A Baha'i who died in China and his body was transferred to Iran. According to the Kitab-i-Aqdas a corpse can only be buried or moved one hour distance from the place the deceased died (the distance from China to Iran is much longer than one hour). Shoghi Effendi was buried in England for this exact reason. But rich Baha'is freely disobey this law of Aqdas and move the dead, they openly violate Baha'i laws and no sanctions are ever imposed on them.

Here are some examples of violators who are still Baha'i in good standing.

Hossein Danesh (NSA Member)

Jehangir Sorabjee (LSA Member)

Payam Shoghi (Ex-Counselor)

Shimon Peres gives Baha'i message to Theodor Herzl

Shimon Peres
Shimon Peres with Fariborz Sahba
Shimon Peres writes in his book :

The world headquarters of the Carmelite order is here, as is the Baha’i Shrine, with its dome of twelve thousand gold tiles. Set in the midst of the sumptuous Persian Gardens, it is without doubt Haifa’s most beautiful building. The shrine houses the remains of the founder of that religion, the Bab (meaning “the Gate”), whose full name was Mirza Ali Mohammed. In the mid-nineteenth century, this Muslim of Persian origin preached a new, universal message, offering a syncretist view of the world in which brotherhood, love, and charity are joined to the notion that all monotheistic religions are basically the same; only in their dogma do they differ. Thus the Bab viewed Babism as a normal progression of earlier monotheistic faiths. Persecuted in his native Persia, the Bab was arrested and martyred in Tabriz, upon order of the Shah, in 1850. At the time of his death, Babism counted some twenty thousand adherents. For more than half a century his followers kept his remains hidden. In the early years of the twentieth century, they purchased this plot of land on Mount Carmel as a suitably majestic place for his permanent burial.

The Bab did not proclaim himself the messiah but the herald of such a one who would be called Baha’Allah. Thirteen years later, Baha’Allah announced that he was the Promised One foretold by the Bab, and renamed the faith Baha'i. For all intents and purposes, the two faiths are one and the same.

The Baha’i movement enjoyed a spectacular growth over the century and a half since his death, and today counts roughly four million adherents worldwide.

“What made the Bab’s followers choose Haifa?” Herzl asked.

“Some people say quite by chance,” I replied, “but I believe it was because Baha’Allah was kept under house arrest in Acre by the Ottoman authorities. He lived there until 1892, and after his death his son, taking advantage of the climate of tolerance under the British mandate, established the International Baha’i Center on Mount Carmel in the 1930s... ”

“... of which the shrine, which I must say is stunning, is the crowning achievement,” Herzl finished.

“After 1948,” I went on, “the new Jewish state committed to honor the Baha’i Center. There are some three thousand Baha’i faithful who live here in Haifa today, alongside Jews, Christians, and Muslims.”

“In peace and harmony,” I thought I heard Herzl murmur. I couldn’t tell whether it was a question or a comment. Assuming it was the former, I assented, “Yes, in peace and harmony. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for Jerusalem.”

I thought Herzl would also be interested to learn that, because of that peaceful coexistence in Haifa, the city also is subject to a special statute concerning the Sabbath, which was instituted under the British mandate and still applied today: in contrast to the other cities of Israel, buses in Haifa run all day Saturday, except in certain areas, and theaters, movie houses, restaurants, and discotheques remain open on the Sabbath, unless the owners chose to close for their own religious reasons. All of which makes the city a lively place seven days a week. 

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Dr. D Gershon Lewental, an Israel Studies professor at the University of Oklahoma, gives host Gilad Halpern an overview of the Baha'i religion.

The Baha'i: Yet another world religion based in the Holy Land

Fri, 7 October 2016

Dr. D Gershon Lewental, an Israel Studies professor at the University of Oklahoma, gives host Gilad Halpern an overview of the Baha'i religion - an offshoot of Shi'a Islam that set up shop in the Holy Land (albeit not in Jerusalem, thankfully). They discuss its relationship with the local ethnic groups under the different regimes.

Song: Ethnix - Tutim

This season of the Tel Aviv Review is made possible by The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, which promotes humanistic, democratic, and liberal values in the social discourse in Israel

Direct download: TLVR_7-10-16_D_Gershon_Lewenthal_64.mp3

Category:general -- posted at: 10:28am MSK

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Baha'is get new Cemetery in Israel (Feb. 2015)

The new Baha'i Cemetery February 2015. The cemetery is located in front the lake of Galilee on slopes of the Sussita mountain near Kibbutz Ein Gev and Sussita ( the ancient city). The re-internment there on October 18, 1985, of the remains of Mirza Muhammad-Quli (the faithful half-brother of Baha'u'llah) and 11 members of his family.

The cemetery is under the auspices of the The Baha'i World Center.

Mirza Dhikrullah Muhammad Quli

בית הקברות הבהאי החדש למרגלות הסוסיתא פברואר 2015. בית הקברות המשקיף לכנרת נפתח ב18 לאוקטובר 1985 בטקס מרשים בהשתתפות צאצאיהם של המשפחה הבהאית שישבה מדרום לעין גב , נכבדי העדה בארץ ובעולם וחברי עין גב .אל החלקה הועברו 11 קברים משרידי החווה שהיתה ממוקמת בשטחים החקלאים דרומית לעין גב.
המשפחה הבהאית שמוצאה מפרס הגיעה למזרח הכנרת בסוף המאה 19 וחיה במקום עד 1948 - מלחמת השחרור. ראש המשפחה מוחמד קולי היה אחיו למחצה של הבהאא אוללה הנביא הגדול של הדת ונחשב היה לאחד הנאמנים לו. המשפחה המיוחסת המשיכה להיות מקורבת ם ליורשי הבהאא אולה עבד הבהאא ,שוגי אפנדי ושאר הנהגת העדה.בשנות קיומה במזרח הכנרת עיבדהה משפחה את אדמותיה וחלק דול מתוצרתה היתה שולחת לריכוז הבהאי בעכו ובחיפה.
האדמות הראשונות של הקיבוץ נרכשו מהמשפחה ובין 1937 ל1948 היו קשרים טובים בין חברי הקיבוץ למשפחה שכללו ביקורים הדדים יומיומים והשתתפות בשמחות .
כיום מונה בית העלמין 15 קברים והוא מתוחזק ע"י המרכז הבהאי העולמי.
אם למשהו מקוראינו יש תמונות הקשורות למשפחה הבהאית הזאת או חומרים אחרים נשמח אם תשלחו לנו.

How Soheil Abedian (Austalian Baha'i) uses his money?

The Australian
12:00AM October 1, 2016
By Michael McKenna

Federal MP Stuart Robert ­became the middleman in a bid to secure a statement from an Aust­ralian detained in Dubai over a soured property deal to help a Gold Coast developer and Liberal Party donor.

Mr Robert, dumped from the Turnbull ministry last year over links to donors, briefly acted as a broker in 2013 for Sunland boss Soheil Abedian to elicit a supporting statement from Australian Marcus Lee over a dispute involving the developer in Dubai.

At the time, Mr Lee and fellow Australian Matthew Joyce had been detained without trial in Dubai for almost four years after the developer gave evidence against them.

In early 2013, the Gold Coast MP acted as the intermediary ­between friends of Mr Lee and Mr Abedian, who purportedly ­offered to write a letter to prosecut­ors in Dubai to help ­secure his release in exchange for a statutory declaration from the Australian.

Just months earlier in parliament, the federal MP and friend of Mr Abedian had defended Sunland, which he described as a “solid Australian citizen’’.

It has emerged that the speech was largely lifted from briefing notes supplied by Sunland’s then lobbyist Simone Holzapfel, who donated $114,000 to Mr Robert’s fundraising entity in 2013.

Emails obtained by The Weekend Australian show Mr Robert and Mr Lee’s friend, Rosemary Adam, discussing the deal to ­secure a statutory declaration for the developer.

“I’ve spoken again to Soheil and he would like the statutory declaration please,’’ Mr Robert wrote on February 13, 2013. “Can I also sound a quick note personally that I think time is now running out for Marcus to have a bargaining chip, as it were.’’

Mr Robert yesterday defended his involvement in the proposal, which didn’t go ahead after Mr Lee refused to be a “bargaining chip’’ or give a statement about dealings of which he had no knowledge.

“I was approached by a friend of Marcus (after the speech in parliament) and I acted as a postbox between the two parties; that was all I did,’’ Mr Robert said.

Mr Joyce and Mr Lee were released by the United Arab Emirates government in December 2013, after almost five years in jail and home detention over a property deal gone wrong.

Their case was tested in a paral­­lel case in the Victorian Sup­reme Court in 2012, with a damn­ing ruling against Sunland, which was found to have had a “wilful disregard of known facts”.

Official declarations show the Sunland Group donated more than $35,000 to the Liberal National Party at fundraising events and in donations between 2013 and last year.

Mr Robert this week dismissed Labor attacks of “cash for comment’’ over his 2012 defence of Sunland after it emerged his speech in parliament was largely lifted from briefing notes supplied by Ms Holzapfel, a former longtime adviser of Tony Abbott.

Months after Mr Robert ­delivered the speech, Ms ­Holz­apfel gave more than $110,000 of her “own money’’ to Mr Robert’s fundraising entity, the Fadden Forum.

It was revealed by The Australian this week that Ms Holzapfel owed more than $430,000, ­including $355,000 to the Australian Taxation Office, when she donated $114,000 in 12 separate payments in mid-2013, ahead of the federal election.

Read remaining part here :