The Baha'i way of Purification of "Sacred International Edowments" - From Baha'i writings

Following the establishment of the state of Israel, the government proceeded to identify the holy places of all of the religions in the Holy Land, and to officially recognize them. The Shrine of Baha'u'llah was one of these officially-designated Holy Places. I heard, though I do not recall from whom, that Mr. Ioas learned that the government of Israel had passed a law prohibiting residential dwellings within a certain number of meters from a designated holy place.  He informed Shoghi Effendi of this, and stated that perhaps the Covenant-breaker dwelling could be removed.  The Guardian asked, (paraphrasing, not his exact words), “Leroy, do you really think you could do this?”  Mr. Ioas answered that he could not; however, he knew that God assisted everything Shoghi Effendi wanted done, and if Shoghi Effendi told Mr. Ioas to do it, he knew that it could be accomplished.  Shoghi Effendi then told him to proceed, and said that it would be a miracle to get the Covenant-breakers out.

“When Leroy was given this assignment, the Guardian said to him, 'Everything you have done up to now, including your work on the Shrine of the Bab, is as silver, whereas removing the Covenant-breakers from Bahji, and securing the buildings and lands for the Faith, will be as gold.'  (Leroy Ioas, p. 194)

Building on the Right Side. Click to enlarge.

This photograph, taken on the occasion of the believers praying at the Shrine of Baha'u'llah following the Ascension of Abdu'l-Baha, clearly shows the building under discussion. On the right is the Shrine of Baha'u'llah.  Behind it, not visible in this picture, is the Mansion of Bahji. In the center of the photograph is the apartment house that was occupied by the Covenant-breakers. It was this dwelling that was finally brought into the hands of the Faith in 1957 through the confirmations of God that attended the efforts of Mr. Ioas; and which was destroyed by the Hands of the Cause following their first conclave in December, 1957.

This was not merely removal of an ugly building from otherwise beautiful gardens, nor merely the eviction of undesirables. This represented the death-blow to the violators of the Covenant. Their violation of the Ark of the Testament -- the Will and Testament of Baha'u'llah establishing His Covenant-- was prophesied in the Bible, as explained by Abdu'l-Baha here....

The joy of Shoghi Effendi at the successful accomplishment of this is evident in his message to the Baha'i world:

“With feelings of profound joy, exultation and thankfulness, announce on morrow of sixty-fifth Anniversary of Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh, signal, epoch-making victory won over the ignoble band of breakers of His Covenant which, in the course of over six decades, has entrenched itself in the precincts of the Most Holy Shrine of the Bahá'í world...”

Shoghi Effendi, Messages to the Baha'i World - 1950-1957, p. 120)

Later in November 1965 the UHJ desecrated the grave of Abdul Baha's brother (who was accused of Covenant Breaking) and thus declared the Baha'i World :


In honor of his services (Demolishing the House of Covenant Breakers), Mr. Ioas was given the inestimable gift of having a door of the Shrine of the Bab named after him by Shoghi Effendi.

Pure and Impure in the Baha'i Faith !?

"Verily, all created things were immersed in the sea of purification when, on that first day of Ridvan, We shed upon the whole of creation the splendours of Our most excellent Names and Our most exalted Attributes." (Baha'u'llah, Kitab-i-Aqdas, para 75)

But somehow, even though feces is pure but covenant-breakers are impure contamination, and some poor covenant breaker buried beside Baha'u'llah is removed from his grave and the UHJ calls this act "purifying" Baha'u'llah's grave from "contamination":

Here is a discussion from REDDIT - EXBAHAI. Enjoy !

You are conflating several different things to promote your anti-Baha'i agenda. There are probably lots of legitimate criticisms of the Faith, but this isn't one of them. First, semantics, purity as a matter of fundamental character is different from sanitary as a physical quality. See Impure Things (Najasat). Surely, you must acknowledge that even feces can be handled (in hospitals, other places where it's necessary) in today world without causing the type of problems that would have existed in the past. Therefore, being afraid of feces doesn't make sense, neither would a label like "unpure" be necessary, as people are educated about bacteria, etc.

Covenant breakers on the other hand, according to Baha'is, have a spiritual disease. They are, therefore, spiritually unpure. An atheist would probably argue that spiritual diseases don't exist, and there is no such thing as being spiritually pure or unpure. Therefore, you could argue if you didn't believe in spiritual things, that the removal was largely ceremonial, and that Baha'is following their religion have every right to make such a choice.

Lastly, if you feel sorry for that particular individual you might take comfort in knowing that "After his death ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said that He had forgiven him." Source
There are probably lots of legitimate criticisms of the Faith
Thanks for confirming that Baha'ism is flawed.
First, semantics, purity as a matter of fundamental character is different from sanitary as a physical quality. See Impure Things (Najasat). Surely, you must acknowledge that even feces can be handled (in hospitals, other places where it's necessary) in today world without causing the type of problems that would have existed in the past. Therefore, being afraid of feces doesn't make sense, neither would a label like "unpure" be necessary, as people are educated about bacteria, etc.
I never spoke about sanitation. According to the link you provided, both feces and infidels are considered impure (najis) in Islam. But somehow, you believe that feces is now considered pure, but that poor dude that was buried next to Baha'u'llah is an impure contamination. Your belief contradicts Baha'u'llahs statement that: "all created things were immersed in the sea of purification." I am sure you understand that "all created things" encompasses feces, infidels, covenant-breakers, material, and spiritual things alike.
Covenant breakers on the other hand, according to Baha'is, have a spiritual disease. They are, therefore, spiritually unpure.
As I said, the statement, "all created things were immersed in the sea of purification," encompasses everything including covenant-breakers, material, and spiritual things. You are openly opposing Baha'u'llah's teachings by claiming covenant-breakers are impure.
Lastly, if you feel sorry for that particular individual you might take comfort in knowing that "After his death ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said that He had forgiven him."
Well, congratulations to the UHJ for going full retard by referring to someone Abddu'l-Baha claims he has forgiven as a "contamination" that must be "purified".
It's interesting how hard you try to make the Baha'i Faith seem bad.
Thanks for confirming that Baha'ism is flawed.
If I criticized a certain mathematician who said 2+2=4 does that mean his math is wrong? Just because you can criticize something doesn't mean it's wrong, perhaps it is your own understanding is flawed. Also, let's say I did say it was flawed, the fact that you would take my word on that as a random person on the internet reveals how much you need it to be true.
Why are you attacking ex babah'is in and exBah'i forum? Are you a baha'i Mole. did you notice this forum is "for those who left the faith?" Why dont you take your pro baha'i vibe to a pro bahai forum?
It's interesting how hard you try to make the Baha'i Faith seem bad.
I'm not even trying.
If I criticized a certain mathematician who said 2+2=4 does that mean his math is wrong? Just because you can criticize something doesn't mean it's wrong, perhaps it is your own understanding is flawed. Also, let's say I did say it was flawed, the fact that you would take my word on that as a random person on the internet reveals how much you need it to be true.
The mathematician you are referring to claims 2+2 = 5. That is what makes him a failure and what is being criticized.
And BTW, I was not speaking with random guy on the internet. I was speaking with a devout Baha'is who also happens to be the MOD of /r/Baha'i who thinks Baha'ism is perfect and at the same time believes that it contains many stuff that are legitimately worthy of criticism, which makes Baha'ism imperfect and flawed. That is just sad...
The mathematician you are referring to claims 2+2 = 5. That is what makes him a failure and what is being criticized.
The point of the analogy was just that things that are true can be criticized by others who do not believe them. And that criticism doesn't make something false.
And admitting that the Baha'i Faith can be criticized is not a weakness as you are trying to make it be. Islam would benefit from such an attitude, and certainly if more Muslims were open to their faith being criticized, or even be able to admit certain things are worthy of criticism, fewer people would die in senseless attacks, or be berated while trying to give a lecture, and another. Sad indeed.
If some belief has many things that are worthy of legitimate criticism, then that belief is imperfect and flawed. No reasonable person would state that a perfect flawless belief is worthy of legitimate criticism. In case you don't know the meaning of "criticize", here is the definition from the Concise Oxford Dictionary: "disapprovingly indicate the faults of."
So, congratulations for believing in a faith that you admit has many faults.
How can you defend that position when it leads to the actions I linked above? And if you read what I actually wrote, you'll see that I never said I believed such criticisms myself.
Also, since you brought it up, I think this a more accepted definition of criticize:
the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes.
Lastly, my use of the word "legitimate" seems to have confused you. I used the word to contrast what you had written with other arguments against the Faith. I would consider any criticism of the Faith based on its actual teachings to be legitimate, but a criticism like yours that is based on misrepresentation and confluence of different ideas to be not legitimate.
Yeah yeah, misrepresentations like the infallible UHJ calling a dude that Abdu'l-Baha claims he had forgiven as a contamination that Baha'u'llah's grave had to be purified from... and all this after Baha'u'llah had explicitly stated that by his revelation "all created things were immersed in the sea of purification".

Baha'i Principle : Independent Investigation of Truth - EXPOSED

1- Baha'is must become deaf and blind and only hear and listen to Baha'u'llah and only take knowledge from him:

“Blind thine eyes, that thou mayest behold My beauty; stop thine ears, that thou mayest hearken unto the sweet melody of My voice; empty thyself of all learning, that thou mayest partake of My knowledge; and sanctify thyself from riches, that thou mayest obtain a lasting share from the ocean of My eternal wealth. Blind thine eyes, that is, to all save My beauty; stop thine ears to all save My word; empty thyself of all learning save the knowledge of Me; that with a clear vision, a pure heart and an attentive ear thou mayest enter the court of My holiness,” Baha’u’llah, The Hidden Words of Baha’u’llah (US Baha’i Publishing Trust, 1985 [reprint]), p. 25.

2- I f someone doesn't like Baha'u'llah and he brings proof against Baha'ism from all books, Baha'is must not only ignore him but must also shun him:

“‘Therefore, it is incumbent upon all the friends of God to shun any person in whom they perceive the emanation of hatred for the Glorious Beauty of Abha, though he may quote all the Heavenly Utterances and cling to all the Books.’ He continues—Glorious be His Name!—‘Protect yourselves with utmost vigilance, lest you be entrapped in the snare of deception and fraud. This is the advice of the Pen of Destiny,’ Abdu’l-Baha, Baha’i World Faith—Selected Writings of Baha’u’llah and Abdu’l-Baha (`Abdu’l-Baha’s Section Only), pp. 430–431.

3- If you ask a question to investigate the truth about a matter Baha'is don't like you will not receive an answer but a beating, and then they'll slander you and throw all sorts of accusations at you:

One day in the birúní[outer section] of the blessed House of Haifa, He [‘Abdu’l-Bahá] stated, “I have forgotten my handkerchief.” One of the friends who was known as Ustád Muhammad-‘Alí Banná, remarked to this effect, “How is it possible for the manifestation of Truth to forget anything?” Immediately, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá slapped him and stated, “Over forgetting a handkerchief that man puts a hundred souls to test.” (Ahang Rabbani, A Lifetime with `Abdu'l-Bahá: Reminiscences of Khalíl Shahídí, pp. 100-101)

4- If after independent investigation you reach the conclusion that Baha'u'llah or one of his successors is a fraud then you are suffering from spiritual leprosy and you are a hater of light. You will be labelled a covenant breaker and treated like the scum of the earth, all for practicing your right of investigating the truth:

“It is better not to read books by Covenant-breakers because they are haters of the Light, sufferers from a spiritual leprosy, so to speak. But books by well-meaning yet unenlightened enemies of the Cause can be read so as to refute their charges,” (Helen Bassett Hornby, Lights of Guidance: A Baha’i Reference File, chap. XII, no. 628.)

"...Covenant-breaking is truly a spiritual disease, and the whole view-point and attitude of a Covenant-breaker is so poisonous that the Master likened it to leprosy, and warned the friends to breathe the same air was dangerous. This should not be taken literally; He meant when you are close enough to breathe the same air you are close enough to contact their corrupting influence. Your sister should never imagine she, loyal and devoted, has become a 'carrier'." (From a letter written on behalf of the Guardian to an individual believer, July 29, 1946, in Lights of Guidance, no. 602)

"...Thou hadst asked some questions; that why the blessed and spiritual souls, who are firm and steadfast, shun the company of degenerate persons. This is because, that just as the bodily diseases like consumption and cancer are contagious, likewise the spiritual diseases are also infectious. If a consumptive should associate with a thousand safe and healthy persons, the safety and health of these thousand persons would not affect the consumptive and would not cure him of his consumption. But when this consumptive associates with those thousand souls, in a short time the disease of consumption will infect a number of those healthy persons. This is a clear and self-evident question." ('Abdu'l-Bahá: Tablet to an individual believer, October 1921: Star of the West, Vol. XII, No. 14, p. 233, in Lights of Guidance, no. 603)

5- To help people in their quest for the independent search for truth about Baha'ism, the vast majority of the scripture is locked up in some archive in Israel where immediate access is given to the public and all text have been translated to all major languages in the world. The translations are neither biased nor based on cherry picked quotes. (sarcasm ends here)

Is that enough?

Source :

Some great works on Babi and Baha'i History as recommended by Frederick Glaysher

Frederick Glaysher
(a renowned Ex-Baha'i scholar who believes that
Baha'i faith should be reformed)

Studies of Babi and Bahai history have long suffered from hagiography, apologetics, and revisionism. Most of the works listed below avoid such shortcomings, are objective, critical, scholarly books and articles, and offer a fresh approach for the 21st Century.
A cautionary note on a popular Bahai novel. Historians and scholars of ability have been universal in their criticism of The Dawn-Breakers, as in Dr. Denis MacEoin's article below. Properly speaking, Shoghi Effendi turned Nabil's brief 70-page narrative of Babi history into a vaguely historical romance of over 700 pages, ignoring that much of the actual teaching and practice of the Bab was emphatically condemned and repudiated by both Baha'u'llah ("The excesses of some at the beginning of the cause were like devastating, ruinous winds that cast down the saplings of trust and hope") and Abdul-Baha ("The decree of the Bayan was the striking of necks, the burning of books and papers, the destruction of shrines, and the universal slaughter of all save those who believed and were faithful").

Far from idealizing and misrepresenting Babism, the Reform Bahai Faith is based on the actual history, words, and interpretations of Baha'u'llah and Abdul-Baha, not the Bab or a Shiite imamate clothed in more Western language as a "guardian."
Abbas Amanat
(Baha'i Scholar who was ex-communicated by the UHJ)

Abbas Amanat, Resurrection and Renewal: The Making of the Babi Movement in Iran, 1844-1850. Cornell University Press, 1989. The first work in English that presents Babi and Bahai history in objectively modern terms.

Hippolyte Dreyfus, The Universal Religion: Bahaism, It's Rise and Social Import. 1909.

Edward Granville Browne. Materials for the Study of the Babi Religion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1919. Browne's work is especially important for preserving the historical record.

Edward Granville Browne, trans. The Tarikh-i-Jadid, or New History of Mirza 'Ali Muhammad The Bab. By Mirza Huseyn Hamadani. Translated by Edward G. Browne. Cambridge: University Press, 1893.

Edward Granville Browne. A Year Amongst the Persians. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1927. [First published A & C Black, Ltd., 1893].

Juan R. I. Cole, Modernity and the Millennium : The Genesis of the Baha'i Faith in the Nineteenth-Century Middle East. Columbia University Press, 1998. Review. Especially insightful of Baha'u'llah's response to the tension between traditional Islam and modernity. (Other assorted articles by Professor Cole are available on Documents on Baha'i History and Thought.

Abul Fazl Gulpaygan, The Brilliant Proof, 1912.

Denis Martin MacEoin
Left Baha'i faith after completing
his research on Shaykhism & Babism
Denis Martin MacEoin, From Shaykhism to Babism: A Study in Charismatic Renewal in Shi'i Islam. 1979 dissertation. A scholar of outstanding intellectual integrity, perhaps the most independent, modern view of Babi and Bahai history.

Denis Martin MacEoin, From Babism to Baha'ism: Problems of Militancy, Quietism, and Conflation in the Construction of a Religion. Religion Vol. 13 (1983): 219-55.

Sen McGlinn, Church and State: A Postmodern Political Theology. University of Leiden, 2005. Review. Though flawed in some particulars, McGlinn's book offers a fresh approach to Baha'u'llah's Teachings for the 21st century.

Other Languages:

Jenabe Fazel Mazandarani. History of the Manifestation of Truth (Tarikh-i Zuhur al-Haqq). Nine Volumes. Written in Farsi. Jenabe Fazel's work was suppressed after the 3rd volume for presenting an independent, scholarly understanding of Babi and Bahai history. See his translated talks to American Bahais during the early 1920s.

The works of Ayati, Husayn "Avarih" might also be of special importance since he was "excommunicated" by at least one Bahai denomination. Kashf al-Hiyal. Volume 1. Volume 2. Volume 3.Tehran: Kitabfurushi-yi `Ilmi, 1326/1947.

Ayati, Husayne "Avarih." al-Kawakib ad-Durriyyah [Brilliant Stars]. Volume 1. Volume 2.(Cairo: Matba`at as-Sa`adah, 1923-1924).

The Babi Calendar !!!

Click to read the answer

The Báb has regarded the solar year, of 365 days, 5 hours, and fifty odd minutes, as consisting of 19 months of 19 days each, with the addition of certain intercalary days. He has named the New Year's Day, which is the day of Náw-Rúz, the day of Bahá, of the month of Bahá. He has ordained the month of `Alá' to be the month of fasting, and has decreed that the day of Náw-Rúz should mark the termination of that period. As the Báb did not specifically define the place for the four days and the fraction of a day in the Badí` Calendar, the people of the Bayán were at a loss as to how they should regard them.The revelation of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas in the city of `Akká resolved this problem and settled the issue. Bahá`u'lláh designated those days as the Ayyám-i-Há and ordained that they should immediately precede the month of `Alá', which is the month of fasting. He enjoined upon His followers to devote these days to feasting, rejoicing, and charity. Immediately upon the termination of these intercalary days, Bahá`u'lláh ordained the month of fasting to begin. I have heard it stated that some of the people of the Bayán, the followers of Mírzá Yahyá, have regarded these intercalary days as coming immediately after the month of `Alá', thus terminating their fast five days before the day of Náw-Rúz.This, notwithstanding the explicit text of the Bayán which states that the day of Náw-Rúz must needs be the first day of the month of Bahá, and must follow immediately after the last day of the month of `Alá'. Others, aware of this contradiction, have started their fasting on the fifth day of the month of `Alá', and included the intercalary days within the period of fasting.

Every fourth year the number of the intercalary days is raised from four to five. The day of Náw-Rúz falls on the 21st of March only if the vernal Equinox precedes the setting of the sun on that day. Should the vernal Equinox take place after sunset, Náw-Rúz will have to be celebrated on the following day.

The Báb has, moreover, in His Writings revealed in the Arabic tongue, divided the years following the date of His Revelation into cycles of nineteen years each. The names of the years in each cycle are as follows:

1. Alif A.
2. Bá' B.
3. Ab Father.
4. Dál D.
5. Báb Gate.
6. Váv V.
7. Abad Eternity.
8. Jád Generosity.
9. Bahá Splendour.
10. Hubb Love.
11. Baháj Delightful.
12. Javáb Answer.
13. Ahad Single.
14. Vahháb Bountiful.
15. Vidád Affection.
16. Badí' Beginning.
17. Bahí Luminous.
18. Abhá Most Luminous.
19. Váhid Unity.

Each cycle of nineteen years is called a Váhid. Nineteen cycles constitute a period called Kull-i-Shay'. The numerical value of the word Váhid is nineteen, that of Kull-i-Shay' is 361. Váhid signifies unity, and is symbolic of the unity of God.

For instance, the date of the 21st of April, 1930, which is the first day of Ridván, and which according to the Kitáb-i-Aqdas must coincide with the `thirteenth day of the second Bahá'í month,' and which fell this year (1930) on Monday, would, according to the system of the Badí` Calendar, be described as follows: `The day of Kamál, the day of Qudrat, of the month of Jalál, of the year Baháj, of the fifth Váhid, of the first Kull-i-Shay'.'

Shoghi Effendi was a Homosexual !? From the book of Abdul Baha's secretary

Shoghi Effendi with his "Friend" Dr. Zia Baghdadi
Fadlullah Muhtadi (Subhi), (see here: The Baha'i Faith: Its History and Teachings) who was a trusted secretary of Abdu'l-Baha for years and a missionary, claims he had caught shoghi indulged in sodomy.

Since Subhi was excommunicated, Baha'is treat him like trash and try to discredit him, but historically speaking, his accounts seem to be genuine and there is no reason to believe that he made this up.

This is what he says on p. 145 of his book 'payam-i pedar':

"شبي با او و دکتر ضياء بغدادي فرزند يکي از بهائيان نامور که در امريکا کارش پزشکي بود و براي ديدار عبدالبهاء به حيفا آمده بود در عکا گرد هم بوديم و شوخي‏هائي که جوانان يکه [=مجرد] مي‏کنند مي‏کرديم، در ميان گفتگو من براي کاري از اطاق بيرون رفتم و بازگشتم در بازگشت ديدم دکتر ضيا کار ناشايستي کرده.... من برآشفتم و گفتم: دکتر! اين چه کاري است که مي‏کني؟ شوقي رو به من کرد و گفت اگر تو هم مردي داري نشان بده!! ماننده‏ي اين سخنان و کارها چند بار از او شنيدم و ديدم و دريافتم که بايد کمبودي داشته باشد. "

"One night I was with him (meaning Shoghi) and Doctor Zia Baghdadi who was the son of a famous Baha'i who practiced medicine in America and had come to visit Abdu'l-Baha in Haifa. We were hanging around in Acre and were fooling about humorously like teenagers. While we were conversing I left the room to attend to some matters and and when I returned I observed that Doctor Zia had committed an unrighteous act... I was outraged and said: Doctor! What is this deed that you are doing?! Shoghi turned to me and said: "If you have manhood too then show it." I saw many similar acts and heard [similar] words from him many times and perceived that he must be lacking something."

Abdul Baha's failed prophecy : All Iranian Jews will soon convert to Baha'ism

Iranian Jews pray at the tomb of Harav Oursharga, one of the holiest Jewish sites in Iran, in the city of Yazd 420 miles (676 kilometers) south of capital Tehran. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi) - 2014
In one of his letters on the occasion of the death of a number of Baha’is in Yazd and Isfahan, Abdu’l-Baha tries to blame the Scholars of Iran for their death and claims these deaths were the result of the Jealousy of Shia scholars due to the massive conversion of Persians to Baha’ism. This is what he states in a section of this letter that is part of the suppressed Baha’i texts that Baha’is simply refuse to translate to English:

“In summary, in these days the scholars of the Shia [belief], meaning the former religion of Iran, noticed that the call of God has been raised, and the East and West have stirred, the lights of the sun of truth have spread to such an extent that the eyes have become illuminated, the flag of the cause of God has been hoisted, the people enter by troops under the word of God (i.e. they are converting to Baha’ism), and the Shia have become Baha’is. Even the Israelites (Jews) are so excited and astonished that soon not a single one of them will remain in Iran but that he will be guided to the highest guidance (i.e. he would become a Baha’i). Also the majority of the Parsis (Zoroastrians), who are the ancient people of Iran and deny all the Prophets like Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad), testify and admit that all Books, Messengers, and Divine Prophets [are legitimate] and with the utmost truthfulness and serenity have become Baha’is. This has become a source of animosity and jealousy for the evil scholars…” (Abdu’l-Baha, Makatib [Letters], vol. 3, pp. 124-125)
The aforementioned paragraph is replete with false statements:
1- Shia Islam is called the “former religion of Iran” thus making it seem that Baha’ism is now officially the religion of Iranians and most of the population have converted to Baha’ism. The intention to induce such a meaning is evident from what Abdu’l-baha states in the remainder of the paragraph.
2- It is stated that “the people enter by troops under the word of God (i.e. they are converting to Baha’ism), and the Shia have become Baha’is.” This is also false because the percentage of Baha’i converts in Iran among the population was minute and still is.
3- He claims “Even the Israelites (Jews) are so excited and astonished that ere long not a single one of them will remain in Iran but that he will be guided to the highest guidance (i.e. they will all become Baha’is).” This is obviously false and a failed prophecy because more than a century has passed since this claim was made but Iran still retains the second-highest Jewish population in the middle-east.
4- He also claims that the majority of Zoroastrians are now Baha’is. The falsity of this sentence is self-evident and needs no further explanation.
If one were to read these statements in light of Baha’i claims about the station of Abdu’l-Baha, including the infallibility of his Pen,[1] his superhuman knowledge,[2] the reception of direct inspirations from Baha’u’llah,[3] his own claims about knowing everything when he wants,[4] and that whatever he says is fact,[5] it would quickly become clear that these statements are all part of a great deception.

[1] “Little wonder that from the same unerring pen there should have flowed, after Abdu’l-Baha’s memorable visit to the West” (Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha’u’llah, p. 75)
[2] “while it does not by any means justify us to assign to Him the station of Prophethood, indicates how in the person of ‘Abdu’l-Bahā the incompatible characteristics of a human nature and superhuman knowledge and perfection have been blended and are completely harmonized,” (Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha’u’llah, p. 134.)
[3] “That Abdu’l-Baha is not a Manifestation of God, that He gets His light, His inspiration and sustenance direct from the Fountain-head of the Baha’i Revelation; that He reflects even as a clear and perfect Mirror the rays of Baha’u’llah’s glory … His words are not equal in rank, though they possess an equal validity with the utterances of Baha’u’llah” (Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha’u’llah, p. 139)
[4] “No, I do not know everything. But when I need to know something, it is pictured before me,” (Stanwood Cobb, Memories of Abdu’l-Baha in In his Presence: Visits to Abdu’l-Baha (Kalimat Press, 1989), p. 60)
[5] “Many times He said, `I do not make a claim of infallibility (ma'sumiyyat). I am the first of sinners (avval-i gunahkar). But the Blessed Beauty favored me with a gift (mawhibati). Whatever I say, it is that (har chih beguyam, haman ast).” (

Baha’u’llah teaches "No one should be cursed" but he curses with his own tongue.

“Verily I say, the tongue is for mentioning what is good, defile it not with unseemly talk. God hath forgiven what is past. Henceforward everyone should utter that which is meet and seemly, and should refrain from slander, abuse and whatever causeth sadness in men.” (Baha’u’llah, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh Revealed After the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, pp. 219-220)
We have already documented some instances where Baha’u’llah practices the exact opposite and directly calls his deniers animals, pigs, donkeys and bastards (here). In this article, we will document a similar contradiction in Baha’u’llah’s teachings where he curses different classes of people, contrary to his direct orders not to. In the 13th section of the Tablet of Bisharat (Glad-Tidings) Baha’u’llah prohibits his followers from cursing any soul:
“O people of Bahá! Ye are the dawning-places of the love of God and the daysprings of His loving-kindness. Defile not your tongues with the cursing and reviling of any soul.” (Baha’u’llah, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh Revealed After the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, 1988 pocket-size edition, p. 27)
Apparently this order was so important that Baha’ullah revealed it again (verbatim) in the 8th section of the Tablet of Ishráqát (Splendours, on page 129 of the same book). As we will show, Baha’u’llah blatantly ignored his own teachings and cursed his enemies, covenant breakers, and even his own followers. We will first show instances from works that have been translated to English. It must be noted that the untranslated Tablets are replete with statements where Baha’u’llah curses his deniers and enemies (these might be added at a later date).
Here is one example where he curses his enemies who killed the Bab:
“The more He exhorted them, the fiercer grew their enmity, till, at the last, they put Him to death with shameful cruelty. The curse of God be upon the oppressors!” (Baha’u’llah, Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 146)
He curses his own followers who disobey him:
“How couldst thou forget thine own faults and busy thyself with the faults of others? Whoso doeth this is accursed of Me.” (Baha’u’llah, The Kitáb-i-Aqdas, p. 182)
“Breathe not the sins of others so long as thou art thyself a sinner. Shouldst thou transgress this command, accursed wouldst thou be, and to this I bear witness.” (Baha’u’llah, The Kitáb-i-Aqdas, p. 182)
And last but not least the Covenant Breakers that are always given the worst treatment:
“The Supreme Concourse will pray for the one who is adorned with the garment of faithfulness between heaven and earth; but he who breaks the Covenant is cursed by heaven and earth.” (Bahá’í World Faith—Selected Writings of Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, pp. 435-6)
Even though he curses other people, he expresses outrage when others curse him:
“Now let us beseech God—praised be His glory—to graciously guide aright the followers of the Shí’ih sect and to purge them of unseemly conduct. From the lips of the members of this sect foul imprecations fall unceasingly, while they invoke the word ‘Mal’ún’ (accursed)—uttered with a guttural sound of the letter ‘ayn—as their daily relish.” (Baha’u’llah, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh Revealed After the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, 1988 pocket-size edition, p. 92)
(The attitude attributed to the Shi’ih sect is merely Baha’u’llah’s claim. Some from this group might have cursed him but how Baha’u’llah narrates it is a gross exaggeration). This kind of hypocritical behavior displayed by Baha’u’llah is one that has always been detested in the Divine scriptures:
“Do you order the people to do good but forget about yourselves whilst you read the Book! Do you not use your reason!” (Quran 2:44)
“You, then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal? You who say that people should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery?” (Romans 2:21-22)
Actually, Baha’u’llah claims that he detests this behavior too although he applies it in action himself:
“O SON OF BEING! Ascribe not to any soul that which thou wouldst not have ascribed to thee, and say not that which thou doest not. This is My command unto thee, do thou observe it.” (Baha’u’llah, The Hidden Words of Baha’u’llah, p. 10)

Fake Baha'i Mollah and Sen McGlinn exposed once again

Fake Baha'i made Ayatollah calls ISIS our "Muslim brothers"
[–]senmcglinn (Baha'i "Scholar" whose administrative rights have been taken by UHJ)
The translation is incorrect. It is not "our Muslim brothers" it is "the Muslim Brothers of Daesh. He names them as an oppressor of minorities.
"the oppression of minorities has a long history in the contemporary Middle East ['our region'], from modernising Turkey [oppression of the Alavites, Armenians?] to Afghanistan under the Taliban; from Shiah Iran to puritanical Saudi Arabia; from the Muslim Brothers of Daesh to Bahrain -- there is no difference at all in their treatment of minorities."
The facebook page is genuine : it has been there for a long time, its content fits with what Abdolhamid Masoumi Tehrani has been reported to say and do in other media, and if it were fake there has been plenty of time for him to announce that he is being misrepresented.
The translation is incorrect. It is not "our Muslim brothers" it is "the Muslim Brothers of Daesh.
The translation of that section is correct. No one said "our Muslim brothers"! The "our" is outside the quotation marks in the title, in case you haven't noticed yet. He calls ISIS "Muslim brothers". In case you have a problem understanding the text, let me clarify for you: by brother he doesn't mean they are brothers among themselves, he means they are "our" brothers. Understood?
"the oppression of minorities has a long history in the contemporary Middle East ['our region'], from modernising Turkey [oppression of the Alavites, Armenians?] to Afghanistan under the Taliban; from Shiah Iran to puritanical Saudi Arabia; from the Muslim Brothers of Daesh to Bahrain -- there is no difference at all in their treatment of minorities."
You should work on your translation skills. This isn't the first time you have made mistakes like these. "setiz ba aqaliyatha" means "conflict with minorities" not "oppression of minorities" and "arabistane asil" means "noble Saudi Arabia" not "Puritanical Saudi Arabia." Mistakes like this aren't befitting of a Baha'i scholar... err ... I mean former Baha'i scholar, yes you were kicked out for writing stuff that the UHJ didn't like, I remember now. The central Baha'i authority expelled you for your independent investigation of the truth while they run around the internet themselves claiming one of the most important teachings of Baha'ism is "the independent investigation of the truth." Funny that they can't tolerate someone who does exactly that and kick them out. You my friend are an oppressed minority of the Haifan Baha'i order. You should go about fighting for your own rights instead of promoting a fake Ayatollah.
The Facebook page is genuine
The whole guy is a fake. But technically you are correct. It's a genuine Facebook account for a fake person.

Source :

Pathetic condition of Baha'i Faith in Singapore

By John Singapore

The Baha’i Faith was established in Singapore by the noble family of Fozdars when they settled here in 1950. Shirin Fozdar was well known throughout Singapore and Asia for her work in the cause of emancipation of women. Through the efforts of Dr and Mrs Fozdar, by 1952 there were enough Baha'is in Singapore to form the first Local Spiritual Assembly. The community grew steadily and in short span there were over 2000 Baha’is and five Local Spiritual Assemblies. The first Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Singapore was incorporated 28 July 1952. The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Singapore was established in 1972.

In less than 4 decades the situation of Baha’is have completed changed for the worst. There are no active Baha’is, no functioning LSA - leave alone NSA, thanks to the Secretary Mrs. Lilith Nambiar. And the results are clear for everyone to see as there are hardly any new "souls" coming in and only 2-3 people declared their allegiance to Baha'u'llah in last 12 months.

Every day I wake up in the morning and ask myself is there something I can do for the faith today? I have been a devoted believer for my entire life and I make sure that I say my obligatory prayers daily and pray and seek help from Baha'u'llah.

I always think what are the innovative methods to attract the people to our faith? what are the methods by which we can get the people to know and embrace the faith? However the NSA and local LSAs are going blind folded ahead and asking believers to focus only on the core activities and to forget about the Holy writings the words of God.

I feel we should have more of fire sides and have youth gathering so as to still in them the Love of Baha'u'llah. We should immediately stop the Ruhi curriculum which is absolutely tasteless and boring.

To give a few incidences of the state of Affair in Singapore:

Baha’i university students were motivated to attend the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity seminars held in Malaysia annually. But unfortunately only 2 youth from Singapore have attended the program so far.

The Youth Conference in Port Dickson, one of the many called for by the Universal House of Justice, was a big failure with mismanagement from the Counsellor Dr. Lee Lee Loh Ludher. Although NSA took all the efforts to increase the participation of Youths but failed miserably.

The Summer School Task-force was absolutely defunct because nobody wanted to work on it. The credit should go to Lee Ludher, Ms. Sona and Mrs. Khamsi.

The once vibrant community is slowly losing its sheen and glory and we are hardly few people left. How far we can carry on with this decline to be seen otherwise we will also join the great league of our forefathers whose communities are now reduced to a few souls and may get extinct soon!

All these things pain and trouble me a lot and I hope my interfaith activities and suggestions are accepted and only then the Baha’i community will be rejuvenated.

To arrest the decline of the Baha’i Faith and elsewhere, the following drawbacks should be eliminated. This will be all the more helpful and results will flow soon, otherwise we may just sink like the TITANIC.

  • The UHJ should accept that the Ruhi curriculum has failed miserably and they should revert to Holy Scriptures only.
  • The UHJ should come out clean in the Election process at the world centre and at the National level. The Ruhi brigade should be expelled immediately like Mr. Arbab.
  • The UHJ should keep forward the exact number of Baha’is in every country they should not make use of fake sites made by themselves and say the Christians have done it.
  • The UHJ should stop the pop culture developing in every Baha’i community. They should teach the Baha’is high moral values and respect for elderly Baha’is.
  • The UHJ should explain the cause of declining Baha’is in every country. A part of which they have accepted in Ridvan Message.
  • The UHJ should explain the concept of Guardianship sincerely to the Baha’is, just not say do not read the materials of the Covenant Breakers. They should know that the Orthodox Baha’i group headed by Nosratullah Bahremand and the BUPC and Fredrick Glaysher's Reform Baha’i Faith and above all the Free Baha’i movements are making inroads in Baha’i ideological system
  • The UHJ should stop giving wrong informations to the Baha’is like: “To those who pause and reflect on the unfoldment of Divine Plan, it becomes impossible to ignore how the power posses by the word of God is ascendant in the hearts of every women and men, children and youth, in country after country, in cluster after cluster.” (Ridvan Message - 2013) This is absolutely untrue not just for Singapore but for every country.
  • And last but not the least, The UHJ should stop using abusive and threatening language against devoted Baha’is who sacrificed everything on the threshold of the Blessed Beauty. The UHJ should also know that there are some families which will not take their abusive languages lightly. For every action there is a reaction. 
Source :

Note : Minor corrections to the original article have been done by this blogger.

The rights of Covenant Breakers in Baha'i Faith !

One problem I had after my expulsion was visiting the shrines. Not wanting to be a cause of trouble I read the ‘ziyaratnameh’ (prayer chanted at the shrine) from a quiet street south of the Shrine of the Bab. Abdul Baha was my example. During their time at the citadel of Acre, he would climb a wall where he could face Bahji from a distance and chant the ‘ziyaratnameh’ from there. One day, I wanted to visit the shrine at Bahji. It was summer and Shoghi Effendi and Ruhiyyih Khanum were in Europe. I took the opportunity and went early one morning. Upon arrival I requested the doorman to grant me entrance, which he did. For one hour or more I was alone at the shrine, crying and pouring out my heart, seeking forgiveness from Baha’u’llah for my sins and shortcomings. Sometime later, Mr. Mansour came to my house with the message from Ruhiyyih Khanum telling me that if I went to the Shrine again orders had been given to beat me and throw me out. I do not believe that in any faith excepting Catholicism, is an excommunicated person forbidden to enter a place of worship to pray.

By RUHI MOHSEN AFNAN (Grandson of Abdul Baha)
Written in 1970

"Faithful" Baha'is slapping and insulting a "Covenant Breaker" !

Sometime after I was ‘expelled’ from the Cause and after the Bab’s shrine on Mount Carmel had been completed, a club of university graduates - chaired by an old friend of my sister’s - invited me to talk about the Cause. This I was honoured to do and at the appointed date spoke at that meeting. However, upon leaving the hall, Mr. Mohammad Baha’i and Mr. Mansour, who, at that time worked at the house of Abdul Baha (and were in the service of Shoghi Effendi) came forward, spat in my face and slapping me in the face said ‘You are an enemy of the Cause and you give talks about it!?

By RUHI MOHSEN AFNAN (Grandson of Abdul Baha)
Written in 1970

What does Ruhiyyih Khanum mean when she accuses the family of being covenant breakers?

By RUHI MOHSEN AFNAN (Grandson of Abdul Baha)
Written in 1970
Ruhi Afnan

Covenant breaking is to renege on an agreement. It is the breach of a promise made between the Sun of Reality and his followers. It specifies that after the setting of that Sun people should turn to the moon of the guardianship to obtain radiance from him. This ‘the ladies of the household’ did at the most sensitive period in the history of the Cause, neither asking for, nor expecting any remuneration from anybody. However, they certainly did not expect insults and reproach. Baha’u’llah, in the prayer to be chanted at the shrine of the Bab asks for God’s blessings upon the members of the families of both the Bab and Baha’u’llah and safety and security from the attack of enemies and the unjust, as long as godly characteristics and God’s good names are seen in them. Almost 50 years have passed, says Ruhi Afnan, writing in 1970, since the passing of the Master and three of his daughters have died. They were all human and capable of making mistakes. But none of them were guilty of covenant breaking. All of them asked for forgiveness and hoped for His mercy, but they never broke the Covenant. During periods of great sensitivity and danger their faith and belief in the Sun of Reality and their loyalty to the will of Abdul Baha and the Guardianship of Shoghi Effendi was clear and evident. They endured great hardship, they suffered insults and degradation, they were outcasts, lonely and alone, but unfaithful to the will of the Master, Abdul Baha, their father, they were not. Their constant hope was that godly characteristics and God’s good names should ever be present in their speech and their actions and make them worthy of God’s mercy.

In brief, essentially my mother, Touba Khanum, ill and mostly bed ridden since the passing of Abdul Baha, was ‘expelled’ because she would not ‘shun’ me when I was cast out.

Rouha Khanum, essentially was ‘expelled’ because she was keen that the Master’s wishes regarding Shoghi Effendi’s marriage to her daughter Maryam, be carried out, while Shoghi Effendi preferred Ruhiyyih Khanum.

Zia Khanum, essentially was ‘expelled’ because she was keen to find out why Ruhiyyih Khanum could not have children and arrived at the truth.

Monawar Khanum was ‘expelled’ because she received her elder sister too warmly when she returned to see Shoghi Effendi.

Had they committed a sin it was related to unquestioning obedience and not to lack of faith in the Sun of Reality and the Guardian. Their sin was that when Shoghi Effendi cast me out he considered it their duty to obey him with no whys and wherefores asked - and to distance themselves from me. However, obedience of the ‘mirrors’ that speak of the Sun of Reality is a duty when that mirror is inspired by that spiritual source and practices the principles therein enshrined. Obedience of ordinary, personal or worldly orders that caused my expulsion are outside that orbit. Here the measure of one’s faith is belief in the Sun of Reality and not in matters that don’t even have any moral aspects.

As was seen, Baha’u’llah in the opening lines of the Aqdas stated that:

‘The first duty prescribed by God for his servants is the recognition of Him who is the Dayspring of His revelation and the fountain of His laws and who represents the Godhead in both the Kingdom of his Cause and the world of creation. Whoso achieves this duty has attained unto all good, and whoso is deprived thereof has gone astray, though he be the author of every righteous deed. It behoves everyone who reaches this most sublime station, this summit of transcendent glory, to observe every ordinance of Him who is the Desire of the world.’

But, as has been mentioned, Ruhiyyih Khanum gave preference to the obedience of the ‘mirrors that spoke of Him’. She says ‘Faith and obedience are the most important factors in one’s relation to God, His Manifestation, to the Head of the Faith. One must believe even if one does not see, and even if one does not believe, one must obey.’ Obedience of the ‘mirrors that speak of Him’ is conditional upon their words conforming with the words of the Sun of Reality. Otherwise it would be wrong. And whoever places obedience before belief is wrong and that obedience is no longer mandatory. Following that line is to follow sin and sinners. It is not following the Sun of Reality, the source of all good and the means of salvation. Negation does not result in being and obscurity does not bring about manifestation.

God expresses his wishes, makes clear that which is best for humankind and shows them the means of salvation. But at the same time people are free to choose to follow that route, benefit from and enjoy its outcome, or to turn away and bear the consequences. This does not require blind obedience. Rather, it needs complete knowledge, freedom of choice and faith in the words of God. Blind obedience turns a human being into an instrument devoid of conscience or will, depriving his speech and actions of any moral content. Here action becomes worthless. In this world knowledge, insight and freedom of choice are the supreme sources of justice. Without them God’s will could not be realised. What humanity needs is the radiance of the Sun of Reality, not obedience of the Guardians. Obedience should apply to the divine characteristics and qualities that are seen in them. Only divine radiance should shine in their hearts to make them worthy of leadership. Obscurity and obedience produces nothing but darkness.