‘Abdu’l-Bahá - The Perfect Exemplar : He used to consume castor oil for his constipations.

In his writings Baha'u'llah instructed all the Baha'is to turn to his eldest son, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. So all the Baha'is suffering from Constipation should turn to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá for the solution.

Page 113 of "With ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Reminiscences of Khalíl Shahídí"
Check the Red Part - For some reasons Ahang Rabbani left it untranslated...!
The untranslated section (marked above) reads as follows :

حضرت عبدالبهاء گاهی اوقات محض تخلیه ی از فضول و اعتدال مزاج، فقط روغن کرچک را اختیار می فرمودند با پرهیز.

Translation :

"His highness ‘Abdu’l-Bahá for the defection of feces and the health of his bowels would only use castor oil along with abstinence"

This may be the reason for his obesity. He also used to smoke Cigarettes gifted to him by Western Pilgrims.

‘Abdu’l-Bahá and his fat belly.

Caught Red Handed: How Ahang Rabbani Exposed the Censoring and Information Control Method in Baha’i Publications

Dr. Ahang Rabbani in Iran
UPDATE: Ahang Rabbani had made a number of distortions in the translation of the current work to hide nasty things that Abdu'l-Baha had said. This has been documented here.

Dr. Ahang Rabbani, the celebrated and prominent Baha’i scholar and translator, passed away in 2013 leaving behind a wealth of Baha’i related works and translations. These works are mostly the memoirs of trusted Baha’i eyewitnesses who have narrated their memories and their observations during their stays with Baha’u’llah and Abdu’l-Baha.

Six Million Dollars (in 1995) for Maintaining Shrines & Gardens and 1000 Dollars for Flood Victims !?

Baha'is buying "Cheap Publicity" by donating 1000 Dollars.
February 19, 2015

Alfred Chauwa -Nyasa Times

National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahai's in Malawi on Thursday handed over relief items wealth K4.5 million (Approx. 1000 US$) towards flood victims.

Handing over the donation to the department of disaster management Chairperson of the Bahai Assembly, Richard Chatambalala said the community felt concerned with the magnitude of the devastation. (!?)

Chatambalala said the Bahai community is grateful to those who have responded positively.

Receiving the donation, under secretary, Shaupikalai Nyirenda commended Bahai community for the kind donation.

Some of the items which the Bahai donated include 250 Plastic sheets, 100 plastic buckets, 100 mosquito nets, 500 bags of maize flour, and 500 bails of Soya pieces.


See also :

Lamentations of Bani Dugal the representative of the Bahá'í International Community to the United Nations.

The servant of BIC in The United nations
Bani Dugal, the principal representative of the Bahá'í International Community to the United Nations never fails in lamenting the situation of Bahá'ís in Iran but fails to take the account of Bahá'í situation in other countries like Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Sri Lanka and so on. Her obsessions with Iran are part of the pre-paid scheme of Universal House of Justice. Fortunately the intellectuals and most governments have interpreted the strategy of Bahá'ís and pay little heed to such lamentations.

As an example, in a case filed by an Iranian Bahá'í couple in 2005 in UK to be granted ‘Refugee’ status, Bani Dugal in support of the Bahá'í couple gave evidences of Human Right violations in Iran and expressed her dismay and disappointment, at the failure of the UN Commission on Human Rights to even consider a resolution on human rights in Iran, particularly related to the persecution of the Bahá'ís. The learned judges blasted her by saying that the Bahá'í couple are not at a risk of persecution in Iran merely by reason of being a Bahá'í. They said:

“The evidence does not, however, show that the nature and prevalence of this discrimination is of such intensity and generality as to amount to persecution for the purposes of the Refugee Convention. It is significant that none of the outside observers who have had cause to consider the situation of Bahá'ís has formed the conclusion that a person is at real risk of persecution in Iran merely by reason of being a Bahá'í. That includes Bahá'ís who practice their faith. Each of the witnesses who gave evidence on behalf of the appellant and his wife were Bahá'ís. In both their oral and written utterances, they refer to the Bahá'ís as being persecuted. Whilst the use of such language is understandable, it does not compel a conclusion on the part of this Tribunal that any Iranian Bahá'í, practicing or not, who makes his or her way to the United Kingdom, should be accorded international protection.”

In the same case the judges assessed regarding the Bahá'í couple who were previously released after a brief imprisonment, on giving assurance to the Iranian authority that they will not conduct any Ruhi Institute (propagation) activity:

“Taking the appellant's account at face value for the moment, he told us that he ceased to work on behalf of the Institute, at their suggestion, after he had been released from his second sentence of imprisonment. His evidence was, however, to the effect that he had nevertheless pursued the promotion of the Bahá'í faith by means of the teaching system produced by the Ruhi Institute.”

Ms. Dugal even wrote to National Assemblies of Bahá'ís of many countries to impress upon their governments to vote in favor of the resolution adopted by western countries condemning human rights violations in Iran. But thanks to awareness of these governments, they voted against the resolution or remained absent.

Ms. Dugal should realize that these organizations and Countries are realizing the duplicity of Bahá'í Organization and have come to the conclusion that helping Bahá'í faith is not their duty but is a liability for them in near future.

Ms. Dugal’s attention is drawn towards a Facebook discussion under the subject of Israel-Gaza conflict, wherein Dr. Kavian Milani a well-known Bahá'í writer has expressed: “when Hamas knows that by throwing a missile to Israeli territories, thousands of bombs will be dropped over their people and their belongings, then Hamas is the responsible party for the massacre of Gaza”. If Dr. Milani’s logic is correct, then the same applies to the Bahá'í Faith in Iran. When as a small minority group Bahá'ís challenge the government, and call it as despotic state and condemn it in international conferences and gatherings and through frequent waves of aggressive teaching endanger the trusts, beliefs and doctrines of their people, then what reaction do you expect from a religious state? Very similar sentiments were echoed by UK judges as well.

Why the Bahá'í Administration situated at Haifa Israel are asking the Bahá'í community to contact the political leaders of their country and to put pressure on Iran to stop the alleged persecution of Bahá'ís which the UK judges have demolished the allegation?

The Bahá'í counselors are talking in every meeting at every place that Universal House of Justice has asked the Iranian Bahá'ís to go and teach the Iranians and face the consequences. Do they think that this message will not reach the Iranian authorities? Or, publicizing the case of the fake Ayatollah Tehrani, supporting the Bahá'í Faith, would not warrant a severe action by the Iranian authorities?

The reality is that the Universal House of Justice is playing against the Bahá'ís of Iran INTENTIONALLY, they want Bahá'í martyrs from Iran so that UHJ can extract more money from the Bahá'ís, gain some cheap publicity for the Faith through professional lamenters like Bani Dugal.
