Minorities’ leaders hail induction of Bhatti in cabinet

ISLAMABAD: The religious minorities, church leaders and minority members of parliament applauded the decision of inducting Shahbaz Bhatti to the newly constituted downsized federal cabinet.

They appreciated the government for giving representation to the minorities in the federal cabinet, saying, “Religious minorities play a significant role in nation building and their contribution towards the development, prosperity and integrity of the county is known to all.” Prof Mehrdad of Bahai community, Kalyan Singh of Sikh community, M Parkash of Hindu community and MNAs Ramesh Lal, Asia Nasir, Lal Chand, Dr Nelson Azeem and Rina Kumari in different statements said, “The founding father of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had envisioned Pakistan as a ‘non-discriminative state’, where people of all faiths would have equal rights, religious freedom and equal opportunities.”

All the leaders belonging to different minority communities posed their trust and confidence in the leadership of Bhatti and assured the government of their support and cooperation in the efforts to uplift and empower the marginalised religious minorities.

Complete story here :


The malady of Baha'ism

Around ten years ago I was invited to a Baha'i 'fireside' where some people from the local Doukhobor community had also been invited. The Doukhobour people shared some lovely singing. The traveling Baha'i missionary 'shared' a one hour spiel about the Baha'i Faith. At the end of that one hour spiel she broke out the conversion cards, called declaration cards by Baha'ists. I got a real sinking felling in the pit of my stomach that this was wrong. How on earth could any sane person expect someone to give up their life long religion after a one hour introduction speech?

I had to speak up. I pointed out to that traveling Baha'i missionary that proselytization is not officially allowed in Baha'i teaching and that what she was attempting to do to those Doukhobor people was convert them through proselytization. Well the shit hit the fan. That Bahah'i missionary gave me a look like she would like nothing better than to stab me through the heart. And those lovely Doukhobor people who had shared such lovely voices with us agreed, they were victims of Baha'i proselytization.

Such zealous religious practices are common among Baha'is. Also their profound ignorance of other faiths is common as well. Were those Baha'is even interested in learning about Doukhobor beliefs, no they simply used the guise of Baha'i 'fireside' as a means to hide the true purpose of that 'fireside': conversion to Baha'ism.


Larry Rowe

Baha'is lobby U.S. commission to help them survive in Iran

By Eric Marrapodi, CNN

Washington (CNN)

The religion, founded in Iran in 1844, is now considered heretical by Iranian authorities. Its 300,000 adherents in the country "may face repression on the grounds of apostasy," according to the annual report of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

On Wednesday, Iraj Kamalabadi and other Baha'is came to Washington to tell the commission just how bad things are for his sister, Fariba Kamalabadi, and six others who have been imprisoned because of their faith since 2008.

Iraj Kamalabadi was born in Iran and came to the United States for college. He stayed in the U.S. after the Iranian revolution for fear of religious persecution in his homeland. Now he is petitioning his adopted home government to step up the pressure on Iranian authorities.

Read further :

Above picture :
Sina Sabet Sarvestani, Iraj Kamalabadi, Azadeh Rohanian Perry and Kamal Khanjani (from L-R), realatives of Baha'i prisoners in Iran, tell their stories before The US Commission on International Religious Freedom

Who are true idolaters? Buddhists or Baha'is

Abdu'l-Baha's profound ignorance of Buddhist teachings and Buddhist beliefs is shown when he states:

"Many worship idols although their teaching forbids it."

If he had even a iota of knowledge to do with Buddhism he would have known that Buddhists do not worship statues and never have worshiped statues. They simply use such symbols, mandalas etc. as a means of focus.

Baha'is openly worship, show reverence to, pictures of Abdu'l-Baha as well as relics such as Baha'u'llah's blood, hair, and nail clippings. They even bow down to where Mirza Husayn Ali is buried, now who are the true idolaters?


Larry Rowe

Abdul Baha speaks about Jews & Buddhists

The real teaching of Buddha is the same as the teaching of Jesus Christ. The teachings of all the Prophets are the same in character. Now men have changed the teaching. If you look at the present practice of the Buddhist religion, you will see that there is little of the Reality left. Many worship idols although their teaching forbids it.

(Abdu'l-Baha, Abdu'l-Baha in London, p. 63)

The teaching of Buddha was like a young and beautiful child, and now it has become as an old and decrepit man. Like the aged man it cannot see, it cannot hear, it cannot remember anything. Why go so far back? Consider the laws of the Old Testament: the Jews do not follow Moses as their example nor keep his commands. So it is with many other religions.

(Abdu'l-Baha, Abdu'l-Baha in London, p. 63)

Where is all the supposed respect for past religions? Where is the desire to see reconciliation between religions?

In reality all Baha'ism is interested in is the triumphalistic supplantation of all past, in Abdu'l-Baha's own words "decrepit", religions.


Larry Rowe

الحوار المباشرمع البهائية - 1/4

المـوقع العـربي الرسمي للجماعة الإسلامية الأحمدية العالمية التلفزيون الإسلامي الأحمدي

Islam Ahmadiyya is telecasting a series of dialogues on Baha'i faith

The arabic series will be aired from :
3rd to 6th of February 2011

You can visit this website for more details :
