The Baha'i system of Government

Baha'ism has set forth a system of civil government. Claiming to be a revelation from God, it has enunciated the laws and regulations of the future State. It approves of constitutional monarchy as the best form of government, and permits republics. But this monarchy will be limited not so much by its constitution as by the law of Baha'ism and its hierarchy. Baha, in the "Kitab-ul-Akdas," the Book of Laws, directs that Baitul Adl, houses of justice, be established in every place, with nine or more members, all Baha'i men, who shall be Trustees of the Merciful, Administrators for God. In the thirteenth, of the "Glad Tidings" he says:

"The affairs of the people are placed in charge of the men of the House of Justice. They are daysprings of command (divine agents, representatives of God). They may execute what they deem advisable. It is incumbent upon all to obey them. Their souls will be inspired with divine aspiration. God will inspire them with what He willeth."

With them will lie the interpretation of points of doctrine. They must decree and judge according to Baha'i revelation. "They must gaze day and night towards that which hath been revealed from the horizon of the Supreme Pen." They shall rule by divine right. Their authority shall be absolute. Abdul Baha restates the words of Baha: [n 1 "The House of Justice must be obeyed in all things." "It is the centre of true government." "The Law of God will be invested in them, and they will render decisions." "All judgment will be from the standpoint of God's laws." "Its decisions and commands will be guarded from mistake. It will have conferred upon it infallibility." The House of Justice will have local councils, national ones, and an international one. Of the latter, Abdul Baha said in an address in New York:

"A universal or world House of Justice shall be organized. That which it orders shall be the Truth in explaining the commands of Baha'u'llah and shall be obeyed by all. All men shall be under its supervision."

Its functions are not confined to matters of faith, for Abdul Baha continues: "The House of Justice is endowed with a political as well as a religious aspect.

It embodies both aspects, and is protected by the preserving power of Baha'u'llah himself." In the political aspect it will be supreme. "The separation of the Religion and the State can only be temporary," says Dreyfus, "a momentary stage. For the present the two spheres are separate. When Baha'ism triumphs they will be united." "The House of Justice will have under its control almost the whole administration, and naturally will take the place of our municipal councils. Such has been Baha Ullah's intention. Further he clearly aims not only at a municipal House of Justice, but also at a legislative one, sitting as a national parliament and as an international tribunal." Remember that all the members are to be Baha'is. So Remey says, "There will be a union of Religion and the State -- the governments of the nations. The material laws of men will be founded and enforced according to" Baha'ism. In this politico-religious regime, the political will be subject to the religious. "The kings and rulers of the world," says Abdul Baha, "will find their true authority under the rulings of the House of Justice. It will decide between kings and kings." Baha addressed letters to kings with arrogant assumption of authority to control the civil powers.

The Houses of Justice will have large financial powers. They shall inherit all property of those dying without heirs, and one-third of that of those dying childless. One-third of all fines for crimes shall go to them. For example, in case of murder, two-thirds of the blood money shall go to the family of the murdered and one-third to the House of Justice. A tithe of nineteen-hundredths shall be given into their hands. They shall act as trustees for minors and incapables, and as a Poor Board.

They shall have civil jurisdiction, "to settle material difficulties between believers," for the protection of men, for the preservation of human honour. "If any man refuses to educate his children, the House of Justice shall do it at his expense," and "shall order all the negligent to pay" and use police powers to enforce it.

They must also interpret and administer criminal law, for Baha has "revealed" a code of laws and regulations concerning material as well as spiritual things. Abdul Baha says, "The revelations of Baha'u'llah contain all the great laws of social government." "The laws cover all points and questions of national administration." For example, in the "Kitab-ul-Akdas," the punishment for theft is prescribed: for the first offense, exile; for the second, imprisonment; for the third, branding "thief" on the forehead, "lest other countries accept him." For adultery a fine is to be paid to the House of Justice,

and for the second offense, double of the fine. Arson is made punishable by burning, etc. This fiat legislation of Baha'u'llah is to be imposed upon the parliaments of all nations. "All legislative and administrative functions," says Dreyfus, "shall assume a sacred character" under the control of the Baha'i House of Justice.

In brief, Baha'ism would set up in each town, in every country, ruling councils, and a central one universal in its sway, composed entirely of Baha'is, clothed with supreme authority, because God-given, over kings, parliaments, and peoples; councils infallible and absolute, superior to appeal or protest; deciding and exacting obedience in every department of the life of humanity -- religious, domestic, social, educational, financial, judicial, and political. It would be not an imperium in imperia, but an Empire over all. It would be a priestcraft [2] such as the world has not yet seen--a religious-political regime in which kings and presidents will go not to Canossa but to Acca, and alike hold the stirrups of Baha'i justices, and laws of parliaments will be subject to revision and veto by the Baha'i House. In it is the certainty of priestly oppression when fallible men set up their judgment as God's. The Baha'is claim to have no priests and no hierarchy. It is a question of names. Their system and laws contain the real thing, full-fledged, men mediating God's will. We may call it a Baha'iarchy, if they prefer.

Abdul Baha, recognizing the objections that will be made to the political functions of the Baha'i justices, and foreseeing difficulty with Governments, has, for the time being, directed that in America and Europe the name "House of Spirituality" or "House of Consultation" be used. But change of name does not alter the reality or change the "revelation" of Baha. The House of Justice (central) is to be set up when Abdul Baha dies, and it will assume its functions gradually as opportunity and expediency demand. Already orders have gone forth prohibiting the interpretation of the words of Baha or personal expositions of them. Already the fiat has interdicted the publication, by a Baha'i, of a tract, book, or translation on the Baha'i religion without submitting it to the censor at Acca.

The effect of the working of the Baha'i system may be realized by imagining it as set up in Persia. Suppose, for example, that the small minority of Baha'is now in Persia should become a majority, with a Baha'i Shah. Baha'ism would become the established religion. "Houses of Justice" would come into operation. What of those who remain Moslems and Christians? Fortunately Baha has abolished the law of the Bab that required their expulsion from the chief provinces of Persia and the confiscation of their property. But either the other religions must be judged by Baha'i courts, or separate courts must be set up for them. This would perpetuate the double system of courts, the urfi or civil and the shari or religio-civil courts. The latter would be entirely Baha'i and either lording it over or in conflict with the civil administration. This would be a continuation of the present confusion of Persian conditions, only with the Baha'is in control. What might the minority expect? The oppressions and anathemas received by the old Baha'is from the followers of Abdul Baha Abbas give the answer. Fortunately for the world, the universal reign of Baha'ism is not to be realized, neither is the prophecy of Abdul Baha to be fulfilled which says "that the flag of Baha'u'llah will overcome every other flag and all rulers will do homage to it."

Source :

Baha'i rift : Baha'is upset with Orthodox Baha'i Faith

Mainstream group doesn't want the name Baha'i by any other group

Read Complete story reported by :
Chicago Tribune,0,6239589.story

New link


Another group that strives to demolish Islam is the Bahais. The chief of these irreligious people is Bahaullah. He was a pupil and the caliph of a Persian named Albab Ali Muhammad. Albab used to call himself mirror. He used to say, Allah is seen in this mirror. When he died, Bahaullah became their chief and began to spread his sophistries which he termed Bahaism. Before he died, they put his son Abdulbaha Abbas in this place. Abbas took the name Ghasniyyi Azam. Abbas, who went to Europe and America, gathered more than a hundred thousand Bahais and died in 1339 A.H. [1921]. He was succeeded by his son Shawqi. He also spread the religion of Bahaism. Bahaullah used to say that he was a prophet and the great savior of the latest time. It was this pretension whereby he first smeared himself with the ignominy of blasphemy. He also said that one more prophet would come two thousand years later. According to these disbelievers, who have no proximity to Islam, nineteen is a sacred number. Their fasting practice continues for nineteen days. Each Bahai has to invite nineteen Bahais after every nineteen days. Their irreligious cult is governed by nineteen people elected for their supreme assembly which they call The House of General Justice. Each Bahai has to give each year one fifth of his earnings to this assembly. It is necessary, so they say, to marry at the age of eleven. It is forbidden to live single. It is an act of worship, according to them, to assemble together with nude women; no other acts of worship are necessary. Every sort of immorality is considered an honor.

The Bahais have eighty-eight organizations all over the world. They deceive Christians, Jews, Magians, Sikhs, Zoroastrians and Buddhists and allure them towards themselves. Their relentless enemies are Islamic savants, whom they fear most and whom they cannot stand against. They have not been able to deceive any Muslims who know and understand their faith. Though they spend millions of dollars to translate their books and publications of propaganda into forty-eight languages and to disseminate them everywhere, they remain impotent against Islam and are gradually melting away. On the other hand, in Europe, America, Africa and Australia, seventy-seven local lodges have been registered officially. They have great temples in Turkistan [in 1902] and in Chicago [in 1920]. They do not regard race or nationality. Their purpose is, like communists, to spread all over the world and to be governed by the commands of a single dictating person. They do not think of the individuals' interest. They support state capitalism.

Their temples, their organizations, their duties are written in their books which they call Aqdes and on the Inscriptions of Wills. Their belief in Allahu ta'ala and much of their information have been derived from the Islamic din. They have also many invented aspects unconformable with Islam. Their worldly points of view, which are logical and the majority of which are social, are explained under the name of religion and divine wahy.

Their namaz (ritual prayer) is a matter of standing towards Haifa and thinking of Allah. Their hajj is to go to see Bab's house in Shiraz or Bahaullah's house in Baghdad, and to read ayats is to think of Allah through the heart.

Today, the enemies of Islam in the world, especially in our country, masquerade in any disguise and praise any evil which is against Islam with falsely-adorned words in order to demolish Islam. They do not value Bahaism at all. Yet, only because it is against Islam, they write and disseminate articles which praise and boost these irreligious people and laud them to the skies.

Bahaism formed for spying

Tehran, May 20, IRNA --

A group of distinguished Iranian officials in separate interviews with IRNA on Wednesday voiced resentment over Bahaism and said it was formed with the objective of conducting espionage.
Deputy head of Majlis Article 90 Commission, Hojjatoleslam Mohammad-Ebrahim Nekounam, said here Wednesday that Bahaism was established to infiltrate Iran and create divisions among Muslims and it did its best to achieve that goal.

The MP quoted founder of the Islamic Republic and father of the Islamic Revolution, the late Imam Khomeini as saying both before and after the 1979 Islamic Revolution that Bahais do not belong to a party, rather they are a group of spies.

He said that a group affiliated to Bahaism are openly in contact with those hostile to Islam and Islamic system and they should be strongly dealt with.

He added that the group of few have links with Israel and are agents of the usurper Zionist regime acting against the Islamic Republic system.

Meanwhile, a Majlis deputy from Saveh, Hossein Islami, said Bahaism wants to create divisions among Muslims.

Islami said that weakening Islam has been the long-term goal of enemies of Islam and Bahaism was established for the same reason.

Also, a former member of the Supreme Council for Cultural Revolution Hojjatoleslam Abbasali Akhtari said support for Bahaism is in fact support for Israel.

Akhtari said support for Bahaism is like supporting Israel at the international level and anybody wishing to officially recognize Bahism will commiting treason against Islam.

Blogger's Note :

According to the colonization idea of 'divide and rule' colo­nialism has always tried to use 'religion' as the best weapon for creating disunity and dispute among the nations. Bahá’ism, the so-called religion, was created in this way by Russian and English Imperialism in 1844. Henceforth, the followers of this faith have tried their best to fulfill the very idea. Today they are perfectly rooted in Zionism and Imperialism of America and are working in collaboration with them. To know their real position and activities is one of the foremost duties of the Muslims and non-Muslims who want to be discerned with this important issue.

Though very short, this blog can help the readers to uncover the realities and facts about this sect.

The content of this Blog is taken from a book that was first published by Nashr-e Farhang-e Inqilab-e Islami, The Hague, Holland.

We wish Muslims all over the world united against all plots and conspiracies of the enemies of Islam.

International Relations Department Islamic Propagation Organization.

Introduction: Motive of this Blog

Since the early days of establishment of Islamic Republic system in the State of Iran, conspiracies have been under way by the superpowers, especially the Great Satan "America", to break up the people's resistance and to overthrow the system. So far, over 700 instances of domestic and foreign plots have been uncovered and neutralized by the alert people and the responsible organs. Extensive propaganda by the enemy through imperialistic media and Zionist news agencies, which have spread their sinister domina­tion over more than 85% of the world's propaganda activities, has been a basic pillar of such conspiracies. Aggrandizing the Bahá’i issue in Iran, falsifying facts and utilizing such methods as tools to overwhelm public opinion and to scar the holy countenance of the Islamic Revolution hold a special place in the chain link of the consecutive conspiracies by the enemies of this divine movement. In particular, in the wake of the enemies' past scandalous defeats in their plots to overthrow the government and to inflict destruction, the above issue has been valued more than ever before, and the affiliated press in different countries, especially European countries and the affiliated international associations, such as those for defense of Human Rights as well as those for defense of minorities and .... are busy day and night publishing articles and raising untruthful issues in connection with "the Iranian Bahá’is".

Although the policy adopted by the authorities of the Islamic Republic in the face of the propaganda wave is not to involve themselves in a propaganda war or neglect their noble objectives of stabilizing the system and to renovate the ruins, and on the other hand, the affiliation of this sect to imperialism is so clear and apparent and the Bahá’i issue is so negligible and unimportant that it does not call for much force, nevertheless, since the false rumors spread by the imperialist mouth-piece, together with the crocodile tears shed by pretentious western individuals and organizations for groups such as the Bahá’is and the terrorists and ... might cause some unaware people to be affected by them, we decided to state the facts and uncover the baseless ness of the enemies' unfair propaganda by preparing this booklet including the history and records of this stray faith and their destructive activities together with the relevant documents thereof.

It should be noted that in this "summary" we have not meant to attempt an overall historical and social analysis of the development of this faith, to find the roots of the causes thereof or to document the whole activities of this treacherous political party because a sufficient number of books have been written on this subject, and the existence of assemblies of the followers of this sect in various European countries and their connection with international Zionism is so clear and vivid that it obviates the need for any further explanation. Rather, our effort has been directed at mentioning their affiliation since the beginning, with due observance of the principle of "sampling", as well as proving the rightfulness of the Islamic Republic authorities' manner of confronting this imperialistic development and divulging the hostile propaganda by the Bahá’is Zionist allies, by citing and referring to ample documents in this respect.

History and Nature of Bahá’ism

With the advent of neocolonialism and the introduction of imperialists to remote countries, a flood of researchers from imperialistic governments, particularly Britain and the Czarist Russia, began pouring into Islamic countries and, under various pretexts, primarily set to learning the different dimensions of the culture of the Islamic nations and peoples. Mr. Hemfer (founder of Wahabism and the instigator of Mohammad Ben Abdul-Wahab), in his memoirs, says: "The British Foreign Minister told me that about 5000 spies and experts on cultural issues had been deployed in the remotest parts of the world to obtain sufficient intelligence on nations and their customs and traditions" (from the Memoirs of Mr. Hemfer). On the other hand, the Ottoman Empire which was gradually being weakened, had turned into a field of rivalries between the British and the Russians, each trying to pave the way for its own future domination by penetrating intellectual, political and social groups.

One of the best known conspiracies by the imperialists in this connection was this same issue of "religion making, sectarianism and creating gaps in the Muslim ranks", just as the history of coming into existence of many of the present beliefs, concepts and parties in the Islamic countries go back to those days (such as Zionism in the Middle East, Babism, Bahá’ism and Kasravism in Iran, etc.).

Bahá’ism was a rather successful experience by imperialism and the enemies of Islam, although it did not prove much benefit to its original promoter, Russia. Since its genesis, however, it has acted as a political party, opposed to Islam, disuniting people and paving the way for the superpowers' penetration into Islamic countries, especially Iran. Here, we shall endeavour to describe the background which caused the Russian government to exploit it to create a new faith called Bahá’ism.

Following the death in 1825 of Shaikh Ahmad Ahsa’i who had managed to launch a new school of thought, called Shaikhiya, in Iraq's Shia teaching centres during the tumultuous atmosphere of the time between the Osoolis (those believing in rational principles to understand the rules of scripture) and the Akhbaris (those who believed in traditional narratives without applying intellect or rational principles), the ground-work had been laid by Shaikh Ahmad Ahsa’i for misuse by imposters by virtue of omitting two precepts, namely "resurrection" and "justice", from the religious precepts and their replacement by a fourth precept called "the fourth pillar" (belief in the existence of a deputy and direct link between the Imam and the people during the Imam's absence). Following his death, his disciple, Sayyid Kazim Rashti, attempted to propagate his ideas, thereby gradually increasing the gap between the mullahs of the new sect and those of Shi'ism. Sayyid Kazim Rashti, who, according to many historians and history books, was not from Rasht but from Vladivostok in Russia and was a political agent of the Russian government, had in his class a young man from Shiraz, named "Mirza Ali Mohammad".

After Seyed Kazem's death, `Alí Muammad Shírází claimed deputyship and attracted some people around himself in Iraq. Among his disciples, there was a man by the name of Sheikh Issa Lankarani whose real name, according to his own confessions and the documents published by Czarist Russia, was Kiniaz Dolgorouki who, in the beginning, during the rule of Fat'h Ali Shah, had been an employee and a translator of the Russian Embassy in Tehran. He had then gone to Russia and, upon his return to Guilan, had introduced himself as a Muslim by the name of Issa Lankarani. Wearing the clergy attire, he went to Iraq on an intelligence mission for his government to gather intelligence about the above-mentioned circumstances in the Iraqi religious teaching centres. There he attended the classes taught by `Alí Muammad Shírází who claimed to be the deputy of the absent Imam Mahdi. This same person (by the fictitious name of Sheikh Issa) was later sent to Tehran as the Russian ambassador, at which time he supported the Bahá’i movement in Iran and, according to admissions by Bahá’is, was the cause of Bahá's release from prison.

`Alí Muammad Shírází’s psychological disorder, his strong ambitions for leadership, continual instigations by Sheikh Issa (Dolgorouki), and the susceptible circumstances created by Sayyid Kazim Rashti all united to induce Ali Mohammad to proclaim himself the justice-administering world saviour by pretending to be the "Promised Mahdi of Islam", and thereby attract the wretched and oppressed people to his beguiling mirage, which caused three civil wars in three sensitive regions of our country and shed much blood.

In his confessions in this respect, Mr. Dolgorouki has written: "... I gradually approached him and became one of his closest friends. I invited him to my house several times, where I mixed his water-pipe tobacco with Indian hemp juice and hashish. During his ecstatic moods I encouraged him to stand up against the Shia mullahs and to claim superiority."

Such circumstances gave rise to Ali Mohammad's claim of Mahdism and even prophecy and divinity and so a new sect called "Babism" (which later changed to Bahá’ism by Mírzá usayn-`Alí's claim) was created by `Alí Muammad Shírází and, in fact, under the leadership of the Russian spy. Ali Mohammad Báb's propagation of superstitious and sacreligious ideas sent him to prison. However he was released from prison by Manouchehr Khan Motamedodoleh, the governor of Isfahan who was born an Armenian and was from Georgia in Russia and, with the Russian Government's help, had penetrated the Qajar establishment as an enemy and had a deep dislike for Isfahan's Shia mullahs. Manouchehr Khan brought Báb to Isfahan and provided him with propaganda facilities. As stated in "Summarized History" by Nabil Zarandi, "Man­ouchehr Khan himself endeavoured hard to spread the faith". Dolgorouki has written in his book: "As soon as I received information that Báb had arrived in Isfahan, I wrote a friendly letter to Isfahan Governor Motamedodoleh, asking him to protect him as my good, respected friend."

As is evident, the agents of Czarist Russian government spared no effort to protect him and to spread the new faith. Even when, under pressure from Iranian mullahs and the people of Isfahan, the then Prime Minister, Mirza Aghasi, in a letter to the governor of Isfahan, ordered him to arrest and exile Báb to Maku, Manouchehr Khan refused to enforce the order. "Sayyah's Personal Memoirs", a book written by Abbas Effendi (the third Bahá’i leader), states on page 16: "... [Manouchehr Khan] sent him out of Isfahan with a group of his riders. When they reached Mourchehkhort, they were secretly ordered to return to Isfahan, where he securely sheltered him in his own house."

This fact was divulged after Manouchehr Khan's death, when Báb was exiled to Maku. After some time he was imprisoned in the Chehrig Castle, and finally in 1850, he was hanged in Tabriz after trial. Although Báb expressly repented twice, his real instigators, the Russian agents, did not allow the disturbance to die down and, even to his death, encouraged him to make baseless claims of disuniting effect.

During `Alí Muammad Shírází's imprisonment, unpleasant events took place at the hands of Babis in Zanjan. Ghazvin and Mazandaran at foreign instigation and by the makings of people such as Mirza Hossein Ali (a pleasure-seeking Iranian who took over the leadership of this new religion, claimed Babism and later claimed to be Bahá’u’lláh and even God) as well as a prostitute by the name of Qaralein. History is ashamed to relate such events. The blood of hundreds of innocent men, women and children was spilled. The political disorder at the time, the Shah's chronic illness, repercussions of the instability of his reign, the Qajar family's quarrels over the throne, the existence of ignorant and oppressive governors and incompetent clergy, prevalence of religious gains, the uprising by the Afghan people, British support for separation of the Afghani region, dispersion of Iran's 60 thousand man army as a result of British threats, expansion of the influence exercised by the Russian. British and French embassies in Iran, and riots by the people of Khorassan against the ruling prince created such an atmosphere that enabled the Babis to strengthen themselves and thereby give rise to the bloody events at Sheikh Tabassi Castle as well as the tragic events in Tabriz and Zanjan. Amir Kabir who sensed British and Russian imperialism to be behind such events, decided to crush them. However, in the wake of his death, foreign embassies proceeded with their schemes until 8 Shawal 1268 (August 1852) when the Babis tried in vain to assissinate Nassereddin Shah. Following this attempt. Mírzá usayn-`Alí was arrested, convicted and senteced to death. However, he was released from prison at the Russian ambassador's support and mediation and was saved from certain death at the recommendation of Emperor Nicoleevitch Alexander ll" (1) whereupon he was exiled to Iraq with the remnants of the Babis. During their ten years in Baghdad, they continued with their sedition, causing disunity and diversity among the Muslim community as well as committing crimes, most of which are recorded in history books. They were finally summoned to Constantinople by the Ottoman Government. The fact is that the Ottoman government initially sought to use them as a means to weaken the Iranian Government. But, as soon as it found out about their secret connections with the Russian and British embassies in Turkey, it put a stop to their activities, and finally, under pressure from the people who had grown impatient with their atrocities, it divided them into two groups, one of which, called Babia. headed by "Sobhe Azal", was exiled to Cyprus, and the other group, headed by Mirza Hossein Ali, was exiled to Akka in Palestine. The Babia group in Cyprus abandoned its activities and is now almost extinct. But Mirza Hossein Ali in Palestine, with the help of the British government, who were at war with the Ottoman gSvernment, as well as Abbas Effendi's activities and his trips to Europe and America and the support he received from the Zionists who contemplated to set up a government and to occupy Palestine, was able to set up an organization in Palestine, modelled on European political parties, at a site called "Beitol Adl" (House of Justice) in Haifa. This same establishment gradually became an authority for taking decisions on Bahá’i activities in all countries, and was turned into a fundamental pillar for establishment and entrenchment of the regime occupying Quds (Jerusalem). Following Mirza Hossein Ali's death, Abbas Effendi and Shoghi Effendi respectively took over the leadership of the affiliated party.